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From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Do As I Say" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 1

SQUIRREL: Do as I say, not as I do. RABBIT (thinking): Sounds complicated. RABBIT (thinking): I just won't do ANYTHING.

on Tue, 8PM

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "One Great Love" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 1

SQUIRREL: I've had one great love in my life. RABBIT (thinking): Maybe it's me! SQUIRREL: It's not you! RABBIT: I KNOW! RABBIT (thinking): But maybe... SQUIRREL (thinking): It's NOT.

on Mon, 5PM

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Nervous" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 1

SKINK (thinking): I'm so nervous. SKINK (thinking): But not sure why. SKINK (thinking): And that makes me nervous.

on Sun, 5PM

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Hiding" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

SKINK (thinking): I hide from you. SKINK (thinking): Because I love you. SKINK (thinking): And that makes me nervous.

on Jun 26

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Friends" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

RABBIT: We've been friends a long time. SQUIRREL: Yeah. SQUIRREL: Yeah. SQUIRREL: Why is that? SQUIRREL: Why is that?

on Jun 26

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Stinks" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

SQUIRREL: Foo, it STINKS in here! RABBIT: I'd like to tell you it's not me. RABBIT: But it IS me. RABBIT: But it IS me. RABBIT: So I just won't say anything.

on Jun 26

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Realistic" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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SKINK (thinking): Maybe I'll be brave today. SKINK (thinking): Maybe. SKINK (thinking): But let's be realistic.

on Jun 25

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Nobody Likes Me" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

BIRD (thinking): Nobody likes me. RABBIT: Hey! You sounded OK last night. A pause. BIRD (thinking): Everyone LOVES me.

on Jun 25

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Better" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

FOX: You think you're better than me. SQUIRREL: Better is a strong word. SQUIRREL: But yes, I do.

on Jun 25

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "All done" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

SQUIRREL (thinking): Today, I'll get it ALL done. A pause. SQUIRREL (thinking): And by all, I mean NONE.

on Jun 25

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "How To Live Your Life" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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SQUIRREL: Look... I don't want to tell you how to live your life... SQUIRREL: No, wait. SQUIRREL: Actually I really do. SQUIRREL: It's one of my favorite ways to pass the time, to be honest.

on Jun 25

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Chores" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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RABBIT (thinking): My chores are DONE! I'm a WINNER! I'm a HERO! I'm a GOD ON EARTH! RABBIT (thinking): And WHY?! RABBIT (thinking): BECAUSE... RABBIT (thinking): I HAVE DONE THE BARE MINIMUM REQUIRED TO KEEP MY LIFE IN ORDER!

on Jun 25

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Proud" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

RABBIT (thinking): I've eaten everything. RABBIT (thinking): EVERYTHING. RABBIT (thinking): I feel gross. RABBIT (thinking): But also proud.

on Jun 24

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Why Do You Love Me?" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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SQUIRREL: Why do you love me? RABBIT: I enjoy spending time with you. SQUIRREL: No... no. SQUIRREL: That can't be it.

on Jun 24

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Possibilities" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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A skink pops their head out of a hole. SKINK (thinking): Every day is a day full of possibilities. The skink sinks into the hole. SKINK (thinking): If you go outside. A skink inside his hole. SKINK (thinking): So I stay inside. A skink snuggles in a cozy chair. SKINK (thinking): And every day is...

on Apr 23

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Trust" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

FOX: Do you trust me as a friend? SQUIRREL: I trust you to be a friend like you have been a friend in the past. A pause. FOX: So you don't trust me. SQUIRREL: I do not.

on Apr 21

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Good Reason" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

SQUIRREL: You're late. RABBIT: Oh! I have a good reason. RABBIT: I took a nap and overslept. SQUIRREL: That's not a good reason. RABBIT: No... I guess not. RABBIT: But it was a good NAP.

on Apr 19

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Hard Day" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

SQUIRREL: I'm having a hard day. FOX: Hmm. SQUIRREL: What you should say is, "I'M SORRY, THAT SOUNDS HARD." FOX: I'm sorry, I can't do that, that sounds hard for me to do. SQUIRREL (thinking): SO close.

on Apr 17

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Hide My Anger" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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SQUIRREL (thinking): I am so incredibly angry, but I'm not supposed to show it. A small fire sparks above the squirrel's head. SQUIRREL (thinking): SO I will just site here quietly. The squirrel is now fully on fire. SQUIRREL (thinking): And no one... The fire has spread to the entire tree the...

