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From smolnet.org


0 1

A smol neovim plugin to open a url you are standing on in your browser

on Wed, 5PM

From smolnet.org

Micke (@micke@camp.smolnet.org)

0 0

I was a bit worried that the birdsite exodus would turn fedi into the same kind of crap, that I left behind. So far it seems mostly people I like has come over, and are making an effort to leave all that negative stuff behind. Thanks guys, and I am happy you are here! 🤗

on Nov 4

From smolnet.org

Smolnet Camp

0 0

This is camp.smolnet.org, a Mastodon instance for the smol internet of friends.

on May 17

From smolnet.org

Smolnet Camp

0 0

This is camp.smolnet.org, a Mastodon instance for the smol internet of friends.

on May 17