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From reporters-collective.in

Simran Rescued

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Not all Simrans find an escape.

on Tue, 11AM

From reporters-collective.in

Western Ghats reports have an ugly side

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Recent landslides in Kerala’s Wayanad have again led to demands that we listen to ecologists who recommended Western Ghats Eco-sensitive Zones more than a decade ago. But, is there more to this story than meets the eye?

on Aug 16

From reporters-collective.in

Modi Gov’t Quietly Backtracks on Decade-Old Promise of Measuring Poverty in India

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In the absence of a poverty line, the govt think tank Niti Aayog has made repeated controversial claims on poverty reduction in India, even batting in the Supreme Court against expanding subsidised food coverage

on Jul 17

From reporters-collective.in

The battle between a Kashmiri parliamentarian and the Environment ministry to stop polluting industries

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The Environment ministry took over three years to merely confirm critical pollution levels in a cement-manufacturing belt. Despite their parliamentarian doggedly pursuing their cause in Parliament, the citizens got no relief.

on Jul 16

From reporters-collective.in

When Modi Govt, RBI told half-truths and lies to downplay damage to small businesses

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The one-time Parliament’s Committee on Government Assurances reprimanded the government for misleading statements and being economical with the truth, fact-checking the damage caused by demonetisation and GST.

on Jul 12

From reporters-collective.in

Union gov’t shredded Right to Privacy Bill at the behest of intelligence agencies

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Modi government gave in to intelligence agencies’ demands for a “blanket exemption” from a proposed right to privacy law. It effectively killed a decade-old assurance to bring in a law to protect citizens from illegal surveillance

on Jul 11

From reporters-collective.in

Union gov’t shredded Right to Privacy Bill at the behest of intelligence agencies

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Modi government gave in to intelligence agencies’ demands for a “blanket exemption” from a proposed right to privacy law. It effectively killed a decade-old assurance to bring in a law to protect citizens from illegal surveillance

on Jul 11

From reporters-collective.in

Centre assured Parliament a report on farmer killings in MP, but stalled it indefinitely

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Even seven years after the firing, the Modi government is yet to report to Parliament on what action BJP-led Madhya Pradesh government has taken against police officers who killed six farmers agitating for government support, and steps taken to mitigate farmer distress

on Jul 10

From reporters-collective.in

Home Minister promised to help states in addressing police suicides, but quietly flipped

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After assuring Parliament it would “very seriously” look into ways to help states prevent suicides, Home Ministry backed away from its commitment. Despite identifying inadequate police housing as a contributing factor, the Union government halted funding to states for housing projects.

on Jul 9

From reporters-collective.in

Assure probe, backpedal later: Government’s Parliament tactic when questions rise on Adani

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Over the last 9 years, Modi government assured Parliament at least 7 times that it was investigating alleged scams involving Adani Group and other corporations. But when public attention faded, Centre quietly worked to kill most of the thorny assurances

on Jul 8

From reporters-collective.in

Assure probe, backpedal later: Government’s Parliament tactic when questions rise on Adani

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Over the last 9 years, Modi government assured Parliament at least 7 times that it was investigating alleged scams involving Adani Group and other corporations. But when public attention faded, Centre quietly worked to kill most of the thorny assurances

on Jul 8

From reporters-collective.in

चार साल बाद भी लाखों अभ्यर्थियों को है सरकारी नौकरियों के लिए एक परीक्षा का इंतज़ार

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प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने 2020 में केंद्र सरकार की नौकरियों के लिए युवाओं से एक सामान्य पात्रता परीक्षा आयोजित कराने का वादा किया था। चार साल बाद भी युवा इसका इंतजार कर रहे हैं।

on Jul 3

From reporters-collective.in

Uttarakhand gov’t snatches forest conservation funds, outsources policing and royalty collection from riverbed miners to private players

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Ignoring the conflict of interest, the BJP government has encouraged tax-collecting private companies to also mine the rivers in the ecologically-fragile Himalayan state. All done in the name of preventing disasters.

on Jul 3

From reporters-collective.in

Millions Waiting: One Exam for the Promised Jobs

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In 2020, PM Narendra Modi promised a common eligibility exam to hire young Indians for jobs in the Union government. Four years later, the youth are still waiting.

on Jun 26

From reporters-collective.in

मोदी सरकार ने 906 योजनाओं में से अधिकांश की फंडिंग में की कटौती

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केंद्र सरकार ने अपने पिछले कार्यकाल में 906 केंद्रीय योजनाएं चलाईं, उनमें से 71.9% की फंडिंग कम हुई। हर पांच में से एक योजना पर सरकार ने बजट में किए गए वादे का आधे से भी कम खर्च किया।

on May 31

From reporters-collective.in

Billboard governance: Under Modi, majority of 906 schemes faced funding squeeze

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The Union government that ran 906 central sector schemes in its last tenure underfunded 71.9% of them. On one out of every five schemes, the government spent less than half of what it promised in the budget.

