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From rsf.org

China: RSF raises international alarm over retargeting of journalist Zhang Zhan

1 1

Chinese journalist Zhang Zhan, previously imprisoned for four years for her independent reporting on  the Covid 19 outbreak, is missing again and was reportedly recently taken to a detention facility in Shanghai for unclear reasons. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is alarmed by this development,...

#rsf #China

on Sep 6

From rsf.org

Accusations fabriquées, défense muselée, reporters exclus de la salle : le procès inique de Sevinj Vagifgizi et de ses collègues d’Abzas Media

0 1

L’audience prévue le 21 janvier dans le procès du média d’investigation Abzas Media se tiendra dans un climat de répression et d’injustice en Azerbaïdjan. Reporters sans frontières (RSF) exhorte les autorités à libérer immédiatement les journalistes et les partenaires internationaux du régime à...

on Mon, 9PM

From rsf.org

Syrie : RSF appelle les nouvelles autorités à mener sept actions prioritaires pour mettre en œuvre leurs promesses en matière de liberté de la presse

0 1

En ce début d’année 2025, le ministre de l'Information du gouvernement de facto de la Syrie a promis d'œuvrer pour la liberté de la presse dans le pays. Reporters sans frontières (RSF) salue cet engagement, tout en rappelant aux autorités leurs responsabilités envers les journalistes enlevés,...

on Mon, 12PM

From rsf.org

Gaza ceasefire: RSF calls for open borders for journalists and an end to impunity for Israel’s war crimes

0 2

In one year and three months of war in Gaza, the Israeli army has killed over 150 Palestinian journalists, including at least 41 who were killed while working. The ceasefire agreed on 15 January between Israel and Hamas must give journalists access to the Gaza Strip. Reporters Without Borders...

on Thu, 1AM

From rsf.org

Cessez-le-feu à Gaza : RSF appelle à l’ouverture des frontières et à des sanctions pour les crimes commis par l’armée israélienne

0 2

En un an et trois mois de guerre à Gaza, l'armée israélienne a tué plus de 150 journalistes palestiniens dont au moins 41 dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions. Le cessez-le-feu conclu le 15 janvier entre Israël et le Hamas doit permettre d’ouvrir l’accès du territoire aux journalistes. Reporters...

on Wed, 10PM

From rsf.org

Meta contre le journalisme : dix ans de guerre d’usure

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Les récentes déclarations de Mark Zuckerberg, dans lesquelles il désigne ouvertement le journalisme et les fact-checkers comme “biaisés”, ne sont que l'aboutissement d'une longue guerre d’usure contre le journalisme sur Facebook. Reporters sans frontières (RSF) retrace une décennie d'actions...

on Jan 13

From rsf.org

Chine : le documentariste Chen Pinlin condamné à trois ans et demi de prison pour avoir couvert des manifestations historiques contre la censure

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Reporters sans frontières (RSF) dénonce la condamnation à trois ans et demi de prison de Chen Pinlin et appelle à la libération de ce documentariste, reconnu coupable par le régime d’avoir “attisé des querelles et provoqué des troubles”, pour avoir réalisé un documentaire sur les manifestations...

on Jan 8

From rsf.org

China: Documentary filmmaker Chen Pinlin sentenced to three and a half years for covering historic protests against censorship

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Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is appalled by the three-and-a-half-year prison sentence handed to Chinese documentary filmmaker Chen Pinlin, found guilty of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” for his film documenting the 2022 “White Paper” protests against censorship and regime abuses.

on Jan 8

From rsf.org


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Reporters sans frontières assure la promotion et la défense de la liberté d'informer et d'être informé partout dans le monde. L'organisation, basée à Paris, compte des bureaux à l'international (Berlin, Bruxelles, Genève, Madrid, Stockholm, Tripoli, Tunis, Vienne et Washington DC) et plus de 150...

on Jan 7

From rsf.org

Türkiye: ten years of state hostility towards the press under President Erdogan

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Five journalists killed, 131 imprisoned, 77 convicted of “insulting the president” and hundreds prosecuted for their work – Reporters Without Borders (RSF) presents its damning assessment of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s 10 years as Türkiye’s president. Press freedom must be restored.

on Jan 7

From rsf.org

Chine : le blogueur Liu Hanbin détenu depuis un mois pour avoir révélé un scandale d’accaparement de terres

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Reporters sans frontières (RSF) appelle le régime chinois à libérer immédiatement Liu Hanbin, un blogueur détenu depuis un mois après qu’il a publié des informations sur une mobilisation de paysans contre une confiscation de terres. Il est le 125e journaliste détenu par Pékin.

on Jan 1

From rsf.org

Apple’s complicity with Russian censorship: RSF calls on the tech giant to refuse compliance with regulators that do not respect international standards for the right to information

