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From phpc.social

Larry Garfield (@Crell@phpc.social)

1 1

I am pleased to announce that my latest project is now ready for public alpha! Feedback welcome. Please try it out and let me know how it goes. Mildly Dynamic sites are back. https://www.garfieldtech.com/blog/midy-alpha1 #PHP #MiDy #MildlyDynamic

11h ago

From phpc.social

🇺🇦 Anna Filina (@afilina@phpc.social)

1 1

I, Robot resonated well with me when I was 15. I have already been programming for a few years, and these stories, for me, were mostly logical errors leading to emergence. Then someone had to debug them. I loved it. After watching the movie, my daughter, who has also been programming for a few...

15h ago

From phpc.social

Stephen Rees-Carter :laravel: (@valorin@phpc.social)

1 1

Attached: 1 image Ok #Laravel folks, without looking anything up, what do you think this code does? Broadcast::channel('users.{id}', function (User $user, $id) { return (bool) $user->id == $id; });


on Feb 17

From phpc.social

Dmitri Goosens :elephpant: (@dgoosens@phpc.social)

1 1

Attached: 1 image #evil

on Sep 5

From phpc.social

Stefan Zweifel (@stefanzweifel@phpc.social)

1 1

The "State of Laravel" survey results have been published: https://stateoflaravel.com/results #laravel

on Sep 5

From phpc.social

Kimai Time-Tracker (@kimai@phpc.social)

0 1

Attached: 1 image 😩 Is time tracking a drag? Let’s make it a breeze. Confirmed by our customers: “Kimai's interface is super clear and easy to navigate" ➡️ Just focus on what really matters in your business and follow us #kimaitimetracker #kimai #productivitytools #timemanagementtools

on Fri, 8PM

From phpc.social

Martin Herndl (@herndlm@phpc.social)

0 1

TIL: #renovate self-hosted should be run with `allowPlugins` enabled if the #symfony framework is involved. Turns out otherwise, flex is not active and composer would install, rightfully, the latest possible/allowed versions of indirect dependencies, potentially leading to getting updates with...

on Fri, 1AM

From phpc.social

Jérémy DECOOL (@jdecool@phpc.social)

0 1

Blameful Post-Mortems: https://staysaasy.com/saas/2025/03/12/blameful.html

on Thu, 2PM

From phpc.social

LucileDT (@luciledt@phpc.social)

0 2

Fedi, give me your cool #sticker shops please! (it can be for absolutely everything but I'm looking more into #computer and #queer ones) Boosts highly appreciated for more reach :fediverse:

on Tue, 6PM

From phpc.social

Sherri W (SyntaxSeed) (@syntaxseed@phpc.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image A friend of mine's coping strategy is by making infographics. 😳 #CdnPoli #Politics #Fentanyl #tariffs

on Mar 9

From phpc.social

Sherri W (SyntaxSeed) (@syntaxseed@phpc.social)

0 2

Attached: 1 image Friend's meme coping strategy isn't pulling any punches today. 😳 #politics #USPoli #CdnPoli #tariffs #literacy

on Mar 8

From phpc.social

bob.php :veritrek_gold: (@bobmagicii@phpc.social)

0 0

looking at a 1/3 full cup of soda pop and being like "i dont need to have this inside me" and pouring it down the sink, is probably the only grown up behavior i have acquired in 40yr. and it still pains me.

on Mar 8

From phpc.social

Paul Reinheimer (@preinheimer@phpc.social)

0 0

In order to say "X is really important to achieve Y" you need to try things other than X. So if you write a blog post about how hiring engineers who are a great fit is the most important thing. And one of the 'tests' you give them is to see if they select grapes or candy as a snack, then only...

on Mar 5

From phpc.social

Matthew Turland (@elazar@phpc.social)

0 0

I struggled with #Git, so I'm making a game to spare others the pain https://initialcommit.com/blog/im-making-a-git-game #Games #VideoGames #GameDevelopment #Minecraft #VoxelGames #VisualProgramming #SoftwareDevelopment #VersionControl

on Mar 4

From phpc.social

Pauline Vos (@vanamerongen@phpc.social)

0 0

Alright, I’ve decided I’m leaving my job. Officially looking for work! Me: software engineer, >10 years industry experience. Backend heavy but exp across the stack from infra to FE. Experience leading teams. PHP, Rust, Go, TS, good at learning new stacks/langs! Shares super appreciated ❤️

on Mar 4

From phpc.social

brendt (@brendt@phpc.social)

0 0

The story of how I fixed an awesome bug: https://tempestphp.com/blog/chasing-bugs-down-rabbit-holes/ #php

on Mar 2

From phpc.social

🇺🇦 Anna Filina (@afilina@phpc.social)