on May 28

From reporters-collective.in

How Baba Ramdev and associates used a tax-free charity to park Patanjali investments and funds

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Patanjali set up a charitable entity to promote yoga and ayurveda. For years no charity work was undertaken. Instead it was used to consolidate the expanding business.

on May 21

From reporters-collective.in

Modi’s scheme to double farmers’ income goes on overdrive during elections, stalls otherwise

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PM AASHA, a crop price support scheme, saw real spending only in the months around 2019 and 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Three years in between the two general elections, the government did not spend a single rupee on the scheme.

on May 7

From reporters-collective.in

The Reporters' Collective | Behind Manipur conflict, a tale of drugs, armed groups and political bedfellows

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Narcotics played a significant role first in the political landscape and later in fuelling the conflict in Manipur. The concluding part of the series investigates how the drug trade and politics over it have roiled Manipur Tags: Drug Trade, Manipur Violence, Manipur, Kuki-Zo, Meitei, Naga, Conflict

on Apr 17

From reporters-collective.in

The Reporters' Collective | Assam Rifles’ report on Manipur part blames Chief Minister’s political authoritarianism for conflict

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In the first candid assessment from a Union government’s paramilitary force to have come out on the longest running ethnic conflict also points to the role of armed groups of the two communities, Meitei and Kuki-Zo in fuelling the conflict

on Apr 15

From reporters-collective.in

Within 48 hours of being selected to receive subsidy from Union gov’t, Aurobindo Pharma gifted Electoral Bonds to BJP

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The company had also donated to BJP within five days of its promoter P Sarath Chandra Reddy’s arrest in the alleged Delhi Liquor Scam. Reddy later got bail and turned approver against Arvind Kejriwal.

on Apr 12

From reporters-collective.in

A corporate lobby swayed Centre’s decisions while its members filled BJP’s coffers

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Over the years the Association of Power Producers got government to make favourable policy changes while its members and entities linked to them together donated at least Rs 516 crore to BJP

on Apr 10

From reporters-collective.in

Centre hands over 62% of new Sainik Schools to Sangh Parivar, BJP politicians and allies.

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Sainik Schools, run under the Defence Ministry’s guidance, send cadets to India’s armed forces. The new initiative however relies on ideologically slanted organisations to train future cadets

on Apr 3

From reporters-collective.in

A coal block, unlocked for mining after industry lobbying, awarded to Adani Group

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Coal ministry over-rode environment ministry and its mining experts to do away with ban on mining the block nestled in the densest forests of Madhya Pradesh.

on Mar 28

From reporters-collective.in

The Reporters' Collective | Algorithms of Exclusion

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In the past few years, at least half a dozen states have adopted profiling software to predict the eligibility of citizens for welfare schemes. These algorithms have wrongly declared the alive as dead, the poor as well-off, the disabled as able-bodied, robbing thousands of subsidised food,...

on Mar 26

From reporters-collective.in

BJP top pick for two Reliance-linked electoral bond donors. Donated Rs 400 crore in total

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While a top Reliance official donated entirely to the BJP, a firm linked to the Group gave 91% of its donations to the ruling party.

on Mar 21

From reporters-collective.in

Modi Gov’t Allowed BJP to Illegally Encash Expired Electoral Bonds

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Union Finance Ministry forced SBI to accept expired bonds, against its own rules, in favour of BJP, show new disclosures

on Mar 18

From reporters-collective.in

Rithwik Projects, founded by BJP parliamentarian CM Ramesh, donated Rs 45 crore in electoral bonds

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The company faced Income Tax raids when Ramesh was with Telugu Desam Party. The mining and infrastructure firm, run by his son and brother, hold key government contracts

on Mar 16

From reporters-collective.in

Environmental violations troubled Sun Pharma group donated Rs 31.5 crore to political parties

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For the past few years, Sun Pharma’s drug manufacturing unit in Tamil Nadu courted allegations of environmental violations

on Mar 16

From reporters-collective.in

Vimal Patni’s company donates to political parties

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He was an accused in the controversial 2005 Sohrabuddin encounter case and later acquitted by the CBI court

on Mar 16

From reporters-collective.in

Reliance accounts man, Linked to Network18 Buy, is Among the Top 100 Electoral bonds donors

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The Electoral bond scheme allowed individuals to donate to parties, providing a tool to companies wishing to keep donations away from scrutiny

on Mar 15

From reporters-collective.in

The Reporters' Collective | Paisa Politics: Exposing The Govt's Electoral Bonds Fraud

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Documents sourced through Right To Information applications reveal several irregularities in how the government brought the controversial source of political financing into effect

on Mar 15

From reporters-collective.in

Company with Reliance Links Third Largest Donor through Electoral Bonds

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Donated Rs 360 crores to political parties in the year it made a profit of mere Rs 21.72 crores.

