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From paypal.me

Hotel and Housing Help for A Homeless Human!

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I have been homeless since January 2022 when I was evicted from my first apartment in Ybor due to unemployment and health issues, for which I take full responsibility. Since then, I have endured a tumultuous and harrowing journey with several false hopes of ending my struggle, only to find...

#everybithelps #communityunity #everybitcounts #communitysupport #charity #makeadifference #supportthehomeless

22h ago

From paypal.me

Help A Disabled Man Through His Disability Leave

1 5

This is a continuation of my efforts to raise survival funds to get through my medical and financial dilemma until I can restore my Disability benefits. I am currently unemployed and unable to work due to a chronic medical condition (POTS) that causes dizziness and fainting spells whenever I...

#mutualaid #MutualAidRequest #helpfolkslive2024

on Jun 25

From paypal.me


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This is an EMERGENCY FUNDRAISING ASK for this month Our goal is $5135 by August 1st $2400 Hotel $50 Phone $530 Car $300 Food &Toiletries $1855 June deficit Ultimately we would like to get into stable housing that isn’t so expensive, but for now this is what we need to survive our housing...

on Thu, 3AM

From paypal.me

IndyPedCrisis Signs

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Indy Pedestrian Safety Crisis is documenting the ongoing pedestrian and bicyclist safety crisis happening in Indianapolis, Indiana. To inform more people about these safety issues, we're installing signs at various locations around the city. There are two types of signs: one for a location...

on Wed, 9PM

From paypal.me

Playground for disabled children in Madaba (Jordan)

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Dear all, I am currently cycling from Sardinia to Jordan for a good cause. Our cause is about to build, ship and install a playground for disabled children of the company Pozza for the association Sermig in Madaba (Jordan). I would love it if you could help me with this charity...

on Mon, 5AM

From paypal.me

Housing stability for a disabled man

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I'm Brian, a disabled man from Missouri. I've been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and have been struggling with the side effects of it as well as depression ever since. Over time, I've seen multiple family members also pass away, so I've been thinking a lot about mortality against my...

on Jun 28

From paypal.me

Bridge the Gap: Dream Fund

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Hey African community and friends of cannabis, worldwide! I'm Derrick Sumpter Jr., founder of Fyre Garden, and I'm on a mission to bridge the knowledge gap in Africa! Limited access to organic cannabis cultivation info hinders healthy growth, environmental practices, and informed...

on Jun 26

From paypal.me

Rettung vor Dublin-Abschiebung nach Rumänien

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Hallo! Das Team der Jugendhilfe FL sammelt für Rechtsanwältin-Kosten eines jungen Geflüchteten. Der junge Mann kam als Minderjähriger zu uns, und sollte nun im Dublin Verfahren nach Rumänien, das Erstaufnahmeland in Europa. Er ist durch Folter und Kriegserlebnisse stark traumatisiert, und wir...

on Jun 26

From paypal.me

Grub for Gabe

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FoDs take care of each other! We are collecting money for a DoorDash gift card for the Zentners to support them during Gabe’s time on hospice.

on Jun 26

From paypal.me

starwall is sick and needs rent assistance

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I'm a mixed native/white guy working a dead end job in a new state, making barely enough to cover rent. COVID has hit me right near the end of the month and because work was scarce this month, I'm left 600 dollars short on the payment due in less than a week. Anything helps!

on Jun 26

From paypal.me

Sapphire's final expenses

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The time has come to let Sapphire go. The vet says we've done all we can do for her. Unfortunately, we're hard up right now with Jim having only two partial paychecks from changing jobs. We could really use some help with her final expenses, which will be $385. If we can raise $505, we can have...

on Jun 25

From paypal.me

Air recon team needs drones, antennas, charging stations

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The invader buries civilians in mass graves. It kidnaps children to change their names and raise them as Russians. It relentlessly destroys apartment blocks, hospitals, schools and power plants. It engages in nuclear blackmail that puts the entire world in danger. Our friends and family at the...