on Apr 16

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Together" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

RABBIT: You and me... We're in this together. An EGG hits the squirrel in the face. The squirrel falls off the tree. RABBIT: Well... we were.

on Apr 15

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Cool" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

DAMON: Stacy, if they figure out we don't know anything about cars, they'll take advantage of us. STACY: OK!! DAMON: So when the salesman comes, act like you know cars. Play it COOL. STACY: Got it!! SALESMAN: Hi there! You guys interested in this car? STACY: Sir, I INVENTED this car!! And I OWN...

on Apr 12

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Stars" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

ROONIE: Look at all the stars! I wish I knew some of them. THE MOON: Oh, I do... THE MOON: I mean, not well. THE MOON: But, you know, we say hi.

on Apr 9

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "My Door is Always Open" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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SQUIRREL: My door is always open. SQUIRREL: Because it is broken. SQUIRREL: So... SQUIRREL: Go away.

on Apr 1

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "You Want To Eat?" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

SQUIRREL: You want to get something to eat? RABBIT (thinking): I eat before bed. I eat when I wake up. I eat when I'm lonely. I eat with my friends. I eat when I'm bored. I eat when I'm busy. RABBIT (thinking): I eat to celebrate a win. I eat when I suffer a loss. I eat at literally any time,...

on Mar 29

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Let Me Go First" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

RABBIT: I want to tell you something I've been meaning to tell you... LIZARD: NO!! Let me go first!! I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU! RABBIT: Oh, I... do NO... feel the same... way. But that's... so... nice to hear. RABBIT: My thing was that plants can sense gravity. RABBIT: Maybe next time just- LIZARD:...

on Mar 28

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Equal" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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BIRD: Don’t talk to me like that. BIRD: Treat me like an equal. SQUIRREL: Well… OK. SQUIRREL: Be warned, I’m not a huge fan of myself.

on Mar 26

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Unstuck" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

LIZARD (thinking): I feel uneasy. Disconnected and unstuck. LIZARD (thinking): I'm slipping away. Losing myself in worry. LIZARD (thinking): But you take my hand, and I'm a part of something. LIZARD (thinking): I'm attached again.

on Mar 25

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Cozy" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

RABBIT: I don't think I can come help you. SQUIRREL (on phone): You're calling out sick? RABBIT: No, that's just it. I feel amazing. I'm so cozy. I don't want to move. SQUIRREL (on phone): So... you're calling out... COZY? RABBIT: I'm CALLIN' OUT COZY, baby! SQUIRREL (on phone): I hope you...

on Mar 24

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Alone" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

LIZARD: Please don't be offended, but I need to be alone. RABBIT: Of course. I'll go. LIZARD: NO! Don't go! LIZARD: I need you here while I'm alone.

on Mar 23

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Feedback" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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BIRD: Can you give me feedback? Performers thrive on feedback. SQUANK! The bird sings. EGG! The fox throws an egg into the bird's face. FOX: There... Are you thriving?

on Mar 22

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Done" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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A rabbit climbs a table toward an unfinished cake. SQUIRREL: Wait, not yet! GORGE! The rabbit eats the entire cake in seconds. The rabbit drinks the leftover frosting from the container. SQUIRREL: (sigh) The cake wasn't done. The rabbit has cake and frosting all over. RABBIT: I beg to differ.

on Mar 21

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Errand Day" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

A lizard stands in a dark room with unfolded laundry and a stack of papers and mail. LIZARD (thinking): This is errand day! The lizard folds the laundry. LIZARD (thinking): First, I do that errands on my list that can be done alone in silence. The lizard holds the stack of papers and mail and...

on Mar 20

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Friends Forever" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

RABBIT: You and me, we're going to be friends forever. The squirrel stares at the rabbit. The squirrel scowls at the rabbit. SQUIRREL: That sounds like a threat.

on Mar 19

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Lonely Artist" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

BIRD (thinking): {sigh} Another night home along in the studio. Such is the life of a true artist. BIRD (thinking): This is the sacrifice I make. I keep myself from those I love. BIRD (thinking): I SUFFER... for my ART. BIRD (thinking): Also, no one invited me to anything.

on Mar 18

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Coffee" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