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In blatant contradiction with its proclaimed commitment to freedom of information, Apple is yielding to the demands of Russian censors by removing independent journalistic apps and content from its App Store in Russia. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) urges the company to genuinely defend...

on Dec 27

From rsf.org

Georgia: the violence against reporters covering protests has been met with shocking impunity

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More than 70 reporters have been attacked in Georgia — some of them assaulted multiple times — while covering the protests that began three weeks ago. Alarmed, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condems the police’s systematic, organised violence and urges the European Union (EU) to act against the...

on Dec 20

From rsf.org

RSF urges Apple to remove its new generative AI feature after it wrongly attributes false information to the BBC, threatening reliable journalism

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Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is very concerned about the risks posed to media outlets by new artificial intelligence (AI) tools after a new Apple product generated a false news alert and attributed it to the BBC. This accident illustrates that generative AI services are still too immature to...

on Dec 19

From rsf.org

Syria: RSF calls for Bashar al-Assad to be prosecuted for the murder of 181 journalists since the 2011 revolution

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Since 2011, Bashar al-Assad and his allies killed more than 181 journalists because of their work. On 9 December 2024, the day the regime fell into the hands of the militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), 23 journalists were behind bars and ten were missing, including seven victims of...

on Dec 17

From rsf.org

RSF’s 2024 Round-up: journalism suffers exorbitant human cost due to conflicts and repressive regimes

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The Reporters Without Borders (RSF) 2024 Round-up reveals an alarming intensification of attacks on journalists — especially in conflict zones, where over half of the news professionals who lost their lives this year perished. Gaza stands out as the most dangerous region in the world, with the...

on Dec 12

From rsf.org

Bilan 2024 : Le journalisme paie un prix humain exorbitant dans les conflits et les régimes répressifs

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Le bilan 2024 de Reporters sans frontières (RSF) révèle une intensification alarmante des attaques contre les journalistes, notamment dans les zones de conflit, où se concentre la moitié des meurtres de journalistes enregistrés cette année. Gaza s’impose comme la région la plus dangereuse au...

on Dec 12

From rsf.org

RSF’s 2024 Round-up: journalism pays an exorbitant human price in conflicts and repressive regimes

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The Reporters Without Borders (RSF) 2024 Round-up reveals an alarming intensification of attacks on journalists — especially in conflict zones, where over half of the news professionals who lost their lives this year perished. Gaza stands out as the most dangerous region in the world, with the...

on Dec 12

From rsf.org

Rana Ayyub, the face of India’s women journalists plagued by cyber-harassment

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Rana Ayyub, a columnist for the American media outlet The Washington Post, is regularly the target of violent online smear campaigns. From doxxing to threats and false rumours, the renowned journalist is targeted on all fronts. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the Indian authorities to...

on Dec 11

From rsf.org

Cambodia: RSF appalled by the murder of environmental journalist Chhoeung Chheng

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Cambodian journalist Chhoeung Chheng died from his wounds on 7 December, after being shot while investigating illegal deforestation in the country’s northwest. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) urges the Cambodian government make sure this crime does not go unpunished, and to take concrete...

on Dec 8

From rsf.org

RSF Press Freedom Awards: the 2024 laureates

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The 32nd edition of RSF’s Press Freedom Awards took place on 3 December 2024 in Washington, DC. The laureates were: Palestinian journalist Waël al-Dahdouh (Courage Prize); Ukrainian journalist and co-founder of the NGO The Reckoning Project, Nataliya Gumenyuk (Impact Prize); Indian journalist...

on Dec 4

From rsf.org

“Le Système B” : le documentaire choc de RSF sur le système Bolloré

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L'homme d'affaires Vincent Bolloré ne cesse d'étendre son empire médiatique en recourant à des méthodes brutales. Reporters sans frontières (RSF) diffuse un court documentaire sur son système de contrôle de l’information, Le Système B. Pour enrayer cette mécanique d’emprise et d’intimidation...

on Dec 1

From rsf.org

Morocco: The unjust conviction of journalist Hamid El Mahdaoui must be overturned

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Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns the decision to apply criminal law instead of media law in the case of Hamid El Mahdaoui, which led to a prison sentence and a heavy fine for the journalist. This wrongful decision, the outcome of unjust proceedings, must be immediately overturned.  

on Nov 28

From rsf.org


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RSF's World Press Freedom Index aims to compare the level of press freedom enjoyed by journalists and media in 180 countries and territories.

on Nov 22

From rsf.org

RSF investigation: the Indian cyber-security giant silencing media outlets worldwide