0 0

Slides from my #ConFoo talk "Better Code Design in PHP" https://speakerdeck.com/afilina/better-code-design-in-php-860c1156-55d4-48a5-9848-1c56c075a894

on Feb 27

From phpc.social

Sherri W (SyntaxSeed) (@syntaxseed@phpc.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image @pluralistic@mamot.fr OMG this bit here is NUTS!! 😱🤬 I'm going to share this story everywhere.

on Feb 26

From phpc.social

David Bisset (@davidbisset@phpc.social)

0 0

If you remember (and like) the "old web" (I would even say even almost BEFORE officially "Web 1.0" as labeled) then you might enjoy this nostalgic and hopeful look at the "fun" web: "This page is under construction: A love letter to the personal...

on Feb 26

From phpc.social

David Bisset (@davidbisset@phpc.social)

0 1

Attached: 1 image .bathroom { width: fit-content; } #memes #css

on Feb 18

From phpc.social

Ricardo Tavares (@t_var_s@phpc.social)

0 1

Not contempt with blocks applied by ISPs, Portuguese authorities are now on the hunt for any DNS resolvers that point to domains from their blacklist, namely Google’s Public DNS. Google Portugal has recently lost their appeal on this decision that extends the power of copyright holders over an...

on Feb 18

From phpc.social

CakePHP (@CakePHP@phpc.social)

0 0

228 Posts, 6 Following, 124 Followers · Official page of CakePHP

on Feb 17

From phpc.social

Larry Garfield (@Crell@phpc.social)

0 1

Attached: 1 image Fair's fair, right? ... Right?

on Feb 14

From phpc.social

freekmurze (@freekmurze@phpc.social)

0 1

🔗 Introducing laravel-tfa-confirmation https://stefanzweifel.dev/posts/2025/02/02/introducing-laravle-tfa-confirmation/

on Feb 11

From phpc.social

freekmurze (@freekmurze@phpc.social)

0 0

🔗 Unorthodox Monoliths in Laravel https://medium.com/studocu-techblog/unorthodox-monoliths-in-laravel-ebb41277780e

on Feb 7

From phpc.social

Ben Ramsey (@ramsey@phpc.social)

0 0

@oz@ruby.social I don’t remember why this RFC was withdrawn, but it would have fixed this. https://wiki.php.net/rfc/foreach_unwrap_ref

on Feb 7

From phpc.social

Ben Ramsey

0 0

On the little server I have running here at home, I'm now helping @internetarchive back up US Government websites and data. You can help, too: 1. Download ...

on Feb 6

From phpc.social

Ben Ramsey (@ramsey@phpc.social)

0 0

This project looks promising: "Goodnews is a PHP-based social media platform like Mastodon based on the ActivityPub protocol." Highlights: - PHP 8.2+, Hyperf, and Swoole - AGPL 3.0 - ActivityPub - Mastodon API compatibility - Backend and frontend are separate projects - Active...

on Feb 6

From phpc.social

Sherri W (SyntaxSeed) (@syntaxseed@phpc.social)

0 0

Just noticed that PHPCPD (Copy Paste Detectory by @sebastian was archived. (Thanks Sebastian for the many good years of this tool!) What's everyone using these days for scanning for code duplication? 🤔 #PHP

on Feb 5

From phpc.social

MelHamnavoe (@MelvilleSpence@phpc.social)

0 0

Techno-feudalists can take their techno-serf fantasies and shove them where the sun doesn’t shine. Pay your staff, and if your business model doesn’t allow for that, it’s the model that’s broken. #webdev

on Feb 4

From phpc.social

Paragon Initiative Enterprises (@paragon@phpc.social)

0 0

New from our team: A PHP implementation of RFC 9180 (HPKE - Hybrid Public-Key Encryption): https://github.com/paragonie/hpke-php This should serve as building block for more secure protocols (i.e., RFC 9420 a.k.a. Messaging Layer Security)/ This would, in turn, enable PHP developers to write...

on Feb 4

From phpc.social

Simon :laravel: (@simonhamp@phpc.social)

0 0

I've received the final word from Apple 😬 I'll share all the gory details during my talk at #LaraconEU on Tuesday So to find out if we're going to be able to distribute #PHP apps on the #iOS App Store, be sure to tune in! 📻 https://laracon.eu/#schedule

on Feb 4

From phpc.social

ShopwareDevs (@ShopwareDevs@phpc.social)

0 0

Here's a quite interesting attempt of how to use #vector based product #recommendations: https://www.shopware.com/en/news/vector-based-approaches-and-intelligent-comparison-tables/. Hope you like and you can utilize it ;)

on Feb 3

From phpc.social

PHP User Group MRN (@phpugmrn@phpc.social)

