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From slrpnk.net

LGR Oddware - Novint Falcon Haptic Controller from 2007 - SLRPNK

1 1

Alternative Youtube Link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhGeq_yQYyg]


8h ago

From slrpnk.net

This is how I want to die rule - SLRPNK

1 1

1 meal for 800? I’ll consume the same amount over a week and die happy

12h ago

From slrpnk.net

Where to get LineageOS Apps? (with Obtainium) - SLRPNK

1 1

Be it on GrapheneOS, where the default apps look ugly as hell, or on other Android distros. There are some apps, like the SMS app or the Clock, that may have special properties (I think they updated the AOSP clock to material 4, while keeping the functionality) Meanwhile Google ditched the AOSP...


12h ago

From slrpnk.net

Is anybody else a bit disappointed about the recent days with Fedora Atomic? - SLRPNK

1 1

Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love Fedora Atomic (Silverblue, Bazzite, Kinoite, Aurora, IOT, etc.), more than any other distro I used, and I plant to continue using it. It never made any problems on any of my devices, and because it is pretty much indestructible and self-managing, I even...


21h ago

From slrpnk.net

E-e-eat the rich? - SLRPNK

0 1

C’mon woke boys and girls! DO YOU WANT TO LIVE FOR EVER?!

on Sat, 1AM

From slrpnk.net

How to attach a calendar event to a mail? - SLRPNK

0 1

@thunderbird@mastodon.online How to easily send a calendar appointment with Thunderbird? #Thunderbird #calendar #outlook #gmail Integrated suites like Outlook or GMail seem to do this easily. I dont see a reason why TB couldnt do this easily too, but I didnt find an option. I get tons of mails...

on Sat, 1AM

From slrpnk.net

Nuclear launch detected... - SLRPNK

0 1

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Plumbbob [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Plumbbob]

on Fri, 3PM

From slrpnk.net

Labour's Keir Starmer becomes UK prime minister - SLRPNK

0 1

I’m sure you all know this already but it’s now official. The fourth person ever to lead Labour to a majority. The first person since 1970 to win a majority and overturn a majority at the same time.

on Fri, 12PM

From slrpnk.net

AI art steals from the poor and has no place in modern society - SLRPNK

0 1

In a post-scarcity solarpunk future, I could imagine some reasonable uses, but that’s not the world we’re living in yet. 
AI art has already poisoned the creative environment. I commissioned an artist for my latest solarpunk novel, and they used AI without telling me. I had to scrap that...

on Fri, 5AM

From slrpnk.net

the hippies knew what was up - SLRPNK

0 1

From “Hey Beatnik! This is The Farm Book” - a visitor’s guide from a commune in Tennessee in the 70s.

on Fri, 12AM

From slrpnk.net

A Rare Cross-Section Illustration Reveals the Infamous Happenings of Kowloon Walled City — Colossal - SLRPNK

0 1

[https://slrpnk.net/pictrs/image/215cfaa9-bcbe-468a-83af-0b4dc3a621ad.jpeg] Kowloon was built as a small military fort around the turn of the 20th century. When the Chinese and English governments abandoned it after World War II, the area attracted refugees and people in search of affordable...

on Thu, 8AM

From slrpnk.net

How To install Fyra Lab's Terra repository on Fedora (traditional and atomic desktops) - SLRPNK

0 1

This is a quite complex process, and their documentation is incomplete and different 🥳 So here you go!

on Wed, 11PM

From slrpnk.net

How To install Fyra Lab's Terra repository on Fedora (traditional and atomic desktops) - SLRPNK

0 1

This is a quite complex process, and their documentation is incomplete and different 🥳 So here you go!

on Wed, 11PM

From slrpnk.net

Fedora HowTo's: a collection of community guides - SLRPNK

0 1

In the Fedora Forum we collect a lot of useful posts, that are not yet Documentation-ready (or not suited for Docs, as they are “too unofficial”. There are constantly new ones added.

on Wed, 9PM

From slrpnk.net

Fedora HowTo's: a collection of community guides - SLRPNK

0 1

In the Fedora Forum we collect a lot of useful posts, that are not yet Documentation-ready (or not suited for Docs, as they are “too unofficial”. There are constantly new ones added.

on Wed, 9PM

From slrpnk.net

Better Lemmy Through Automated Moderation - SLRPNK

0 1

Santa is a robot moderator. Santa will decide if you’re naughty or nice. Santa has no chill. Hi everyone! The slrpnk admins were nice enough to let me try a little moderation experiment. I made a moderation bot called Santa, which tries to ease the amount of busywork for moderators, and reduce...