on Jun 25

From paypal.me

Adontai's Relocation Fund

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In the face of adversity, resilience shines. Adontai's story is a powerful reminder of the challenges many face and the strength they muster to overcome them. Homelessness is not just a condition; it's a daily battle for survival and dignity. Adontai, currently without a home, is on the cusp of...

on Jun 25

From paypal.me

living expenses

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I am currently unemployed and need to keep paying my bills. Anything helps.

on Jun 24

From paypal.me

New Slippers and Shoes for Aspen

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Hey friends. I'll get right to it... I desperately need new shoes & slippers. This is a medical-related need; I'll explain. I am diabetic, I have a lot of medical conditions in fact. And the thing is, with diabetes, you can't safely go barefoot even around the house, especially with peripheral...

on Jun 23

From paypal.me


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ES| El 6 de mayo de 2024, Justo Fernando Barrientos prendió fuego a cuatro lesbianas en el hotel familiar donde vivían en el barrio de Barracas (Bs As, Argentina). Tras el atentado, Pamela, Roxana, y Andrea perdieron la vida. Sofía es la única sobreviviente de esta masacre lesboodiante. Ahora...

on Jun 6

From paypal.me

Help The Kirks Keep Their Home

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We're a queer couple renting from the council. One of us is openly trans. We're good neighbors, and we've never done anything wrong. Nonetheless, for reasons unknown to us, someone is making as many false reports as possible to whatever organisations to try to get rid of us. Now it's to our...

on Jun 6

From paypal.me

Kunterbuntes Neukölln on fire - Spendenpool Juni 2024

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Wir benötigen eure Unterstützung! Derzeit schockiert uns besonders, wie Jobcenter und Arbeitsagentur mit Geflüchteten umgehen. Es fühlt sich fast so an, als witterten die Rechten in den Amtsstuben Morgenluft. Sie schikanieren, was das Zeug hält! In so manch Fällen, die wir begleiten, drängt...

on Jun 4

From paypal.me


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This is an EMERGENCY FUNDRAISING ASK for this month Our goal is $3090 by July 1st That is $600 per week for hotel rent, plus $300 food, and $390 for transportation costs. Ultimately we would like to get into stable housing that isn’t so expensive, but for now this is what we need to survive...

on Jun 2

From paypal.me

Playground for disabled children in Madaba

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The little Ciubekka will cycle from Quartu Sant'Elena (Cagliari, Sardinia) to Madaba (Jordan). Together with the company Pozza from Valdagno (Vicenza, Italy) we have a dream. We dream to build, delivery and install a playground at Sermig in Madaba (Jordan). Please support if you can!

on Jun 1

From paypal.me

Support for my Ukrainian friend

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You may remember last year I have been raising money for my friend Alina and her daughter. The money we managed to gather helped her a lot during the difficult times, Alina asks us for our kindness yet again. If you could spare as little as £5, that would help her a lot! Alina with her...

on May 29

From paypal.me

Homeless Disabled Family Needs Safety

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We have 2 days to meet this goal I'm a disabled multidisciplinary artist and full-time caretaker for my elderly mother. We were unable to retain our home and now Mom, my ESA and I are living in a hotel. I am no longer able to do any work since I have no access to my PC, Guitar, Recording...

on May 28

From paypal.me

Help Inky, Ando and Lil Bit get fixed. 🙏🏻

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Hey guys. We could use your help. 3 kitties need to be fixed ASAP. One girl and Two boys... Our local vet would be preferred but the Spay and Neuter project here is quite a bit cheaper at $70 per kitty. Trying to raise at least $210 but if we can afford to go the vet for a little more it would...

on May 25

From paypal.me

Streunerkatzen Bühlertann

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Kastration und Arzt kosten der Streunerkatzen Bühlertann

on May 24

From paypal.me

Help A Disabled Man Get Through His Disability Leave

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This is a continuation of the fundraiser I have been holding for the past few months in order to raise survival and expense/bill funds for me to rely on while I await final resolution of my appeals to restore my disability payments that were inexplicably discontinued in January without...

