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From stimson.org

The Outlook for Iran Nuclear Negotiations • Stimson Center

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The original framework for negotiations – involving Iran, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany – is no longer useful to achieve a resolution of the issue within a reasonable amount of time.

on Sep 21

From stimson.org

Reimagining Cyber Arms Control • Stimson Center

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What can we learn from the Arms Trade Treaty and the Wassenaar Arrangement for the proliferation of offensive cyber capabilities?

on Sep 8

From stimson.org

Abbas Araghchi, Iran’s Experienced and ‘Revolutionary’ Incoming Foreign Minister • Stimson Center

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Araghchi's credentials could partially shield him from domestic criticism should Iran make concessions on key issues.

on Aug 13

From stimson.org

Iran’s New President is A Compendium of Contradictions • Stimson Center

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Pezeshkian has called himself a “reformist Principalist” or “Principal reformist,” combining the two main wings in post-revolutionary Iranian politics.

on Aug 5

From stimson.org

Advancing Accountability in Cyberspace • Stimson Center

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Findings from a two-year research project on improving international cyber accountability and deterring malicious cyber behavior.

on Jul 21

From stimson.org

How Hezbollah Grew Over Four Decades, Profiting From Chaos • Stimson Center

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The U.S. killing of Qassem Soleimani in 2020 led to an increased Hezbollah role in Iraq, where it has directed attacks against U.S. forces.

on Jul 17

From stimson.org

How Iran’s Next President Sees an Emerging “New World Order” • Stimson Center

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In general, Pezeshkian’s approach is practical and pragmatic, recalling the approach of predecessors Rafsanjani, Khatami and Rouhani.

on Jul 17

From stimson.org

Iran Elections: Record-Low Turnout Shows Even Regime Loyalists Are Unhappy • Stimson Center

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Whether it be overhauling the economy, boosting social justice, equal rights for women or reducing Iran’s international isolation, Iranians are more united than ever against the status quo.

on Jul 3

From stimson.org

What Goes Around, Comes Around: What Larijani’s Election Disqualification Revealed About Iranian Politics • Stimson Center

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Ali Larijani's rise and fall through his political career illustrates the importance of familial links in Iran's political arena

on Jun 28

From stimson.org

The Electoral Conundrum Facing Iran’s Sole Reformist Presidential Candidate • Stimson Center

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Pezeshkian's best chance to win the presidential elections might be if no one gets a majority in the first round and there is a runoff.

on Jun 26

From stimson.org

Influential Reformists Coalesce Around Pezeshkian for Iran Presidential Candidate • Stimson Center

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The challenge for reformists is to attract votes from a population tired of political participation, believing that it cannot improve their circumstances.

on Jun 25

From stimson.org

Death or Defibrillator: Iran’s Upcoming Presidential Elections • Stimson Center

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New presidential elections are taking place in an atmosphere of extreme popular alienation, with the valley between the people and the regime growing wider.

on Jun 24

From stimson.org

After Three European Countries Recognize Palestine, What’s Next? • Stimson Center

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Recognition has become an expression of some European countries’ frustration with the limited space for a critical position toward Israel within the EU.

on May 28

From stimson.org

Nasty, Brutish, and Short: Scholars, Think Tanks, and Influence on Policymaking • Stimson Center

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This chapter demonstrates how and why scholars and think tanks have had an uneven influence in the policymaking process.

on May 18

From stimson.org

Martyrdom and Power in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict • Stimson Center

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By studying the theological-turned-radical ideology of Hamas, analysts can better understand Hamas's political and military goals.

on May 18

From stimson.org

Mekong-US Partnership Track 1.5 Policy Dialogue on Fisheries, Agriculture, and Food Security Summary Report • Stimson Center

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This conference summary report highlights opportunities for collaboration through the Mekong-U.S. Partnership related to fisheries, agriculture, and food security

on May 9

From stimson.org

Russia Benefits from Continued but Calibrated Iran-Israel Hostilities • Stimson Center

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Higher levels of insecurity in the Middle East reinforce Russia’s message that the United States is an ineffective guarantor of stability in the region.

on May 2

From stimson.org

To Succeed, the GCC Requires Cooperation with Iran for Regional Security • Stimson Center

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GCC members understand that none of the mega projects they envision can be realized under the shadow of military confrontation with Iran

on Apr 30

From stimson.org

Climate Diplomacy in South Asia: Transboundary Challenges, Collective Solutions • Stimson Center

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Climate change has no borders. In the face of escalating climate-induced vulnerabilities and transboundary disasters, South Asian states find themselves at a crossroads where regional cooperation is imperative for effective adaptation and mitigation. From the interconnected challenges of...

on Apr 23

From stimson.org

Iran Carefully Weighs Response to Israeli Attack in Damascus • Stimson Center

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Iran is caught between a perceived need to retaliate to preserve its internal authority while fearing to escalate the conflict into full-scale war.

on Apr 6

From stimson.org

Quarrel Over Hijab Triggers New Public Outrage in Iran • Stimson Center

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An altercation between a cleric and an unveiled woman in Qom has become the latest cause celebre in Iran, widening rift between the regime and society.

on Apr 5

From stimson.org

European Disunity Undermines Leverage on Gaza • Stimson Center

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The European focus on airdrops and sea deliveries risks shifting attention away from the leverage the EU has over Israel but declines to wield.

on Mar 22

From stimson.org

Iran’s Supreme Leader Blames His ‘Favorite’ President for Economic Woes • Stimson Center

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Ebrahim Raisi is only the latest Iranian president to fall afoul of Supreme Leader Khamenei for poor performance in office.

on Mar 22

From stimson.org

Iran’s Faustian 2024 Elections: Statistics Tell the Story • Stimson Center

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A reported 41% participation rate, inclusive of spoiled ballots, marks the lowest level of participation by the Iranian people in the 12 rounds of parliamentary elections since 1979.

on Mar 12

From stimson.org

China Sees an Opportunity in the Red Sea Crisis with the Houthis • Stimson Center

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The crisis has raised China’s profile as an external power while distracting the United States from Ukraine and the Indo-Pacific.

on Feb 13

From stimson.org

Why Some US Allies Aren’t Joining the Anti-Houthi Mission in the Red Sea • Stimson Center

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The U.S. is increasingly seen by some of its allies as acting both counter-productively and unilaterally in striking Houthi targets in Yemen.

on Jan 26

From stimson.org

While Militias Flourish Elsewhere, Iran Struggles to Promote a Shi’ite Proxy in Azerbaijan • Stimson Center

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Iran began its long-term proxy hybrid warfare strategy in the Arab world, but is also trying to extend this strategy into the Caucasus.

on Jan 24

From stimson.org

Why Are the Houthis Getting Involved in a War Between Israel and Hamas? • Stimson Center

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By targeting Israel and Israeli-owned ships, the Houthis are signaling that their harsh rhetoric against Israel is not just empty words.

on Dec 5

From stimson.org

For China and Russia, the Gaza War May Be A Blessing in Disguise • Stimson Center

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Even as China and Russia benefit from the distraction away from the Indo-Pacific and Ukraine, their relations with Israel may still deteriorate

on Nov 9

From stimson.org

The Future of Hamas in Qatar • Stimson Center

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In the wake of the October 7 attack on Israel, Qatar has helped mediate with Hamas but has been under fire for their controversial relationship

on Nov 2

From stimson.org

Iranians differ widely with their leaders over the war between Israel and Hamas • Stimson Center

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The Iranian government and public opinion has splintered over time, as domestic and foreign policy shift support between Israel and Palestine

on Oct 18