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From physicsworld.com

Structural battery is world’s strongest, say researchers – Physics World

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Carbon fibre-based electrodes are key to success

on Tue, 11PM

From physicsworld.com

Science thrives on constructive and respectful peer review – Physics World

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Unhelpful or rude feedback can shake the confidence of early career researchers

on Sep 28

From physicsworld.com

Field work – the physics of sheep, from phase transitions to collective motion – Physics World

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Physics sheds a new insight on the behaviour of sheep flocks, helping with new tips on shepherding

on Sep 26

From physicsworld.com

Researchers exploit quantum entanglement to create hidden images – Physics World

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Encoding an image into the quantum correlations of photon pairs makes it invisible to conventional imaging techniques

on Sep 26

From physicsworld.com

Physics for a better future: mammoth book looks at science and society – Physics World

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Our podcast guest is Christophe Rossel, co-author of EPS Grand Challenges

on Sep 21

From physicsworld.com

Diagnosing and treating disease: how physicists keep you safe during healthcare procedures – Physics World

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Two medical physicists talk about the future of treatment and diagnostic technologies

on Sep 21

From physicsworld.com

New superconductor has record breaking current density – Physics World

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Rare-earth barium copper oxide structure also has the highest pinning force ever reported

on Sep 17

From physicsworld.com

Twisted fibres capture more water from fog – Physics World

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New finding could allow more fresh water to be harvested from the air

on Sep 17

From physicsworld.com

Explorer of stars and souls: Arthur Stanley Eddington – Physics World

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Matthew Stanley looks back at the life of the astronomer Arthur Eddington, whose solar-eclipse measurements 100 years ago confirmed Einstein's general theory of relativity

on Sep 15

From physicsworld.com

An unelementary affair: 150 years of the periodic table – Physics World

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Robert P Crease traces the history of the periodic table, 150 years after Dmitri Mendeleev drew the first version

on Sep 15

From physicsworld.com

Almost 70% of US students with an interest in physics leave the subject, finds survey – Physics World

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The survey followed almost 4000 first-year students taking introductory physics courses at four US universities

on Sep 15

From physicsworld.com

UK reveals next STEPs toward prototype fusion power plant – Physics World

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Engineers and physicists have met to discuss the challenges and opportunities of building a practical fusion power plant in the UK

on Sep 14

From physicsworld.com

Looking to the future of statistical physics, how intense storms can affect your cup of tea – Physics World

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In this podcast we chat about active matter, artificial intelligence and storm Ciarán

on Sep 13

From physicsworld.com

Akiko Nakayama: the Japanese artist skilled in fluid mechanics – Physics World

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Sidney Perkowitz explores the science behind the work of Japanese painter Akiko Nakayama

on Sep 6

From physicsworld.com

Hybrid quantum–classical computing chips and neutral-atom qubits both show promise – Physics World

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Equal1’s Elena Blokhina and Harvard’s Brandon Grinkemeyer are our guests

on Sep 6

From physicsworld.com

Open problem in quantum entanglement theory solved after nearly 25 years – Physics World

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Non-existence of universal maximally entangled isospectral mixed states has implications for research on quantum technologies

on Sep 3

From physicsworld.com

Metasurface makes thermal sources emit laser-like light – Physics World

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Pillar-studded surface just hundreds of nanometres thick allows researchers to control direction, polarization and phase of thermal radiation

on Sep 2

From physicsworld.com

Researchers cut to the chase on the physics of paper cuts – Physics World

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A paper cut “sweet spot” just happens to be close to the thickness of paper in print magazines

on Sep 1

From physicsworld.com

The Wow! signal: did a telescope in Ohio receive an extraterrestrial communication in 1977? – Physics World

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This podcast features an astrobiologist who has identified similar radio signals

on Aug 30

From physicsworld.com

Sunflowers ‘dance’ together to share sunlight – Physics World

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Zigzag patterns created by circular motion of growing stems

on Aug 30

From physicsworld.com

Photonic orbitals shape up – Physics World

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The behaviour of photons confined inside three-dimensional cavity superlattices is much more complex than that of electrons in conventional solid-state materials

on Aug 29

From physicsworld.com

Metamaterial gives induction heating a boost for industrial processing – Physics World

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Technology could help heavy industry transition from fossil fuels

on Aug 29

From physicsworld.com

Fluorescent dye helps reveal the secrets of ocean circulation – Physics World

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For the first time, researchers have directly measured the upwelling of cold, deep water towards the ocean surface

on Aug 29

From physicsworld.com

A breezy tour of what gaseous materials do for us – Physics World

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Margaret Harris reviews It’s a Gas: the Magnificent and Elusive Elements that Expand Our World by Mark Miodownik

on Aug 28

From physicsworld.com

Software expertise powers up quantum computing – Physics World

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Combining research excellence with a direct connection to the National Quantum Computing Centre, the Quantum Software Lab is focused on delivering effective solutions to real-world problems

on Aug 28

From physicsworld.com

The most precise timekeeping device ever built – Physics World

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Colorado-based researchers have reduced the systematic uncertainty in their optical lattice clock to a record low. Ali Lezeik explains how they did it

on Aug 27

From physicsworld.com

Physicists reveal the role of ‘magic’ in quantum computational power – Physics World

