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From railsdesigner.com

Translations in Stimulus Controllers

0 1

There are multiple ways to use translated (i18n) content in your Stimulus controllers. This articles explore multiple ways.

on Sat, 7AM

From railsdesigner.com

How to Send Requests from Stimulus Controllers

0 1

How to send requests, like POST and GET, from a Stimulus controller? This article explores a way to track events in multiple steps.

on Feb 14

From railsdesigner.com

How to order attributes on HTML elements

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Having a consistent order of HTML attributes, leaves you with mental space to think about the business logic and minimizes discussions with your team.

on Jan 20

From railsdesigner.com

Announcing Stimulus FX

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Announcing a new, small package called Stimulus FX. A cute package to get custom action options in your Stimulus controller for free.

on Dec 16

From railsdesigner.com


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Rails Designer’s pricing is a no-brainer for any new and existing Rails app. Pay once, and get access forever.

on Nov 29

From railsdesigner.com

Stimulus Features You (Didn’t) Know

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Stimulus is advertised as a modest JavaScript framework, but packs still quite a few features. Lets explore the lesser known ones.

on Nov 28

From railsdesigner.com

Rails’ Partial Features You (didn’t) Know

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Rails partials have many lesser known features. From counters to spacer templates! Learn all there is to know about partials.

on Nov 17

From railsdesigner.com

Store UI State in localStorage with Stimulus

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Easily store user preferences in the browser’s localStorage using Stimulus.

on Nov 12

From railsdesigner.com

Create a Resizable Navigation with Stimulus

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Resizing an element, like a sidebar navigation helps your customizing your app. It’s easy to do with Stimulus too!

on Sep 12

From railsdesigner.com

Building Nested Forms in Rails with Stimulus

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Adding nested forms in Rails is easy enough with Stimulus, no third-party gems, like Cocoon, needed.

on Sep 5

From railsdesigner.com

Refactor Stimulus.js Controllers to Use Change Callbacks

0 2

Stimulus’ Change Callbacks from Values API is a really useful helper function to help you tidy up your controllers.

on Sep 2

From railsdesigner.com

Launch a Turbo Modal with URL Params Using Stimulus

0 1

Learn how to load a Turbo Frame modal on page load with a small Stimulus controller.

on Sep 2

From railsdesigner.com

From Partials (and Helpers) to Embracing ViewComponent in Rails

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The first professionally designed UI components for Rails. Built with ViewComponent, designed with Tailwind CSS and enhanced with Hotwire.

on Aug 2

From railsdesigner.com

Use CSS’ only-child instead of if/else logic

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CSS has many powerful features like only-child. Read how you can use this pseudo-class instead of custom-logic.

on Jul 29

From railsdesigner.com

Update a Progress Bar using Turbo Streams (using Custom Actions)

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Providing progress of an user’s action is a great way to ensure your app’s responsiveness. It’s also easily done with Rails’ Turbo Streams.

on Jun 6

From railsdesigner.com

Hidden Gems of Tailwind CSS

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Unlock the full potential of Tailwind CSS for your Rails-based SaaS apps with our guide on hidden features. From changing checkbox colors to leveraging peer modifiers and custom variants, enhance your web UIs effortlessly.

on Apr 26