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From readingfaithfully.org

AN 8.49 Paṭhamaidhalokikasutta: The Present World (1) | Daily Sutta Reading

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Possessing these four qualities, a woman is heading for victory in the present world and her life in this world succeeds.

#women #Suttas #buddha #dhamma #family #buddhism #husbands #Theravada #palicanon #dailysutta

on Sep 6

From readingfaithfully.org

SN 10.7 Punabbasusutta: With Punabbasu | Daily Sutta Reading

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In this world, your own child is dear

on Sun, 1AM

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 3.119 Kammantasutta: Action | Daily Sutta Reading

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There are such things as mother and father…

on Fri, 5AM

From readingfaithfully.org

MN 144 From… Channovādasutta: Advice to Channa | Daily Sutta Reading

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This is not enough for me to call someone ‘blameworthy’

on Thu, 3AM

From readingfaithfully.org

SN 1.54 Vatthusutta: Grounds | Daily Sutta Reading

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What is the ground of human beings?

on Wed, 3AM

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 3.48 Pabbatarājasutta: The King of Mountains | Daily Sutta Reading

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A family grows in three ways supported by a family head with faith

on Tue, 2AM

From readingfaithfully.org

Dhp 210–213 From… Piyavagga: The Beloved | Daily Sutta Reading

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Sorrow springs from what we hold dear

on Sep 16

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 8.44 Vāseṭṭhasutta: Vāseṭṭha | Daily Sutta Reading

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If my beloved relatives and family members would observe the uposatha complete in eight factors, that would lead to their welfare and happiness for a long time.

on Sep 15

From readingfaithfully.org

Pv 1.4 Piṭṭhadhītalika Sutta: Advice to a Daughter | Daily Sutta Reading

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Weeping, sorrow, and crying will not benefit departed relatives in any way.

on Sep 13

From readingfaithfully.org

Kp 5 Maṅgalasutta: Blessings | Daily Sutta Reading

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…This is the highest blessing

on Sep 12

From readingfaithfully.org

SN 7.15Mānatthaddha Sutta: Big-headed One | Daily Sutta Reading

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Towards whom should I not be arrogant? Who should I respect?

on Sep 11

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 10.69 Paṭhamakathāvatthusutta: Topics of Discussion (1st) | Daily Sutta Reading

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It is not appropriate for you gentlemen who have gone forth out of faith from the lay life to homelessness to engage in these kinds of low talk.

on Sep 8

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 7.47 Dutiyaaggisutta: Fires (2nd) | Daily Sutta Reading

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And what is the fire of a householder?

on Sep 7

From readingfaithfully.org

SN 3.20 Aputtaka Sutta: Heirless (2) | Daily Sutta Reading

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‘It would have been better if my slaves or servants had eaten those alms’

on Sep 5

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 5.39 Puttasutta: A Child | Daily Sutta Reading

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Parents see five reasons to wish for the birth of a child in the family.

on Sep 4

From readingfaithfully.org

SN 15.14–19 Mātu Sutta: Mother | Daily Sutta Reading

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From an inconceivable beginning comes the wandering-on.

on Sep 3

From readingfaithfully.org

Pv 1.1Khettūpama Sutta: Like a Field | Daily Sutta Reading

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The departed relatives experience happiness from the merit and the givers will receive more merit.

on Sep 2

From readingfaithfully.org

Sn 1.3 A Rhinoceros | Daily Sutta Reading

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With no inclinations for all the world, every world, wander alone like a rhinoceros.

on Sep 1

From readingfaithfully.org

SN 1.79 Pātheyyasutta: Provisions for a Journey | Daily Sutta Reading

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What secures provisions for a journey?

on Aug 31

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 7.14 Puggalasutta: Persons | Daily Sutta Reading

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These seven people are worthy of offerings dedicated to the gods, worthy of hospitality…

on Aug 30

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 4.52 Dutiyapuññābhisandasutta: Streams of Merit (2) | Daily Sutta Reading

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There are these four streams of merit, streams of the wholesome, nutriments of happiness

on Aug 29

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 10.64 Aveccappasannasutta: Experiential Confidence | Daily Sutta Reading

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All those who have experiential confidence in me have entered the stream.