on Wed, 7PM

From slrpnk.net

uBlue signing broke: here is what you need to do on Bazzite, Bluefin, Aurora or the other images - SLRPNK

0 1

Here is the Youtube video on the topic [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yVj_c9oJd0] The people from uBlue messed something up with the signing, so that updates now dont work. This is fixable though! — I took the broken updates as the push to move from uBlue kinoite-main to the official Fedora...

on Wed, 3PM

From slrpnk.net

Selectively chaining a VPN to another while allowing split tunnelling on clients? - SLRPNK

0 1

Currently, I have two VPN clients on most of my devices: - One for connecting to a LAN - One commercial VPN for privacy reasons I usually stay connected to the commercial VPN on all my devices, unless I need to access something on that LAN. This setup has a few drawbacks: - Most commercial VPN...

on Wed, 2PM

From slrpnk.net

Drew DeVault on the biggest threats for FOSS, and proposed solutions - SLRPNK

0 1

1. Closed source or open core git forges 2. Open washing 3. Discord 4. Lack of diversity 5. The FSF

on Wed, 1PM

From slrpnk.net

KVM: Google launches bug bounty program for vulnerabities found - SLRPNK

0 1

KVM is used on Android, ChromeOS and Google Cloud, so this makes a lot of sense.

on Wed, 8AM

From slrpnk.net

She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail. - SLRPNK

0 1

TL;DR: Mississippi has had lots of federal money to help the poor. It was mostly stolen. They’re jailing the reporters who exposed this instead of the theives

on Wed, 7AM

From slrpnk.net

New Zealand turns to the right | The populist National-led government is undoing many of Jacinda Ardern’s progressive initiatives, including environmental protections. - SLRPNK

0 1

Article is free with registration (use a throwaway email account) > It is reversing a ban on oil and gas drilling, and is proposing a “fast-track” for big projects, including mines, that bypasses environmental checks. It has cut climate programs and jobs, scrapped electric vehicle subsidies,...

on Wed, 6AM

From slrpnk.net

Bombshell Poll on Swing States Spells Disaster for Biden In Every Way - SLRPNK

0 1

Cross posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/11081995 [https://slrpnk.net/post/11081995]

on Wed, 1AM

From slrpnk.net

Judge dismisses all charges in Panama Papers, Operation Car Wash cases - SLRPNK

0 1

Panama Papers [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Papers] and List of People Named in the Panama Papers [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_named_in_the_Panama_Papers] on Wikipedia

on Wed, 1AM

From slrpnk.net


0 0

Chat client and blogs for SLRPNK.

on Tue, 11PM

From slrpnk.net

Blog • Bookbinding the Fully Automated! Rulebook

0 1

I recently started trying to learn bookbinding (and because I never liked practicing by making…

on Tue, 9PM

From slrpnk.net

Judge Orders Biden Administration to Resume Permits for Gas Exports - SLRPNK

0 1

cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/11061194 [https://slrpnk.net/post/11061194] > Washington Post coverage for...

on Tue, 8AM

From slrpnk.net

A Letter of Resistance from the Magónista Women’s Commission of the Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca - SLRPNK

0 1

More on CIPO [https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/mark-becker-cipo-oaxaca-and-chiapas?v=1719771759]

on Tue, 5AM

From slrpnk.net

Dune rule - SLRPNK

0 1

I have no skin in this game, but it’s a hilarious take

on Tue, 3AM

From slrpnk.net

Have rock - SLRPNK

0 1

Bonus meme [https://slrpnk.net/pictrs/image/da2ea768-d4c3-4d39-98c0-964dcba8bb20.jpeg]

on Tue, 1AM

From slrpnk.net

HowTo: add the OBS Pipewire Plugin to the Flatpak, also for use with NoiseTorch - SLRPNK

0 1

OBS can use Pipewire for the mic and desktop sound inputs, but it is not yet packaged on Flathub. Here is how to add it manually.

on Mon, 7PM

From slrpnk.net

HowTo: add the OBS Pipewire Plugin to the Flatpak, also for use with NoiseTorch - SLRPNK

0 1

OBS can use Pipewire for the mic and desktop sound inputs, but it is not yet packaged on Flathub. Here is how to add it manually.

on Mon, 7PM

From slrpnk.net

Live Updates: Supreme Court Says Trump Is Partly Shielded From Prosecution - SLRPNK