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Whether based in the US, Switzerland, France or India, any media outlet investigating the “ethical hacking” of Appin, a company co-founded by Indian investor Rajat Khare, can expect letters demanding they retract their publication at best, and legal prosecution at worst. This type of pushback on...

on Nov 21

From rsf.org

RSF porte plainte contre X (ex-Twitter) pour diffusion de fausses informations et usurpation d’identité

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Après avoir révélé une opération de désinformation visant Reporters sans frontières (RSF), notre organisation a effectué une dizaine de signalements concernant les principaux comptes ayant participé à sa diffusion sur le réseau social X. Aucun contenu n’ayant été retiré, l’ONG poursuit la...

on Nov 17

From rsf.org

The Guardian and La Vanguardia’s departure from X is a wake-up call for legislators

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The Guardian and La Vanguardia will stop sharing their content on X (formerly Twitter) due to the disinformation flooding the platform. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) argues that this is a glaring sign of the authorities’ failure to establish regulations that protect reliable sources of...

on Nov 15

From rsf.org

RSF presses criminal charges against X (formerly Twitter) for its participation in identity theft and spreading disinformation

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After discovering that it was the target of a disinformation campaign, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) filed ten reports of policy violations with the social media platform X, flagging the main accounts responsible for spreading the deceptive content. As none of the offending posts have been...

on Nov 14

From rsf.org

USA: RSF urges both presidential campaigns to commit to strengthening press freedom

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After the United States fell to an unprecedented 55th place in RSF’s World Press Freedom Index in 2024, the next American president must work to strengthen the country’s press freedom record at home and abroad. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has outlined 10 non-partisan proposals for press...

on Nov 8

From rsf.org

Violences post-électorales au Mozambique : les journalistes pris à partie

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Depuis le début du mois d’octobre, le Mozambique traverse une zone de turbulences, marquée par des manifestations dénonçant les fraudes constatées lors des élections générales du 9 octobre, qui n'épargnent pas les journalistes. Reporters sans frontières (RSF) dénonce les agressions dont ils sont...

on Nov 8

From rsf.org

RSF urges Trump to cease attacks on the media and turn a new page for press freedom in his next administration

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On the campaign trail and during his previous administration, President-elect Donald Trump has frequently deployed violent language and threats against the media. His election to a second term in office marks a dangerous moment for American journalism and global press freedom. The steps he takes...

on Nov 6

From rsf.org

Brazil: an indictment for the murders of Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira has come at long last — but stronger measures are needed

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Reporters Without Borders (RSF) welcomes the conclusion of the federal police’s investigation into the murders of journalist Dom Phillips and Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira, which culminated in the indictment of the crime’s alleged mastermind, Rubens Villar — known as "Colômbia" — along with...

on Nov 6

From rsf.org

États-Unis : Donald Trump a attaqué verbalement les médias plus de 100 fois pendant la campagne électorale

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Durant la campagne présidentielle américaine, qui arrive à son terme le 5 novembre, le candidat républicain et ancien président Donald Trump a intensifié sa guerre contre la presse libre, attaquant verbalement les médias plus de 100 fois au cours des deux derniers mois. Pourtant, ces attaques ne...

on Oct 28

From rsf.org

Voices heard but repressed: RSF’s new report “Journalism in The #MeToo Era” calls for increased support for journalists covering gender violence and women’s rights

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Seven years after an international wave of public debate was triggered by the first journalistic investigation into the Weinstein affair in the United States, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has released a new report: “Journalism in the #MeToo era.” This movement to empower women’s voices —...

on Oct 23

From rsf.org

Guatemala: RSF welcomes court order for Jose Rubén Zamora’s release to house arrest, but calls for full and unconditional freedom

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After more than 800 days behind bars, elPeriódico publisher Jose Rubén Zamora will soon be provisionally released to house arrest following a Guatemalan court decision on 18 October. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) welcomes the decision and is relieved that Zamora will be transferred home, but...

on Oct 19

From rsf.org

Bienvenue sur le site de Reporters sans frontières

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Reporters sans frontières assure la promotion et la défense de la liberté d'informer et d'être informé partout dans le monde. L'organisation, basée à Paris, compte des bureaux à l'international (Berlin, Bruxelles, Genève, Madrid, Stockholm, Tripoli, Tunis, Vienne et Washington DC) et plus de 150...

on Oct 18

From rsf.org

La journaliste ukrainienne Victoria Roshchyna est morte dans les geôles russes : RSF exige une enquête sur les circonstances de sa mort

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La journaliste ukrainienne Victoria Roshchyna est morte le 19 septembre en prison en Russie. Reporters sans frontières (RSF) présente ses condoléances à sa famille et exige une enquête approfondie sur les circonstances entourant sa mort. Les autorités russes n'ont jamais communiqué d'information...

