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From snapsbyfox.com

Braga To Lisbon - A Photography Adventure — Roman Fox

0 1

There aren’t many places in the world as special as Portugal. The people are wonderful, the cities are full of life, and the seaside towns are some of the most photogenic I’ve seen. Whether you want to sample every Pastel de Nata in the country, learn about its rich history, or focus on photography,

on Fri, 8PM

From snapsbyfox.com

Sony 24-50mm f2.8 First Impressions — Roman Fox

0 0

Review of the Sony FE 24-50mm F2.8 G | SEL2450G

on Mar 1

From snapsbyfox.com

iPhone Only Photography Workflow (Adobe Lightroom) — Roman Fox

0 1

Apple iPhone photography workflow using Adobe Lightroom

on Jan 9

From snapsbyfox.com

I No Longer Shoot Like — Roman Fox

0 0

Things I did when I started photography that I no longer do

on Apr 6