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From pgdp.net

Millions of Cats

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One of the great things about Public Domain Day is that every year, a treasure trove of “new” old books enters the public domain in the U.S., allowing the volunteers at Distributed Proo…

on Dec 1

From pgdp.net

Lost at Sea

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“Of all the heavy afflictions incident to a seafaring-life, shipwreck is the most disastrous. For what can afford a more affecting spectacle than those poor way-worn mariners, who, on their j…

on Nov 1

From pgdp.net


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“My name perhaps—tho’ I am by no means the first of my Family, holding Landed Property in the Parish of Sanditon, may be unknown at this distance from the Coast—but Sanditon its…

on Oct 1

From pgdp.net

Music after the Great War

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In 1913, Igor Stravinsky’s groundbreaking ballet, The Rite of Spring, premiered in Paris. The dissonant music and strange choreography caused near-riots at the first two performances. The you…

on Sep 1

From pgdp.net

Celebrating 48,000 Titles

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This post celebrates the 48,000th unique title Distributed Proofreaders has posted to Project Gutenberg: The Reign of King Oberon. Congratulations and thanks to all the Distributed Proofreaders and…

on Jul 20

From pgdp.net

The Wizard of Window Dressing

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In 1900, L. Frank Baum published The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the first of 14 novels in his classic series on the magical land of Oz. But did you know that in the same year, he published a distinctl…

on Jul 1

From pgdp.net

Mapping Cholera

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“Oxygen! nobody knows what that may be—is it any wonder the cholera has got to Dantzic? And yet there are people who say quarantine is no good!” This 19th-Century speculation about cholera from Geo…

on Jun 1

From pgdp.net

Lord Peter Views the Body

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“As my Whimsy takes me” is the family motto of Lord Peter Death (yes, you read that right, though some pronounce it “deeth”) Bredon Wimsey, second son of the 15th Duke of De…

on May 1

From pgdp.net

My Distributed Proofreaders Journey

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When I first discovered Distributed Proofreaders via a Google search, my quest was like that of many who were looking for an interesting and challenging activity during the pandemic. Turning public…

on Apr 1

From pgdp.net

Post-Processing Fornander’s Hawaiian Antiquities

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When searching for works to prepare as e-books at Distributed Proofreaders, I always try to find works that are still interesting today, add some diversity to Project Gutenberg’s collection, …

on Mar 2

From pgdp.net

The Collected Works of William Hazlitt

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William Hazlitt (1775-1830) was a renowned English essayist, literary critic, painter, and philosopher, known for his sharp wit, insightful observations, and passionate prose. Now, thanks to the vo…

on Feb 1

From pgdp.net

Distributed Proofreaders

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Distributed Proofreaders provides a web-based method to ease the conversion of Public Domain books into e-books. By dividing the workload into individual pages, many volunteers can work on a book at the same time.

on Jan 4

From pgdp.net

Celebrating 47,000 Titles

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This post celebrates the 47,000th unique title Distributed Proofreaders has posted to Project Gutenberg: the Betty Crocker Picture Cooky Book. Congratulations and thanks to all the Distributed…

on Dec 21, 2023

From pgdp.net

The Box of Whistles

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Among the many delights of being a volunteer for Distributed Proofreaders is having the privilege of working on some very beautiful and unusual old books. One such book is The Box of Whistles (1877…

on Dec 1, 2023

From pgdp.net

The King’s Justice

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When William the Conqueror took the throne of England in 1066, he brought with him a body of legal principles and procedures that had been developed in Normandy over the preceding centuries. Norman…

on Nov 1, 2023

From pgdp.net


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“FIRE … flaming, burning, searing, and penetrating far beneath the superficial items of the flesh to boil the sluggish blood.” This is how the legendary magazine Fire!! begins. Some of the be…

on Oct 1, 2023