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From robpegoraro.com

Weekly output: Google Voice vs. RCS, net neutrality and higher education, Russian disinformation, Boom Supersonic, Rivian, This Week In Tech

1 1

This weekend featured an event that was last on my calendar when my schedule existed primarily in analog form: the HFStival, revived Saturday at Nats Park. I knew upfront that the venue would repre…

#EVs #SST #rcs #ios18 #Rivian #mojave #titleii #overture #EVchargers #leolaporte

14h ago

From robpegoraro.com

It’s been real, RFK

1 1

The circular shrine to crumbling concrete and peeling paint at 2400 East Capitol St. SE is about to lose its last reason for existence. More than 56 years after it opened, RFK Stadium will host D.C…

#EVs #SST #rcs #ios18 #Rivian #mojave #titleii #overture #EVchargers #leolaporte

14h ago

From robpegoraro.com

Seeing my country upended from afar, trying to process it at home

1 1

Being on the other side of the Atlantic for a presidential election so I could attend and speak at the Web Summit conference in Lisbon seemed like a swell idea. With my absentee ballot long ago cas…

#gdr #ussr #stasi #Russia #berlin #marxist #elonmusk #communism #berlinwall #DonaldTrump

on Sep 6

From robpegoraro.com

Weekly output: Biden-Harris cybersecurity efforts, X sues ex-advertisers, election security, security meets usability, Black Hat network follies

1 1

This week took me to one place I know far too well, Las Vegas, and one I’d never visited before, Mojave Air and Space Port. I’m not done writing about what I learned at the first destin…

#EVs #SST #rcs #ios18 #Rivian #mojave #titleii #overture #EVchargers #leolaporte

on Aug 12

From robpegoraro.com

Weekly output: zombie accounts, Boost Mobile, broadband ISP ratings, Android 15 beta, CrowdStrike, Mark Vena podcast

1 1

Sunday started with Joe Biden as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and is ending with Kamala Harris as the increasingly likely Democratic presidential nominee. I am struck by the self…

#EVs #SST #rcs #ios18 #Rivian #mojave #titleii #overture #EVchargers #leolaporte

on Jul 22

From robpegoraro.com

Journalistic accountability for seditious legislators

1 1

Wednesday’s attempted coup in Washington, as clumsy and stupid as it often looked, gave my city its most frightening day since 9/11 and left our country with sights we should never unsee so w…

#gdr #ussr #stasi #Russia #berlin #marxist #elonmusk #communism #berlinwall #DonaldTrump

on Jun 1

From robpegoraro.com

Weekly output: Symbotic, Most Innovative Companies in robotics, Redwood Materials, Most Innovative Companies in manufacturing, Matter security label, SpaceX and Starship, AT&T and AST SpaceMobile, Android 15, Waymo, This Week in Tech

1 1

If you’ve been wondering why it’s been so long since I last had a byline with Fast Company, here’s your answer: I’ve spent a non-trivial part of the last three months helpin…

#EVs #SST #rcs #ios18 #Rivian #mojave #titleii #overture #EVchargers #leolaporte

on Mar 25

From robpegoraro.com

Brief memories of Ukraine, over 32 years later

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Until this week, my relatively limited travel around the world had not included any places that later became war zones on live TV. Thanks to Russia’s paranoid president Vladimir Putin lashing…

#gdr #ussr #stasi #Russia #berlin #marxist #elonmusk #communism #berlinwall #DonaldTrump

on Feb 10

From robpegoraro.com

Reminder: You can still rejoice that the Soviet Union is dead

1 1

VILNIUS, Lithuania The political distance that the world has traveled over the last 40 years cannot appear much larger than in the Baltic states. In 1984, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania had spent de…

#gdr #ussr #stasi #Russia #berlin #marxist #elonmusk #communism #berlinwall #DonaldTrump

on Feb 10

From robpegoraro.com

It’s not the most wonderful week of the year

0 1

It’s after 7 p.m. on the Saturday before Christmas, and I wrapped up my workweek and  checked off the last major Christmas chores barely an hour ago. Unfortunately, this is not a departure fr…

on Thu, 6AM

From robpegoraro.com

Please stop asking for my “best number”

0 1

Too many of my interactions with public-relations types and the people they represent conclude with a pointless question: “What’s your best number?” That query is a waste of time …

on Thu, 6AM

From robpegoraro.com

Weekly output: making your offline self harder to find online, Mark Vena podcast

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This week brought one involved project to a published state and saw another project reach the invoiced state, which is also good. 6/8/2021: How to make your offline self harder to find online, The …

on Thu, 6AM

From robpegoraro.com


0 1

You can reach me at rob@robpegoraro.com. I may not write back quickly, but I will read your message promptly unless I’m totally swamped. Other work addresses you might see for me on older sto…

on Thu, 6AM

From robpegoraro.com

Porting out a Verizon landline number, part 2: my Fios account survives, my Vz mail moves