on May 24

From paypal.me

NIGHT VISION for Ukraine 🇺🇦

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Wir sammeln derzeit in mehreren Spendenaktionen (Gesamtsumme: 15.000 €) Zubehör und Geräte für die Ukraine, die noch fehlen. Das Nachtsichtgerät PVS-7 Gen 3+ kostet 3.384 €. Es ist viel Geld, kann aber im Krieg Leben retten. Als Dankeschön für Unterstützer biete ich einen Zugangslink zu meinem...

on May 23

From paypal.me

Homeless Disabled Family Needs Safety

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I'm a disabled multidisciplinary artist and full-time caretaker for my elderly mother. We were unable to retain our home and now Mom, my ESA and I are living in a hotel. I am no longer able to do any work since I have no access to my PC, Guitar, Recording Equipment nor my art supplies. We have...

on May 21

From paypal.me


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Für unseren Freund Andrij, wollen wir einen Tanklaster und einen Pick-Up besorgen, damit er und seine Jungs besser mobil sind. Warum brauchen sie einen Tanklaster? Ihr Tanklaster hat ein winziges Fassungsvermögen hat und ist so alt, dass er noch die Mondlandung mitbekommen hat. Ein guter...

on May 19

From paypal.me

Brakes and suspension

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Hey! I can't recall ever asking for help like this but I need to do so now. I have a great 2006 Nissan that I've kept up with repairs until now. It needs suspension/struts and now a brake is grinding. (Thank you, Chicago roads.) I've only saved around $300 since I've recently moved and most...

on May 19

From paypal.me

Homeless Disabled Family Needs Safety

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I'm a disabled multidisciplinary artist and full-time caretaker for my elderly mother. We were unable to retain our home and now Mom, my ESA and I are living in a hotel. I am no longer able to do any work since I have no access to my PC, Guitar, Recording Equipment nor my art supplies. We have...

on May 17

From paypal.me

Help Kait recover & stay housed

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l've been homeless with no welfare services for the better part of a year and have been relying on crowdfunding to stay sheltered and fed in hotels/ motels. My physical and mental health are disasters - I'm disabled and recovering from respiratory infection, severe gout, and my second go-round...

on May 11

From paypal.me

Keep a disabled man housed!

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I'm Brian, and I'm disabled with multiple health problems including congestive heart failure. I have fallen behind on my rent and have a disconnect notice from the electric company. I have no local family or friends that could help, so the generosity of the outside world is all I have left. I...

on May 1

From paypal.me

Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems to Save Lives

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Together with the Toonie Tuesday team we are raising $10,000 to purchase Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems for Ukrainian defenders! This fundraiser will be match up to $10,000 by an anonymous donor! The brutal war continues, and Ukrainian lives hang in the balance. Enemy drones/FPVs pose a...

on Apr 30

From paypal.me

Emergency Housing Support for SA Survivor

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I recently was contacted by a Native mutual who just barely escaped a sexual assualt, right across the street from their apartment. Because of the assualt they are terrified, distraught and unable to work. They live in the city, and dont have alot of family support. Due to be assualted by...

on Apr 28

From paypal.me


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Trans Mutual Aid

on Apr 19

From paypal.me

Spenden für Sanoussis Begräbnis

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Wir trauern um unseren Landsmann und Freund Sanoussi, der am Sonntag eingeschlafen und nicht wieder aufgewacht ist. Wir sind sehr traurig! Sanoussi war seit 2016 in Berlin, hatte Arbeit und eine kleine Tochter hier. Gemäß dem Wunsch seiner Familie wollen wir seinen Leichnam in den Tschad...

on Apr 17

From paypal.me

Dronees to save lives

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We are fundraising to supply Ukraine with quadrocopters that will be used to save lives. The goal is to fundraise enough for 40 DJI mavic 3 PRO qudrocopters. The drones will be transferred to Ukrainian government organisations.

on Apr 17

From paypal.me

Help A Disabled Man Through His Disability Leave (60th Birthday Ed.)

