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From poetryarchive.org

Alba Einstein - Poetry Archive

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When proof of Einstein’s Glaswegian birth First hit the media everything else was dropped: Logie Baird, Dundee painters, David Hume – all Got the big E. Physics documentaries Became peak-viewing; Scots publishers hurled awa MacDiarmid like an overbaked potato, and...

on Fri, 1PM

From poetryarchive.org

St Kevin and the Blackbird - Poetry Archive

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And then there was St Kevin and the blackbird. The saint is kneeling, arms stretched out, inside His cell, but the cell is narrow, so One turned-up palm is out the window, stiff As a crossbeam, when a blackbird lands...

on Feb 17

From poetryarchive.org

What Happens While We Are Sleeping - Poetry Archive

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  Frost. Foxes. Owl-kills. The wheel of stars. Thundering lorries with somewhere to get to by dawn Beads of dew forming along the telegraph wires. A red deer delicately eating each closed tulip like a prayer.

on Feb 11

From poetryarchive.org

Norman's Goodnight - Poetry Archive

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  One drops in a bunker, another on his doorstep, Christmas morning, shovelling snow. When I go may it be like that, a short fall down and out while busy in open air – like a pigeon, say, winging it...

on Jan 23

From poetryarchive.org

Hamnavoe - Poetry Archive

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My father passed with his penny letters Through closes opening and shutting like legends When barbarous with gulls Hamnavoe’s morning broke On the salt and tar steps. Herring boats, Puffing red sails, the tillers Of cold horizons, leaned Down the...

on Oct 17

From poetryarchive.org

Muck - Poetry Archive

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  Hey, we were only semi-literate ourselves; we meant to head for Mull, not where the blessed Kevin miscarried us, a rank bad place with no words at all. It was about the year dot – before MacBrayne and the...

on Sep 26

From poetryarchive.org

A Westray Prayer - Poetry Archive

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i.m. Mike and Barbara Heasman   Let is now give thanks for these salt-blown   wind-burned pastures where outgrass and timothy shrink from the harrow of the sea   where Scotland at long last wearies of muttering its own name...

on Aug 14

From poetryarchive.org

Sam Hunt - Poetry Archive

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Sam Hunt is a rare commodity in New Zealand: a ham actor playing to the gallery and willing to go out on a limb; he’s also a highly-effective poet, wise about his craft, while being a national icon. Partly this...

on Jul 31

From poetryarchive.org

The Innocence of Radium - Poetry Archive

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  With a head full of Swiss clockmakers, she took a job at a new Jersey factory painting luminous numbers, copying the style believed to be found in the candlelit backrooms of snowbound alpine villages. Holding each clockface to the...

on Jul 2

From poetryarchive.org

Epilogue - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1995 - Poetry Archive

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CORCOVADO, Christ the Redeemer, hold flirty Rio in its outstretched arm-span, beneficent padre, 700 meters up canopied mountain. I hike the forest incline to awe at its monolithic pleated hem, marvel at Rio, lushly subdued, panoramically shimmering beneath me. I...

on May 22

From poetryarchive.org

George Square - Poetry Archive

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My seventy seven year old father Put his reading glasses on To help my mother do the buttons On the back of her dress. ‘What a pair the two of us are!’ my mother said, ‘Me with my sore wrist,...

on Mar 26

From poetryarchive.org

The world is busy, Katie - Poetry Archive

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The world is busy, Katie, and tonight the planes are playing, fine, alright, but soon the folk behind those blinks will nap, sleep tight, as you will too, beneath a nitelite moon. The world is busy, Katie, but it’s late...

on Mar 15, 2024