0 1

Washington Post coverage for comparison [https://wapo.st/3xuLLNH]

on Mon, 4PM

From slrpnk.net

Solarpunk Pioneers Fund - The Idea - SLRPNK

0 1

>The Solarpunk Pioneers Fund is a private funding initiative with the goal to kickstart and fund solarpunk projects that develop solutions for a good and sustainable livestyle within the planetary boundaries. >We do this with private money that our family wants to invest into a better future,...

on Mon, 2PM

From slrpnk.net

Aggregating Tactical Voting Recommendations for the General Election - SLRPNK

0 1

There are lots of different tactical voting sites and sometimes they disagree on the most effective anti-Tory vote. Fortunately, someone has built a tool to help you aggregate the different recommendations and make the best possible choice on Thursday! Of course, spoiler alert, the best...

on Mon, 1PM

From slrpnk.net

[Video] Angela Rayner and Gordon Brown discussing how to end child poverty - SLRPNK

0 1

Sorry for the Twitter link, but I’ve not seen the video elsewhere. Just thought this was really great! It starts off with Rayner talking about how much Brown’s policies (like Sure Start and the child tax credit) helped her and her kids, then they move on to talking about how the next Labour...

on Mon, 11AM

From slrpnk.net

*nonchalant whistling* - SLRPNK

0 1

Also I hate this trend of censoring fucking profanity. Stupid shitsucking people need to learn that you’re allowed to swear like a pirate wench with a three-day UTI. They’re just words you cunts. (There? Did I ironically make my point?)

on Mon, 7AM

From slrpnk.net

Ryan Harvey - And We'll Fight Fascists Too - SLRPNK

0 1

LYRICS Soon he’ll be a prisoner like his comrades have become But he’s proud when he tells their story cuz he’s proud of what they’ve done He’s an anti-fascists from the ranks of the working-class And when the Nazis come to town he doesn’t let em pass > He’s says “my grandfather fought fascists...

on Mon, 5AM

From slrpnk.net

Bamboo plant growing too tall? - SLRPNK

0 1

Hiya, have got these very simple bamboo plants in my bathrooms as they really like it there. However this one is now well over 2 years old and clearly has grown a lot. How can I safely trim the plant and is it possible to keep the leftover part in a glass of water to make it grow roots? I don’t...

on Sun, 3PM

From slrpnk.net

aisap: Tool to make sandboxing AppImages easy (using bubblewrap) - SLRPNK

0 1

Used in Appimage Manager [https://github.com/ivan-hc/AM]

on Sun, 12PM

From slrpnk.net

Naomi Klein: 'Let Them Drown: the violence of othering in a warming world' - SLRPNK

0 0

>n her 2016 Edward W. Said lecture, Naomi Klein examines how Said’s ideas of racial hierarchy, including Orientalism, have been the silent partners to climate change since the earliest days of the steam engine, continuing to present day decisions to let entire nations drown and others warm to...

on Jun 30

From slrpnk.net

Anyone had success with RepRap projects? - SLRPNK

0 0

I’m interested in trying to build a Snappy v3

on Jun 30

From slrpnk.net

Trolley problem solved... - SLRPNK

0 0

Partially a test for the video upload functionality of pict-rs.

on Jun 30

From slrpnk.net

The Spectrum Show EP142 - SLRPNK

0 0

Alternative Youtube Link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBjLMg3Hxxo]

on Jun 29

From slrpnk.net

A String of Supreme Court Decisions Hits Hard at Environmental Rules - SLRPNK

0 0

cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/10983081 [https://slrpnk.net/post/10983081] > The key thing here is that the court has a right-wing majority due to Trump appointing Federalist Society members to it. They’re in it for the...

on Jun 29

From slrpnk.net

Where this interface come from? - SLRPNK

0 0

I love the ViMusic/RiMusic UI, it’s something different that works also better than standard material designs.

on Jun 29

From slrpnk.net

Supreme Court Overrules Chevron Doctrine, Imperiling an Array of Federal Rules - SLRPNK

0 0

This is what the decision by the Republican justices to allow “gratuities” for public officials creates an incentive for.

on Jun 28

From slrpnk.net

Keir Starmer: 'There will be no return to austerity under my government' | Big Issue - SLRPNK

0 0

Starmer responds to questions from the Big Issue journalists and from vendors. Nothing particularly groundbreaking here but it all sounds good.

on Jun 28