0 1

When I last wrote about my experience porting out a land-line phone number to Ooma’s Internet-calling service, I was still a little antsy that Verizon would cancel our Fios Internet service. …

on Thu, 6AM

From robpegoraro.com

When a correct phone number for me is still very much the wrong number

0 1

Cold-called PR pitches are a bad idea that the PR industry can’t seem to let go, but the publicist who called me Tuesday morning managed to transcend the usual problems with that concept&#821…

on Thu, 6AM

From robpegoraro.com

Mail merge? Work, home and other e-mail addresses

0 1

I keep telling myself that one of ways I maintain what’s left of my work/life balance is to have separate home and work e-mail addresses. And yet I have to ask who I’m kidding when thes…

on Thu, 5AM

From robpegoraro.com

Airports I’ve used

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Last Friday set an ignominious personal milestone: I broke a record for consecutive days spent away from airplanes that went back to to 2001. Back then, the post-9/11 shutdown of commercial aviatio…

on Sep 16

From robpegoraro.com

Weekly output: Vention Demo Day, AST SpaceMobile launch, United Airlines + Starlink

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This week involved four airports, three flights, two hotels and an alarm set on my phone for 1 a.m. Thursday–and the lost sleep was more than justified by being able to witness the sight and …

on Sep 16

From robpegoraro.com

Travel achievement unlocked: million-miler status on United Airlines

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The past three months of travel have returned me to many of my usual winter destinations, which has been great all around. But one flight in particular also took me somewhere I’d never reache…

on Sep 16

From robpegoraro.com

Flying on September 11

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NEW ORLEANS–I marked Sept. 11 this year by getting on a plane. That wasn’t my first such observance. This year’s flight brought me here for the Online News Association’s con…

on Sep 16

From robpegoraro.com

Weekly output: Falcon Heavy (x2), family-plan wireless math, Strava privacy, Web-site defacements, Tech Night Owl

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This week was more exciting than most: I returned to the Kennedy Space Center for the first time since 2011 to see the liftoff of the most powerful rocket to leave American soil since 1973. I still…

on Sep 13

From robpegoraro.com

How Florida routed me to a pothole on the road to EVs

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ORLANDO A quick trip to here to see my first space launch from Cape Canaveral since 2018 almost got longer. And this time, a delayed liftoff had nothing to do with it: The fault was a rental car, b…

on Sep 13

From robpegoraro.com

Weekly output: Aurora autonomous trucking, Intel’s Lunar Lake laptop CPUs, Android updates, Internet Archive loses in court, Starliner returns, Ki cordless appliances, new Find My-findable gear

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After a great week in Berlin for IFA–with most of my travel expenses covered by the organizers of that tech trade show as part of their usual accommodation for a group of invited U.S. journal…

on Sep 9

From robpegoraro.com

Spare me your phony Red Scare

0 1

BERLIN As Donald Trump’s erratic messaging increasingly resembles a strategy of throwing ketchup at the wall and seeing how much of it sticks, one attack line looks especially unhinged: the a…

on Sep 6

From robpegoraro.com

Weekly output: Black Hat lessons, broadband reliability, Brazil vs. X

0 1

After two weeks at home–which included a highly entertaining baseball game Wednesday in which a hilarious lack of basepath situational awareness led the Nationals to run into a phone number o…

on Sep 2

From robpegoraro.com

Another part of the world where I need to use a VPN

0 1

I spent last week in London with my family–yes, actual vacation-esque time! It was great, except for when I was trying to keep up with news from back home. My first stay across the Atlantic s…

on Sep 2

From robpegoraro.com

It’s been a trying summer of travel–but I have to rate myself as lucky

0 1

As I type this, I should be at Dulles Airport–except the plane that’s supposed to fly me from there to Boston is itself three hours and 14 minutes behind schedule because of what United…

on Sep 2

From robpegoraro.com

A sick Spectre returns, apparently healthy

0 1

About a month after it fell ill, the HP Spectre x360 laptop I bought in November seems once again fine–thanks to a little cybernetic surgery bracketed by free air travel. I thought repair mig…

on Aug 30

From robpegoraro.com

A touchy situation with an HP laptop, hopefully resolved

0 1

One part of my laptop is now newer than the rest of it, which should mean I don’t have to spend quite as much time with two other parts of the computer. But should I feel that good about havi…

on Aug 30

From robpegoraro.com

Surface and iPad mini: Keep or return?