on Aug 28

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 5.250 Puggalappasādasutta: Faith in Individuals | Daily Sutta Reading

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There are these five drawbacks of placing faith in an individual.

on Aug 27

From readingfaithfully.org

Iti 21 Pasannacittasutta: A Confident Mind | Daily Sutta Reading

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Here, bhikkhus, some person has a confident mind.

on Aug 26

From readingfaithfully.org

MN 11 Cūḷasīhanādasutta: The Shorter Discourse on the Lion’s Roar | Daily Sutta Reading

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In such a teaching and training, confidence in the Teacher is said to be rightly placed.

on Aug 25

From readingfaithfully.org

SN 55.24 Paṭhamasaraṇānisakkasutta: About Sarakāni (1st) | Daily Sutta Reading

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Sarakāni was too weak for the training; he used to drink alcohol.

on Aug 24

From readingfaithfully.org

MN 7 From… Vatthasutta: The Simile of the Cloth | Daily Sutta Reading

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Suppose, mendicants, there was a cloth that was dirty and soiled

on Aug 23

From readingfaithfully.org

Iti 90 Aggappasādasutta: Foremost Faith | Daily Sutta Reading

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There are these three foremost kinds of faith.

on Aug 23

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 7.57 Sīhasenāpatisutta: General Sīha | Daily Sutta Reading

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When it comes to these fruits of giving that are apparent in the present life, I don’t have to rely on faith in the Buddha, for I know them too.

on Aug 16

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 6.86 Āvaraṇasutta: Obstacles | Daily Sutta Reading

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Someone with six qualities is unable to enter the sure path … even when listening to the true teaching.

on Aug 14

From readingfaithfully.org

Dhp 37 From … Citta Vagga: The Mind | Daily Sutta Reading

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If one’s mind is not firm in the Dhamma practice…

on Aug 13

From readingfaithfully.org

Thag 3.10 Sāṭimattiyattheragāthā: Sāṭimattiya | Daily Sutta Reading

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In the past you had faith, today you have none.

on Aug 12

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 10.61 Avijjāsutta: Ignorance | Daily Sutta Reading

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Faith, too, I say, has a nutriment; it is not without nutriment.

on Aug 11

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 10.11 Senāsanasutta: Lodging | Daily Sutta Reading

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And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu possess five factors?

on Aug 9

From readingfaithfully.org

SN 14.17 Assaddhasaṁsandanasutta: Faithless | Daily Sutta Reading

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Beings come together and converge because of an element…

on Aug 8

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 3.125 Gotamakacetiyasutta: The Gotamaka Shrine | Daily Sutta Reading

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I teach based on direct knowledge, not without direct knowledge.

on Aug 7

From readingfaithfully.org

AN 5.38 Saddhasutta: Faith | Daily Sutta Reading

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These five benefits come to a clansman endowed with faith.

on Aug 6

From readingfaithfully.org

SN 1.36 Saddhāsutta: Faith | Daily Sutta Reading

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Faith is a person’s partner

on Aug 5

From readingfaithfully.org

MN 95 From… Caṅkīsutta: With Caṅkī | Daily Sutta Reading

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Even though you have full faith in something, it may be vacuous, hollow, and false.

on Aug 4

From readingfaithfully.org

Snp 1.4 Kasibhāradvājasutta: With Bhāradvāja the Farmer | Daily Sutta Reading

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Faith is my seed, fervor my rain, and wisdom is my yoke and plough.

on Aug 3

From readingfaithfully.org

MN 70 From… Kīṭāgirisutta: At Kīṭāgiri | Daily Sutta Reading

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The Buddha is my Teacher, I am his disciple.

on Aug 2

From readingfaithfully.org

SN 4.25 Māradhītusutta: Mara’s Daughters | Daily Sutta Reading

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Fools! You tried to batter a mountain with the stalks of lotus flowers.

on Aug 1

From readingfaithfully.org

Dhp 333 From… Nāgavagga: Attadantavatthu | Daily Sutta Reading

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It's a blessing to be grounded in faith.

on Aug 1

From readingfaithfully.org

SN 35.248 Yavakalāpisutta: The Sheaf of Barley | Daily Sutta Reading

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Suppose a sheaf of barley was placed at a crossroads…

on Jul 30