RABBIT: Why do you drink coffee? SQUIRREL: Years ago, it was because I enjoyed it. SQUIRREL: Now? It’s just a bad habit that hurts my sleep and makes me stressed and angry. RABBIT: Maybe you should qui- SQUIRREL: Maybe you should shut you stupid mouth.

on Mar 17

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Honest Advice" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

LIZARD: So... that's my problem, and I really need your advice. FOX: OK... Can I be honest? LIZARD: Sure. FOX: I wasn't really listening to most of what you said. Though I heard you mention my name at the end, and I did like that part. A pause. LIZARD: Can you be less honest? FOX: No no... that...

on Mar 16

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "For Fun" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

RABBIT: Before we start, let me just say... I only play for FUN. FOX: Oh. FOX: OK. FOX: Well, hopefully losing is fun for you then.

on Mar 14

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "A Lesson" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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SQUIRREL: I've got a lesson to teach you. SQUIRREL: Raise your hands above your head. The squirrel punches the rabbit. RABBIT: Oof! The squirrel punches the rabbit. RABBIT: Oof! SQUIRREL (to the rabbit who's now in pain): The lesson is: never trust anyone. SQUIRREL (to the rabbit who's now in...

on Mar 10

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Flowery Language" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

FLOWER (thinking): Here I am! At long last! After an unbearable Winter, after interminable darkness, I feel the Sun's glow, and against all odds, I RISE! FLOWER (thinking): Much have I weathered, much as my ancestors did before me, but that journey led me to this moment, and I... have......

on Mar 5

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Maybe" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

SQUIRREL (thinking): Maybe... They're not coming. SQUIRREL (thinking): Maybe my plans are canceled! Maybe my whole day is free! Free to do whatever I like! Free to live my life! Free to- RABBIT: Hi! SQUIRREL: You showed up. RABBIT: Yes! SQUIRREL: You've ruined everything.

on Mar 3

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "I Wish" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

SKINK (thinking): Look at them. I wish I had what they have. SKINK (thinking): Then I'd be happy. SKINK (thinking): Well... Probably not HAPPY. SKINK (thinking): But a different flavor of sad.

on Mar 2

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Today" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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RABBIT (thinking): Today, I'll be eating less. RABBIT (thinking): It's going to be a rough day. RABBIT (thinking): Better have a snack or two. RABBIT (thinking): Tomorrow, I'll begin eating less.

on Mar 2

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Exercise More" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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RABBIT (thinking as he shoves spoonfuls of jelly into his mouth): I need to exercise more. A pause while the rabbit keeps eating. The pause continues as the rabbit keeps eating jelly. RABBIT (thinking): But who has the time?

on Mar 1

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "One of the Greats" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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A bird paints. BIRD (thinking): I consider myself one of the great artists of my time. The bird pauses and looks around. BIRD (thinking): Or at least one of the great artists of my house.

on Mar 1

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Tomorrow" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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SKINK: I'm worried. RABBIT: Oh, don't worry. RABBIT: Tomorrow is another day. SKINK: Yes. SKINK: That's my worry.

on Feb 21

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Sharing" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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A fox is about to eat a piece of cake. RABBIT: Can you share? FOX: Why? RABBIT: To be nice. The fox hands their cake to the rabbit. FOX (thinking): Nice feels an awful lot like hungry.

on Feb 7

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Mad" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

SQUIRREL: Look out! I'm MAD!! RABBIT: Me too!! SQUIRREL: What are you mad at?! RABBIT: Oh nothing, I just figured you needed someone to be mad with you. SQUIRREL: I appreciate that. Thank you. That will really help me. RABBIT AND SQUIRREL IN UNISON: Look out! We're MAD!!

on Feb 4

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "With Love" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

0 0

JEFF: Cedric, everything I say to you, I say with LOVE! CEDRIC: You called me FAT, Jeff. JEFF: Because I love you and I worry about your HEALTH! CEDRIC: And LAZY. JEFF: Because I love you and want to MOTIVATE you to achieve your goals! JEFF: You said I was "dumber than a bag of flour in a broken...

on Feb 2

From rooniecomics.com

Comic: "Out of Shape" from ROONIE THE RABBIT

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RABBIT (thinking): Am I bit out of shape? SURE. RABBIT (thinking): But no one really notices except me. A fox jogs by. FOX: Mornin', fatty! RABBIT (thinking): And a very vocal minority.

on Jan 31