0 1

A few months ago, I got over my longstanding objection to buying gadgets just so I could review them. It beats waiting for a distracted or picky PR department to send a loaner unit, and it ensures …

on Aug 30

From robpegoraro.com

1Password – Rob Pegoraro

0 1

Posts about 1Password written by robpegoraro

on Aug 30

From robpegoraro.com

My Apple problem

0 1

I spent a little time checking out Apple’s new MacBook Pro today, and from my cursory inspection in an Apple Store I can confirm that it’s a very nice computer. It’s also an $1,80…

on Aug 30

From robpegoraro.com

Weekly output: Google agrees to California news deal, Starliner astronauts to get a SpaceX ride home

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Time spent working on a few more involved Fast Company assignments left me with just two bylines for the week. 8/22/2024: Google Agrees to Subsidize California Newsrooms to Avoid ‘Link Tax&#8…

on Aug 26

From robpegoraro.com

Housework when nobody leaves the house: The dishes are never done

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We’re now wrapping up two weeks of staying at home together as a family. It feels more like a month, and I mostly blame the dishwasher for that. I’m no stranger to housework after almos…

on Aug 23

From robpegoraro.com

weeding – Rob Pegoraro

0 0

Posts about weeding written by robpegoraro

on Aug 23

From robpegoraro.com

bike commute – Rob Pegoraro

0 0

Posts about bike commute written by robpegoraro

on Aug 23

From robpegoraro.com

FedEx’s delivery of delivery data could use some work

0 1

Tuesday afternoon got less productive for me when I had to get in a 20-mile errand through some of Northern Virginia’s less enjoyable traffic. My reason for this drive to a light-industrial s…

on Aug 23

From robpegoraro.com

Home cooking when you don’t leave home

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When I used to say “I love to cook,” I was saying that with the understanding that I’d only be cooking half the dinners in the week. Work events and social outings would have me o…

on Aug 16

From robpegoraro.com

Home on the induction range

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Since March, stovetop cooking hasn’t sounded the same in our kitchen. Instead of the click-click-click-poof of a gas burner igniting, turning recipe ingredients in a pan or pot into a meal be…

on Aug 16

From robpegoraro.com

Black Hat priorities: don’t get pwned, do get work done

0 1

LAS VEGAS–I took my own phone and laptop to the Black Hat USA security conference here, which is often held out as a bad idea. Before I flew out to Vegas Tuesday, I got more than a few &#8220…

on Aug 12

From robpegoraro.com

Trade shows may have ruined Las Vegas for me

0 1

LAS VEGAS–I’m writing this from a hotel room a little before 7 a.m., and I did not just get back from the casino floor. Instead, I got back after a couple of receptions for the CTIA 201…

on Aug 12

From robpegoraro.com

RCV IRL: A return to poll work brings some new math

0 1

The 15-hour shift I worked as an Arlington County election officer Tuesday didn’t match my previous poll-worker gig two years ago in a few ways. To start, this time I got assigned to work the…

on Aug 12

From robpegoraro.com

Thanks, MetroHero

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The app that for more than seven years has stamped my smartphone as a D.C.-area device stopped working Saturday. But while I’ll miss having MetroHero on my phone, its utility will live on&#82…

on Aug 9

From robpegoraro.com

Migrating to a new Android phone without the old one around–or alive

0 0

I spent less of Sunday morning than I’d feared on a chore that I’d last had to tackle in the summer of 2017: setting up a new Android phone without the old one operational, leaving me t…

on Aug 9

From robpegoraro.com

Weekly output: passkey adoption, AI safety, net neutrality, DOJ v. TikTok

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Tuesday, I’ll flee D.C.’s 90-something temperatures for the 100-something temperatures of Las Vegas–but as I’ve realized over previous trips to that desert city for the Blac…

on Aug 5

From robpegoraro.com

Black Hat – Rob Pegoraro

0 1

Posts about Black Hat written by robpegoraro

on Aug 5

From robpegoraro.com

2021 in review: return to flight

0 0

The course of this year abounded in bumps–from the horrifying sight of an attempted coup at the Capitol six days into January to the stubborn, vaccine-refusal-fueled persistence of the pandem…

on Aug 3

From robpegoraro.com

Fort Reno concerts – Rob Pegoraro

0 0

Posts about Fort Reno concerts written by robpegoraro

on Aug 3

From robpegoraro.com

The other shocking secret about my latest laptop purchase

0 1

To judge from the 840 comments on Monday’s Yahoo Finance post about my first laptop purchase in a few years, the fact that this computer runs Windows 10 surprised many readers. Another aspect…

on Aug 3

From robpegoraro.com

A gadget writer’s minor equivalent of nuclear waste

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My home office always needs cleaning, but there’s one part of it that stays especially resistant to tidying up–the small collection of old and inoperative hardware that might have my da…

on Aug 3