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From racket-lang.org

Racket v8.15

0 0

_posted by Stephen De Gabrielle_ We are pleased to announce Racket v8.15 is now available from https://download.racket-lang.org/. As of this release:: Documentation search results are ordered, with visual cues indicating what their source is (core...

on Nov 10

From racket-lang.org


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A content-aware HTML5 pretty-printer

on Jul 13

From racket-lang.org


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Extended form of struct. Generates keyword constructors, functional setters and updaters. Allows per-field default values, contracts, wrapper functions, and declarative-syntax rules for interfield relations and transformations.

on Jun 30

From racket-lang.org


0 0

a library for uniformly accessing secrets

on Jun 5

From racket-lang.org

Racket v8.13

0 0

_posted by Stephen De Gabrielle_ We are pleased to announce Racket v8.13 is now available from https://download.racket-lang.org/. As of this release:: The racket/treelist and racket/mutable-treelist libraries provide list-like containers that supp...

on May 20

From racket-lang.org

R6RS is "perfect"

0 0

_posted by matthias_ When I read the "side by side" and "head to head" descriptions of the alternatives facing the Scheme community (see Comp.Lang.Scheme and the R6RS mailing list), I am wondering which one is which and which one is better. Is it re...

on May 17

From racket-lang.org

Racket v8.12

0 0

_posted by Stephen De Gabrielle_ Racket v8.12 is now available: 8.12cat|277x123 We are pleased to announce Racket v8.12 is now available from https://download.racket-lang.org/. As of this release:: The "Die Macht der Abstraktion" language levels a...

on Feb 10

From racket-lang.org


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A general-purpose functional DSL.

on Dec 21, 2023

From racket-lang.org

Racket v8.11.1

0 0

Racket version 8.11.1 is now available from https://racket-lang.org/ This bug-fix release repairs a problem with building from source when using the "builtpkgs" source distribution. Feedback Welcome...

on Dec 1, 2023

From racket-lang.org

Racket v8.11

0 0

Racket version 8.11 is now available from `https://racket-lang.org/` As of this release: Match clauses can include a #:do option to allow evaluation of code and bindings before a following #:when clause. Cf. https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/m...

on Nov 15, 2023