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Entanglement and magic interact in ways that impact quantum algorithms and physical systems

on Aug 23

From physicsworld.com

Quantum oscillators fall in synch even when classical ones don’t – but at a cost – Physics World

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For large-scale systems, classical oscillators are more energy-efficient, say theorists

on Aug 15

From physicsworld.com

Fermilab is ‘doomed’ without management overhaul claims whistleblower report – Physics World

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A group of anonymous whistleblowers say that Fermilab is in 'crisis' and needs a management shake-up

on Aug 15

From physicsworld.com

Why North America has a ‘tornado alley’ and South America doesn’t – Physics World

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There’s a scientific reason why Twisters is set in the US Great Plains rather than Argentina, and it has to do with the Gulf of Mexico

on Aug 13

From physicsworld.com

Our world (still) cannot be anything but quantum, say physicists – Physics World

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Measurements of the Leggett-Garg inequality using neutron interferometry emphasize that no classical macroscopic theory can describe reality

on Aug 13

From physicsworld.com

Abdus Salam: celebrating a unifying force in global physics – Physics World

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Our podcast guests are Claudia de Rham and Ian Walmsley at Imperial College

on Aug 11

From physicsworld.com

Kirigami cubes make a novel mechanical computer – Physics World

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New device can store, retrieve and erase data

on Aug 9

From physicsworld.com

Tsung-Dao Lee: Nobel laureate famed for work on parity violation dies aged 97 – Physics World

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In the 1950s Lee proposed that "parity" is violated by the weak force

on Aug 9

From physicsworld.com

Physicists detect nuclear decay in the recoil of a levitating sphere – Physics World

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Principle of momentum conservation makes it possible to "see" individual alpha particles leaving a micron-scale silica bead

on Aug 8

From physicsworld.com

Quantum entanglement expands to city-sized networks – Physics World

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Independent demonstrations by teams in China, Europe and the US bring a quantum Internet closer

on Aug 7

From physicsworld.com

First patients treated using minibeam radiation therapy – Physics World

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Minibeam radiotherapy using a clinical orthovoltage unit successfully treats two patients

on Aug 6

From physicsworld.com

Rumours spread like nuclear fission, say physicists – Physics World

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Neutrons are rumours and people are uranium isotopes in new model

on Aug 6

From physicsworld.com

Twisted carbon nanotubes store more energy than lithium-ion batteries – Physics World

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Mechanical energy storage could be a safer way of powering some medical devices

on Aug 5

From physicsworld.com

Vera C Rubin Observatory's secondary mirror successfully installed – Physics World

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The Vera C Rubin Observatory will conduct a decade-long survey of the southern hemisphere sky when operational in 2025

on Aug 4

From physicsworld.com

Graphene switch combines logic and memory functions in a single device – Physics World

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New device exploits the carbon material’s ability to conduct both electrons and protons

on Jul 30

From physicsworld.com

Sun-like stars seen orbiting hidden neutron stars – Physics World

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Astronomers are puzzled how wide orbits survived supernovae

on Jul 27

From physicsworld.com

Zap Energy targets fusion power without magnets, Claudia de Rham on the beauty of gravity – Physics World

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In this podcast we chat about small-scale fusion and a familiar yet mysterious force

on Jul 27

From physicsworld.com

The Rosalind Franklin question – Physics World

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Why are we still fascinated by the Dark Lady of DNA?

on Jul 25

From physicsworld.com

Primordial black holes contain very little dark matter, say astronomers – Physics World

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Theories of the early universe may have to be revised following new analyses of data from the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment

on Jul 25

From physicsworld.com

Hawaiian volcano erupted 'like a stomp rocket' – Physics World

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Events at Kilauea in 2018 may have been triggered by a previously undescribed mechanism

on Jul 23

From physicsworld.com

Why we need gender equality in big science – Physics World

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Elizabeth Pollitzer says measures must be taken to tackle the gender imbalance among staff and users of large research infrastructures

on Jul 22

From physicsworld.com

Laura Tobin: the meteorologist and broadcaster who won’t stop talking about climate change – Physics World

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The Good Morning Britain meteorologist says it’s important to be open to opportunity

on Jul 19

From physicsworld.com

How gravity falls down on falling down – Physics World

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Kate Gardner reviews The Beauty of Falling: a Life in Pursuit of Gravity by Claudia de Rham

on Jul 18