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From statsmapsnpix.com

The longest line (part 2)

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In my last blog piece I wrote about my attempt to find a longer straight line in Great Britain that doesn't cross a public road than the on...

on Nov 3

From statsmapsnpix.com

Where is the most densely populated square kilometre in the UK?

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After the recent release of England and Wales Census data for 2021 I decided to take a quick look at which areas have the highest population...

on Jul 11

From statsmapsnpix.com

Far too many words about a chart

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This is a bit of a long read, because I wanted to put down my thoughts on a chart I made that has been quite popular and quite widely shared...

on Jul 8

From statsmapsnpix.com

A deprivation by constituency chart

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Yesterday I decided to update a little chart I made after the 2017 General Election. It was inspired by a histogram that Owen Boswarva mad...

on Jan 4

From statsmapsnpix.com

How many people live in the English green belt?

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Over a decade ago I set out to understand exactly where England's green belt land was by getting my hands on the raw data. Eventually it be...

on Nov 15, 2023