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From peregrinator.site

Pets, put in context

0 1

blog post

on Sat, 2AM

From peregrinator.site

A dark side to pets

0 1

blog post

on Sat, 2AM

From peregrinator.site

What even is skramz

0 3

on Thu, 1AM

From peregrinator.site

about me

0 4

on Feb 17

From peregrinator.site


0 0

on Feb 7

From peregrinator.site

about me

0 0

I’m a 29 year old, neurodivergent, cat supremacist that sometimes cosplays as an ecologist. I’m big on F(L)OSS and currently run a Void Linux installation with a manually compiled version of Emacs 29. I also play the guitar, listen to typically a lot of metal and try to make my own music...

on Jan 9