on Oct 17

From rsf.org

One year in Gaza: how Israel orchestrated a media blackout on a region at war

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Journalists targeted and killed, newsrooms destroyed, internet and electricity cut off, foreign press blocked: since the start of the war in Gaza, Israeli forces have methodically destroyed the Palestinian territory's media infrastructure and stifled journalism. Reporters Without Borders (RSF)...

on Oct 10

From rsf.org


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Le projet Propaganda Monitor est une initiative lancée par Reporters sans frontières (RSF) en réponse à la préoccupation croissante concernant l'impact mondial de la propagande. L'objectif de cette plateforme de contenus, organisée en séries, est de visibiliser les mécanismes et les multiples...

on Oct 4

From rsf.org

UK: RSF calls on political parties to stop restricting journalists’ access to party conferences

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Several journalists have been refused access to UK political party gatherings in recent weeks, a practice that is incompatible with press freedom. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on all UK political parties to ensure journalists from a wide variety of publications are granted free and fair...

on Oct 1

From rsf.org

RSF calls on police in Northern Ireland to fully cooperate with investigation into alleged surveillance of journalists

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Police in Northern Ireland may have regularly checked the phone records of multiple journalists in an attempt to uncover their sources, a London tribunal investigating the alleged surveillance of journalists has heard. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on police to cooperate fully with the...

on Oct 1

From rsf.org

RSF launches The Propaganda Monitor, an investigative project on the geopolitics of propaganda

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The fight against propaganda and disinformation is central to Reporters Without Borders (RSF)’s battle to promote reliable journalism – which is why the media watchdog launched The Propaganda Monitor on 30 September 2024. This multimedia platform aims to expose the many faces and tactics behind...

on Sep 30

From rsf.org

"At the rate journalists are being killed in Gaza, there will soon be no one left to keep you informed."

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In less than a year, over 130 journalists have been killed by Israeli forces in Gaza. To pay homage to these fallen reporters and demand the protection of Palestinian journalists, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is holding flash protests in ten different countries.  

on Sep 29

From rsf.org

Kurdistan irakien : RSF condamne une attaque de drone qui a tué deux professionnelles des médias et en a blessé un troisième

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Une frappe de drone visant un véhicule dans le district de Souleimaniye ce 23 août a tué deux professionnelles des médias en mission pour la chaîne de télévision Sterk TV et a blessé leur confrère. Reporters sans frontières (RSF) exige que toute la lumière soit faite sur ce crime odieux commis...

on Sep 28

From rsf.org

“What it’s like to be a journalist in the Sahel” – RSF report on threats to journalism in this African region

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Two weeks after French journalist Olivier Dubois was released after being held hostage for 711 days in Mali, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is publishing a report about the growing threats to journalism in Africa’s Sahel region.

on Sep 24

From rsf.org

How Russia used a fake video about RSF as war propaganda

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Russian authorities and pro-Kremlin influencers have been spreading false information about alleged  Reporters Without Borders (RSF)  research into Nazi tendencies within the Ukrainian military, which featured in a viral video falsely attributed to the BBC. RSF exposes the inner workings of a...

on Sep 21

From rsf.org

Free Narges Coalition calls for the urgent release of Narges Mohammadi ahead of Iran’s address at the United Nations

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Ahead of the gathering of heads of state from around the world at the UN headquarters in New York from 24-30 September for the high-level General Debate of the 79th UN General Assembly, the Free Narges Coalition calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Nobel Peace Prize laureate...

on Sep 20

From rsf.org

Enquête sur une vidéo : comment l’État russe a blanchi de fausses informations sur RSF pour sa propagande de guerre

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D’abord diffusée sur des comptes obscurs du réseau social X, une vidéo estampillée BBC et mentionnant une prétendue étude de Reporters sans frontières (RSF) sur les penchants nazis de militaires ukrainiens a ensuite été reprise par les autorités russes elles-mêmes avant d’être amplifiée par des...

on Sep 14

From rsf.org

X bloqueado no Brasil: uma situação inevitável quando uma plataforma desrespeita o Estado de direito

0 1

A decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileiro de bloquear o acesso à plataforma X é um recado radical de que ninguém deve ignorar a lei. Não é nenhuma surpresa depois de muitos meses em que a rede social ignora deliberadamente as solicitações da Justiça brasileira. Dado o papel das...

on Sep 2

From rsf.org

Ismail al-Ghoul's killing: targeted and discredited, Palestinian journalists suffer double punishment in Gaza

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On 31 July, Al Jazeera journalists Ismail al-Ghoul and Rami al-Rifi were killed while reporting in Gaza. The next day, the Israeli army claimed that al-Ghoul was part of the military wing of Hamas, with whom the IDF is at war. This is not the first time the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have used...

on Sep 2