PowerShell is fun :)When you take a look at your old PowerShell scripts…
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Sometimes, I browse my old scripts in my private GitHub repository and think… Why did I write it / Where’s the error handling / I could improve this with what I learned after writing th…
on Sun, 10AM
PowerShell is fun :)Retrieve End of Life information using PowerShell
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One of the things that I do when writing documents for customers is check if the products I advise or the customers use are still supported. The end-of-life date is essential, and in this blog post…
on Mar 10
PowerShell is fun :)Using Warp as PowerShell terminal
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This week, after the official Windows release of Warp on February 26th, I saw many YouTube clips of the new Terminal app. I decided to try it and see what it does differently from my trusty Windows…
on Mar 1
PowerShell is fun :)25 Years of Active Directory and my PowerShell experience managing it
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This week, on the 17th of February, Active Directory celebrated its 25th birthday :) I will share my experience managing it with PowerShell in this blog post.
on Mar 1
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Installing all your (management) apps on a new system always takes too much time. In this blog post, I will show you how to use PowerShell and the WinGet Client module to install them quickly.
on Feb 15
PowerShell is fun :)Retrieve blocked DNS queries from PiHole using PowerShell
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I use PiHole for Ad-blocking at home, and yes, sometimes that causes some issues if it blocks Microsoft (Or other) management addresses. In this blog post, I will show how you can live-track blocke…
on Feb 14
PowerShell is fun :)Microsoft Entra PowerShell modules
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The new Microsoft Entra PowerShell modules are available, replacing the deprecated AzureAD modules. This blog post will highlight the installation, changes, and features.
on Jan 31
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There are articles and forum posts from people who upgraded to Windows 11 24H2 and are experiencing Wi-Fi issues. In this blog post, I will show you an Intune Remediation script that might fix the …
on Jan 25
PowerShell is fun :)PowerShell v7.5.0 RC1
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The Release Candidate (RC) was first released in November 2024. Even though it’s an RC, it’s considered a “go-live” release, meaning it’s a supported release in production. In this blog…
on Jan 18
PowerShell is fun :)Show expiring local Certificates using PowerShell
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You always use certificates but forget when they expire until it’s too late. In this blog post, I will show you how to use a small script when starting a PowerShell session to display certifi…
on Jan 12
PowerShell is fun :)Validate list of Email Addresses using PowerShell
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What if you have an extensive list of email addresses? And if you must validate them for syntax and check if there’s an email server for that domain? PowerShell is your friend :) In this blog…
on Jan 4
PowerShell is fun :)2024 Overview
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It’s 2025, so it’s time to reflect on 2024 :). In this blog post, I will highlight all the great PowerShell things that happened during the year.
on Jan 3
PowerShell is fun :)Using Get-Command in PowerShell
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Something that I use very often is Get-Command. It shows you what module the cmdlet is from, what cmdlets a module has, etc. In this last blog post of 2024, I will show you how it works :)
on Dec 28
PowerShell is fun :)PowerShell Function for the website
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I’m a big fan of the website because it has all the links to quickly jump to a specific blade in a portal instead of clicking multiple parts of a Microsoft Management portal to get the…
on Dec 14
PowerShell is fun :)The PowerShellSaturday Karlsruhe event (30-11-2024) #PSSaturdayKA
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The PSSaturday event in Karlsruhe took place on November 30th, 2024; in this blog post, I will share some highlights of the event, including my session :).
on Dec 4
PowerShell is fun :)Use PowerShell to check if (shortened) URL link is safe
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It just happens a lot: you receive a (shortened) URL and are unsure if it’s safe to open. Sometimes, I open it in Windows Sandbox or use the website. In this blog post, I will show…
on Nov 30
PowerShell is fun :)Using the PowerShell WinGet module
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In March 2023, I wrote a blog post about the Preview version of the WinGet module. Since then, it has undergone many updates, and in this (long) blog post, I will show you how to use Microsoft.WinG…
on Nov 28
PowerShell is fun :)PowerShell turned 18 years old!