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This is a continuation of the fundraiser I have been holding for the past few months in order to raise survival and expense/bill funds for me to rely on while I await final resolution of my appeals to restore my disability payments that were inexplicably discontinued in January without...

on Apr 17

From paypal.me

Homeless Disabled Family Needs Safety

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I'm a disabled multidisciplinary artist and full-time caretaker for my elderly mother. We were unable to retain our home and now Mom, my ESA and I are living in a hotel. I am no longer able to do any work since I have no access to my PC, Recording Equipment nor my art supplies. We have no means...

on Apr 15

From paypal.me

Harmata Air Recon Unit

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Video with the unit -> https://twitter.com/afilina/status/1713995350992654818 The invader buries civilians in mass graves. It kidnaps children to change their names and raise them as Russians. It relentlessly destroys apartment blocks, hospitals, schools and power plants. It engages in nuclear...

on Apr 11

From paypal.me

Homeless Disabled Family Needs Safety

0 0

I'm a disabled multidisciplinary artist and full-time caretaker for my elderly mother. We were unable to retain our home and now Mom, my ESA and I are living in a hotel. I am no longer able to do any work since I have no access to my PC, Recording Equipment nor my art supplies. We have no means...

on Apr 8

From paypal.me

Birthday Fundraiser!

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My birthday is April 10th and I would like your help to make this birthday pretty cool. My story is like most I'm struggling to make ends meet but I at least want my birthday to go smoothly. I plan to use the money to buy a phone, birthday cupcake, and a chicken sandwich. This would be enough to...

on Apr 8

From paypal.me

Tuntenhaus bleibt

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Save the Tuntenhaus! Rettet das Tuntenhaus! Tuntenhaus forever! Tuntenhaus bleibt! Die Spenden unterstützen den Kauf des Hauses. Das Tuntenhaus muss einen Eigenanteil leisten. Falls der Senat keine Ankaufsförderung und/oder weitere öffentliche Finanzierungen genehmigt, muss der gesamte...

on Apr 7

From paypal.me

Homeless Disabled Family Needs Safety

0 1

I'm a disabled multidisciplinary artist and full-time caretaker for my elderly mother. We were unable to retain our home and now Mom, my ESA and I are living in a hotel. I am no longer able to do any work since I have no access to my PC, Guitar, Recording Equipment nor my art supplies. We have...

on Mar 31

From paypal.me

Puffin's broken leg surgery

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I am Chris Frank. Puffin (cat) usually comes to group dinner nightly. I hadn't seen her for a few days. Monday afternoon, March 25, she called out from our roof, where she would jump down to the retaining wall ("dinner table"). She didn't jump down. She looked bedraggled, then I saw she was...

on Mar 27

From paypal.me

Drones to save lives

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The funds will be used to deliver DJI drones to Ukrainian government organisations. 10-20 drones will be purchased using these funds. The drones save lives and are used for surveillance, evacuation, delivery of vital supplies. The drones will be transferred to Ukrainian government organisations.

on Mar 27

From paypal.me

Help A Disabled Man Through His Disability Leave

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This is a continuation of the fundraising efforts I have been engaged in for the past three years due to my medical and employment situation. I am currently unemployed and was forced to leave my job of 20 years due to a recurring condition of constant dizzy spells leading to fainting moments...

on Mar 25

From paypal.me

Sunday Share The Love and Shelter Fundraiser

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#Urgent Appeal: Help Raise $80 for Tampa Inn Hotel Room and EssentialsI# am reaching out with a humble request for your support in a one-day fundraiser. My aim is to raise $80.00 by 8:00 PM EST to secure a room at the Tampa Inn Hotel near Busch Gardens. The room fee is $60, not including...

on Mar 24

From paypal.me

Jen's Trans Rights Read-a-Thon Fundraiser

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I'm participating in the Trans Rights Read-a-Thon on Instagram and fundraising at the same time. "The Trans Rights Read-a-Thon is an annual call to action to readers and book lovers in support of Trans Day of Visibility (TDOV) on March 31st." More information about the Read-a-Thon can be...

on Mar 23

From paypal.me

Adontai's Quest for Stability: Overcoming Eviction and Homelessness

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In June, I moved into what I hoped would be a fresh start after 18 months of homelessness. However, my new apartment quickly became a source of stress due to numerous issues, including a failing septic system that left me without a working shower or toilet. Despite my efforts to address these...

on Mar 23