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From scottohara.me

Mostly Coherent Thoughts | scottohara.me

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Scott O'Hara is a designer and developer based outside of Boston MA. He writes code and cares a ton about building great, accessible user experiences for everyone.

on Nov 27

From scottohara.me

"Fixing" Lists | scottohara.me

0 0

Jan 2023 - There have been additional updates to how Safari exposes list semantics based on their nesting context. For instance, if a list is a descendant...

on Oct 31

From scottohara.me

The details and summary elements, again | scottohara.me

0 0

I've already written about the <details> and <summary> elements, but there is more to tell, and there have been some changes since I la...

on Oct 22

From scottohara.me

Paragraphs | scottohara.me

0 0

Consider the following:

on Sep 6

From scottohara.me

Paragraphs | scottohara.me

0 1

Consider the following:

on Aug 31

From scottohara.me

Spoiler Alert: it needs to be accessible | scottohara.me

0 0

The topic of how to make an accessible spoiler component, or ‘should there be a spoiler element?’ has recently (re)-caught my attention. (I wrote most of thi...

on Aug 28