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Yesterday, November 14th, 2024, PowerShell turned 18 years old. 🙂 I started using it after the first public beta version (“Monad”) in 2005, and I was immediately hooked! In this blog post, I will d…
on Nov 15
PowerShell is fun :)Microsoft Tech Community and the Windows PowerShell space
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This week, I received my third-anniversary badge as a member of the Microsoft Tech Community. :) The website also got a nice new, modern look this week! In this blog post, I will highlight the chan…
on Nov 10
PowerShell is fun :)Learning PowerShell using Microsoft Learn
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This week, I posted a link to the PowerShell courses/learning paths on Microsoft Learn for PowerShell; I did that because there is so much material to learn from and use as a reference/help system.…
on Nov 2
PowerShell is fun :)Using Compare-Object in PowerShell
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Sometimes, you have to compare specific values in your PowerShell output, and although you can stare at your screen to do that… You can also use Compare-Object. In this blog post, I will show…
on Oct 31
PowerShell is fun :)Query WinGet software installer data with PowerShell
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I’m a big fan of WinGet, and the software available in their ecosystem is growing daily. Still, I’m always curious about what WinGet will download and how it does the silent install of …
on Oct 19
PowerShell is fun :)Scriptember 2024 and PSSaturday
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The Scriptember 2024 event is officially over, a month of celebrating PowerShell and the community around it. In this blog post, I will talk about the events and the things I learned and enjoyed th…
on Oct 17
PowerShell is fun :)Using Get-Content in PowerShell
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I use Get-Content a lot (or cat, gc, and type as its alias) to display or track the contents of a file. There are different parameters for it, and in this blog post, I will show you what you can do…
on Oct 3
PowerShell is fun :)PowerShell ASCII Art
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I posted my Windows Terminal this week on social media channels, including LinkedIn, and received some responses about the login banner screen. In this blog post, I will show you an easy way to pim…
on Sep 27
PowerShell is fun :)Query the required permissions of a Microsoft Graph cmdlet
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Microsoft Graph can be difficult sometimes. There are loads of PowerShell Microsoft Graph Modules and cmdlets that require different permissions. In this blog post, I will show you how to query the…
on Sep 20
PowerShell is fun :)My PowerShell for Visual Studio Code extension settings
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I use Visual Studio Code to create and edit PowerShell scripts. The PowerShell Extension from Microsoft has some excellent features that will make your scripts more readable and consistent formatti…
on Sep 13
PowerShell is fun :)Configuring PowerShell settings using Intune or Group Policy
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Every Windows device has PowerShell installed by default. (Sadly, it’s still only version 5, not version 7.) However, you want to configure the devices’ security and log settings. In th…
on Sep 5
PowerShell is fun :)It’s almost Scriptember!
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I’m happy to announce that I will be part of Scriptember! It’s a new event dedicated to celebrating PowerShell and the incredible community that surrounds it! In this blog post, I will …
on Aug 30
PowerShell is fun :)Display Markdown files in PowerShell
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Creating Markdown files is something that I do regularly, usually in Visual Studio Code or Obsidian. But when working in a Windows Terminal or a standard PowerShell prompt, it’s nice to displ…
on Aug 23
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I use Microsoft 365 Backup for my tenant; it’s a simple way to back up Exchange, OneDrive, and SharePoint data to an Azure Subscription. There was no PowerShell module to query and configure …
on Aug 23
PowerShell is fun :)Using Export-Clixml and Import-Clixml for credentials in PowerShell scripts
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Using clear-text passwords in PowerShell scripts is, of course, a bad thing to do. But sometimes, you need to use credentials in a script to connect to a server, service, etc. In this blog post, I …
on Aug 9
PowerShell is fun :)Creating a development Windows Sandbox using PowerShell and WinGet
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As I mentioned before, I like Windows Sandbox! However, since Windows 11 24H2, Windows Sandbox has been missing two things I often use: Notepad and Windows ISE. In this blog post, I will show you h…
on Aug 2
PowerShell is fun :)Using Switch in PowerShell
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Everyone uses If statements in their scripts: If this, then that. Or If not this, then that, multiple If, and even Elseif. But there is another option, Switch. In this blog post, I will show you ho…
on Jul 28
PowerShell is fun :)PowerShell PSDrive
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This is sometimes forgotten, the easy way of accessing or checking network drives, certificates, registry, variables, etc. In this blog post, I will show you what a PSDrive does and some examples o…
on Jul 20
PowerShell is fun :)500.000 views!