on Mar 15

From reporters-collective.in

Electoral Bonds Tracker

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At The Reporters’ Collective, we have followed and investigated the Electoral Bonds story very closely since its unholy inception. SBI has until tomorrow, March 12, to furnish the details of EB donors with the Election Commission. As directed by the apex court, the Commission will have time till...

on Mar 12

From reporters-collective.in

Modi gov't illegally barred West Bengal from coal auction, benefiting a corporate

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The state-owned company’s absence in auction helped RP Sanjiv Goenka Group collude to win 83-million-tonne Sarisatolli coal block.

on Mar 4

From reporters-collective.in

Despite prescient warnings by BJP leader RK Singh and Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Union gov’t went ahead with flawed coal auctions

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In internal letters, the two parliamentarians had punched holes in the new coal regime, cautioning of scams in future. Their words were prophetic.

on Feb 23

From reporters-collective.in

Electoral Bonds era ends. But gov’t is now collecting details of every donation to each political party

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The Income Tax department has asked donors to divulge details of all contributions made to political parties through cash, cheque, or any other mode. Enforcement agencies will soon have this data, but the citizens will stay in the dark.

on Feb 17

From reporters-collective.in

Insurance firms lure bank employees with iPhones, foreign jaunts, kickbacks to push sales

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Driven by illegal incentives, bank executives compel their staff to sell insurance anyhow, with customers paying the price in the form of unwanted policies

on Feb 5

From reporters-collective.in

Algorithms of Exclusion

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In the past few years, at least half a dozen states have adopted profiling software to predict the eligibility of citizens for welfare schemes. These algorithms have wrongly declared the alive as dead, the poor as well-off, the disabled as able-bodied, robbing thousands of subsidised food,...

on Jan 31

From reporters-collective.in

The Reporters' Collective | After becoming PM, Modi secretly tried to cut states’ income massively

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Niti Aayog CEO BVR Subrahmanyam reveals Modi held backdoor negotiations with the Finance Commission to cut tax funds allocated to states, and says gov't finances are so shady, they could be hit by a 'Hindenburg'.

on Jan 19

From reporters-collective.in

'ईज़ ऑफ़ बिज़नेस' की दौड़ में हरियाणा ने प्रदूषण कंट्रोल बोर्ड और नियमों को किया कमज़ोर

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नियामक एजेंसी प्रदूषण नियंत्रण बोर्ड को मुख्यमंत्री की मांग पर एक सेवा-प्रदाता बना दिया गया। जिससे उद्योगों को मंजूरी देने के लिए अधिकारियों पर अवास्तविक समयसीमा का दबाव पड़ा वहीं इससे चूकने पर उनके खिलाफ दंडात्मक कार्रवाई भी की गई।

on Dec 12

From reporters-collective.in

Haryana weakens pollution watchdog and rules in race for ease of doing business supremacy

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On Chief Minister’s demand, the pollution control board, a regulatory agency, was turned into a service provider. The move imposed unrealistic deadlines in granting approvals to industry, coupled with penal action on officials missing the tight deadlines.

on Dec 11

From reporters-collective.in

हरियाणा सरकार ने रखा अरावली को संरक्षण से बाहर, पतंजलि ने चुपचाप किया विशाल वनभूमि का व्यापार

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हरियाणा सरकार ने अरावली की वनभूमि के संरक्षण के कई कानूनी रास्ते बंद किए। इससे पतंजलि की शेल कंपनियों को इनकी खरीद-फरोख्त करके भारी मुनाफा कमाने का अवसर मिला।

on Nov 27

From reporters-collective.in

संदिग्ध शेल कंपनियों के ज़रिए पतंजलि ग्रुप ने फैलाया रियल-एस्टेट कारोबार

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पतंजलि समूह ने संदिग्ध फर्जी कंपनियों का एक जाल बिछाया, जिसके ज़रिए पैसे का हेर-फेर करके अरावली में वनभूमि खरीद कर फिर उसे रियल एस्टेट के रूप में बेचा गया।

on Nov 27

From reporters-collective.in

As Haryana kept Aravallis unprotected, Patanjali quietly traded forestland

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Haryana govt blocked multiple legal routes to protect Aravalli's forest lands. This allowed Patanjali's shell companies to earn super-profits by trading in them

on Nov 23

From reporters-collective.in

Patanjali Group spawned dubious shell companies for lucrative real estate business

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Patanjali Group employed a web of dubious shell companies that funnelled money to buy Aravalli forestland and sell it as real estate.

on Nov 22

From reporters-collective.in

The Reporters' Collective | In Manipur ethnic conflict, social media warriors fight to win battle of narratives

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Who had access to internet during the Manipur conflict when the state shut it off for ordinary citizens? And what did they use it for? A war on social media. Concerted campaigns. Hackers on hire. And angry citizens. We report on the battle of information, disinformation and hate from Manipur. We...

on Oct 27