0 0

Get to know our speaker! @tobiaskoengeter@sueden.social will share his insights on how PHP is transforming the printing industry. Don't miss out! RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/phpug-rhein-neckar/events/305478287/ #phpugmrn #phpc #rheinneckarrocks

on Feb 3

From phpc.social

Ben Ramsey (@ramsey@phpc.social)

0 0

If you work in government and are asked to remove content from websites (as a result of executive orders), please use the HTTP status code 451 instead of 404. 451 is the correct status code to use for these cases, and you'll be doing the rest of the country a service by using it. Addendum: you...

on Feb 2

From phpc.social

Joe Ferguson (@joepferguson@phpc.social)

0 0

@funkatron@indieweb.social Use Parallels on macOS for virtualization if the base box supports (has a provider for) it.

on Jan 28

From phpc.social

Dominik (@chrastecky@phpc.social)

0 0

#Meta is apparently blocking posts and accounts mentioning abortion pills. I really, really hope that EU makes a push and bans Meta here if they don't comply. Could be a great chance to develop our own social media platforms, perhaps even using #ActivityPub and become the herald of open social...

on Jan 27

From phpc.social

Larry Garfield (@Crell@phpc.social)

0 0

Let's be controversial: In modern #PHP, you should never type-hint an array. https://peakd.com/php/@crell/php-never-type-hint-on-arrays

on Jan 26

From phpc.social

Chris Hartjes (@grmpyprogrammer@phpc.social)

0 0

27 years of building web apps and watching my peers build authoritarian surveillance and propaganda systems to support facists and grifters. https://phpc.social/@webcodingcafe/113883712752684735

on Jan 24

From phpc.social

Simon :laravel: (@simonhamp@phpc.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Today in NativePHP for iOS Load the native iOS share sheet from #PHP thanks to our custom PHP extension A lot more to come! https://nativephp.com/ios

on Jan 24

From phpc.social

Kevin Boyd (@kboyd@phpc.social)

0 0

Amazon is so afraid of unions that it's willing to eat the loss on 7 entire warehouses, just to cauterize itself. Wow.

on Jan 24

From phpc.social

Ben Ramsey (@ramsey@phpc.social)

0 0

Has anyone ever done a cybersecurity parody of Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror" as "Man in the Middle?"

on Jan 23

From phpc.social

Stephen Rees-Carter :laravel: (@valorin@phpc.social)

0 0

Laravel is full of little helpers and features, and the Timebox is one that's often overlooked. 🧐 Wrap your code inside the Timebox, and timing differences become a lot harder to measure. 📊 https://securinglaravel.com/security-tip-timebox-for-timing-attacks/ #Laravel

on Jan 22

From phpc.social

David Bisset (@davidbisset@phpc.social)

0 0

"Top 25 Website Fonts for 2025" https://bestwebdesigntools.com/blog/designers-favorite-top-25-website-fonts-for-2025 i'm not a big font person, but sometimes I do like to change things up. I'm a rebel. #free #frontend #webdev #fonts

on Jan 22

From phpc.social

FlyingMana (@Flyingmana@phpc.social)

0 0

@james_inthe_box@infosec.exchange @renchap@oisaur.com you make it sound like this can not be both true at the same time. Which as for sure your friends will confirm, makes you sound a bit not-nice

on Jan 20

From phpc.social

Marcus Bointon (@Synchro@phpc.social)

0 1

Attached: 1 image #TikTok

on Jan 19

From phpc.social

Sebastian Bergmann :phpunit: (@sebastian@phpc.social)

0 1

Attached: 1 image According to @shadowserver@infosec.exchange, there are still quite a few web servers that are vulnerable to CVE-2017-9841: https://dashboard.shadowserver.org/statistics/honeypot/vulnerability/map/?day=2025-01-18&host_type=src&vulnerability=cve-2017-9841

on Jan 19

From phpc.social

David Bisset (@davidbisset@phpc.social)

0 1

Interesting news in the world of #opensource CMS: #Drupal CMS has been released. Putting aside #WordPress market share, I would love to see growth of other open source CMS. At first glance, this seems nice (and what Drupal perhaps needed). https://new.drupal.org/drupal-cms #cms

on Jan 16

From phpc.social

Simon :laravel: (@simonhamp@phpc.social)

0 0

This week I'm going submit my first iOS app for review! 🎉 The exciting part is that it will built in #Laravel, with the ability to run the #PHP code entirely on device Will it pass review? I don't know, but I'm optimistic about this for a few reasons: 🧵 1. There are already apps in the...

on Jan 13