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And… my blog site just passed 500.000 views! I started my first blog post on April 21, 2022, and the views have been increasing ever since. :) I want to thank you all in this blog post and sh…
on Jul 18
PowerShell is fun :)Using Pop-Location and Push-Location in PowerShell
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At PSConfEU, somebody asked me if I used Pop-Location and Push-Location. Well, I know it’s there, but no. :) In this blog post, I will show you how to use it and that it might come in handy!
on Jul 13
PowerShell is fun :)Using Debug and Verbose parameters in PowerShell
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It’s one of those things you forget, and you can get a lot more output when running scripts that will help you find out why things are not working as you expected. This small blog post will s…
on Jun 29
PowerShell is fun :)Using Measure-Command and Measure-Object in PowerShell
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Measuring is always a good idea for grasping things, such as how long it sometimes takes, how many objects there are in a specific directory, how much space something takes up on a hard drive, etc.…
on Jun 26
PowerShell is fun :)PowerShell Arrays
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You probably use it all the time in your scripts, but how do they work? In this blog post, I will show some simple examples of what you can do with them :)
on Jun 25
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When using Microsoft Graph to connect to Azure, Intune, etc., you have to grant the correct permissions and use the proper (and safe ;) ) scopes to connect. This blog post will show a few ways to g…
on Jun 24
PowerShell is fun :)Parameters for PowerShell Scripts and Functions
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Using parameters for your Scripts and Functions is very powerful. You don’t have to hardcode things in them, making running them from a command line easier. This blog post will show you the p…
on Jun 1
PowerShell is fun :)Keep Microsoft Teams status Available instead of away using PowerShell
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It is one of the things I hear my colleagues, and even my girlfriend, mention regularly… Why does Microsoft Teams think I’m away while I’m not / My PC isn’t locked yet……
on Jun 1
PowerShell is fun :)Deprecated PowerShell Modules and Azure AD Graph retirement
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You created a script or function a while back that people in the company use a lot, and suddenly… They come to you telling you that it doesn’t work anymore. :( The module you used has b…
on May 31
PowerShell is fun :)Using $using in PowerShell for local variables in remote sessions
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When running scripts that connect to remote systems using Invoke-Command, you can use your local variables in the remote session which makes things a lot easier. In this blog post, I will show you …
on May 30
PowerShell is fun :)Report on Non-Compliant Intune devices
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I received a question on the Microsoft Tech Community forum regarding creating a report about non-compliant Intune devices. The report should give insight into what device has what issue with which…
on May 29
PowerShell is fun :)Report from which PowerShell module the cmdlets are from
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We all encountered this: you get a script or function that uses a certain cmdlet… And it fails because the cmdlet is not recognized :( But which module should you install to get the script wo…
on May 29
PowerShell is fun :)PowerShell data/reference types for variables
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When you store data in a variable, PowerShell can store it how you want it to be if you use the correct data type. This blog post will show you how that works and which data types I mostly use for …
on May 28
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I’m a Consultant who does a lot of Intune testing, and I use Hyper-V on my laptop with many VMs in customer environments. Some VMs are used more than others, but when you turn them on after a…
on May 28
PowerShell is fun :)Use PowerShell to create report of a DTS Compliant NPS log
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One of our customers had issues authenticating clients using NPS. One of the first things you do is… I read the NPS logs, and they were DTS Compliant formatted, a bit of a pain to read and se…
on Mar 30