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From samcoupe.com

www.samcoupe.com - Quick Shop page, prices include UK shipping...

2 4

Quazar - a SAM Coupe developer - New hardware, software and SAM Revival magazine for the SAM Coupe. Celebrating 32 years of supporting the SAM Coupe.

#8bit #gaming #gamedev #manicminer #zxspectrum #retrogaming #retrocomputing #samcoupe

on Fri, 8PM

From samcoupe.com

www.samcoupe.com - The SAM Coupe site from Quazar - SAM Revival Magazine...

0 1

Quazar - a SAM Coupe developer - New hardware, software and SAM Revival magazine for the SAM Coupe. Celebrating 26 years of supporting the SAM Coupe.

on Aug 13