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From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 1

Attached: 1 image This is the view from the "Bavaria" down to #Octoberfest Munich, 2024.

23h ago

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 1

Yesterday, we (#LoveOfMyLife and I) had planned to go to Octoberfest with my MIL. But MIL said that she feels tired and that she doesn't want to go there this year. So my wife and I went there alone, to walk around a bit, check out the tents, have a Radler (Beer + Lemonade), maybe something to...

on Fri, 1PM

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

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Attached: 3 images Wow, who is that beauty? (Sorry for self-you-know-what 🫶) NGL, I think this is ine of the most beautiful selfies I ever did - and it just happened because I saw myself reflected... 🥹🥹🥹🥹 - and yes, I *am* crying #Selfie #Trans #Enby #NonBinary #TransJoy #EnbyJoy #NonBinaryJoy

on Sep 7

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 1

Reading "Twelve Trees", and I am completely immersed in yhe lives of trees - so beautiful 😍😍😍 https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Twelve-Trees/Daniel-Lewis/9781982164058

on Sep 2

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 1

Seit 1979 lebe ich in Deutschland - und seitdem stelle ich immer wieder fest, wie manche Menschen in diesem Land Faschismus , Rassismus, Ausländerfeindlichkeit und Nationalsozialismus lieben, ja herbeisehnen. Und jedesmal frage ich mich, ob sie jetzt endlich dazulernen werden oder ob auch der...

on Sep 2

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 1

I guess I'll just clean the terrace today and then lie in the sun there - that's all, a quiet Sunday.

on Sep 1

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 1

"Her": I really would like a penis - for peeing, you know... Me: Oh-key... ~~~ Meeting someone with so much internalized trans-/homophobia because, well let's say "I can hear the first cracks", is ... well, for me this really is a first...

on Aug 31

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

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Today at the end of the yoga session I wondered why I can now have such beautiful relationships with women but can't imagine falling in (romantic) love with any of all the women I meet - whether young or old. I don't fully understand it, I find some of them attractive, actually very attractive...

on Aug 29

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

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#PrideFlags I just received message that the flags are on route to me via UPS. I'm expecting them early next week and will immediately ship out to all of you who are eagerly waiting. Sorry for the delay but it seems the printer had some "500 Internal Error" and had to reprint...

on Aug 16

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

The Girl and The Trans Femme Enby -- a sad story A beautiful girl and a trans femme enby meet at a dance event. The girl looks at the enby, lovingly, very interested it seems, and smiles. The enby looks back, lovingly, and smiles, seemingly interested too. They dance. They look at each...

on Aug 8

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 1

We have some friends visiting us since yesterday evening. It is a mom with their two "children", one of which is a 20+ year old young woman and the other ... well, she presents as a young girl, but... In any case, this is the first time in my life that I consciously met an intersex person and I...

on Aug 2

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 1

@LilahTovMoon@tech.lgbt 💖: reserved for someone very special 🩷: #LoveOfMyLife 💜: when I don't want to come over as overstepping boundaries, but wanting to let someone know that I love them (platonically)/their post ♥️: Well, ... ❤️: Similar, but a bit less All the others: depends on the...

on Jul 28

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

@faithisleaping@anarres.family Ooff, that sucks. I hate HOAs, even (or especially here in Germany. My dream was always to have a house in the center of a land 200m in diameter - and a wall at my land's border, 10m high. And only people allowed in: children to play on my land and friends &...

on Jul 25

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Wer nach guten Nachrichten aus dem Politikbetrieb sucht – hier ist eine. Die Ampelkoalition hat sich mit der Union auf eine Änderung des Grundgesetzes geeinigt, um das Bundesverfassungsgericht krisenfest zu machen. Die Regierungsparteien und die größte Oppositionsfraktion haben sich damit auf...

on Jul 23

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

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@antonproitzelhaimer@mastodon.social @P0llyticks@norden.social Girlsplaining? Geht's noch dümmer?? Und was bitte schön ist "bad wokeness" (und am besten gleich alles als Hashtag - ughhh - ) Ich sehe schon, da haben wir echt noch viel Arbeit vor uns, wenn wir die Welt von Sensibelchen befreien...

on Jul 22

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Isn't this a contradiction in itself? I can't imagine using "TikTok" and "Privacy" in the same sentence except for "None"... but let's see... (at least I don't have to change the venue). Ada-Lynn Jules, Mx de Pompadour, is very skeptical Description: A Secure and Private...

on Jul 18

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

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Attached: 1 image I don't know, but I really can't get over people using Apple's standard device-naming system. My devices, even my phone, has their give names - given by me. Something like "Francescos-MacBook-Pro-2" is such a weird name... Of course, I also can't get over people using their...

on Jul 18

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

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Attached: 1 image Since about 80% of the sessions here include AI in way or other, let's just give in and join such a session #WeAreDevelopers

on Jul 18

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

PSA !!! If you have ordered pride flags - I have started contacting you - but only via DM - please make sure to check your DMs!! I will contact all of you who contacted me prior to Jul 04, 2024 at 19:13 CEST

on Jul 12

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Attached: 1 image · Content warning: Food, vegetarian

on Jul 11

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Ok, no selfies until tomorrow anymore - I am so full my belly would look - well, you get the "picture" 😂 https://tau-ceti.space/@ics/112769057102905084

on Jul 11

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

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Attached: 1 image Off… gerade diese E-Mail an team@ <domain> bei meinem Lieblingskunden geschickt. Bitte, bitte, bitte … drückt mir die Daumen. 😰😰😰 ~~~snip~~~ Liebe Alle, heute wende ich mich in einer persönlichen Sache an Euch alle. Das fällt mir nicht leicht, da es mir grundsätzlich schwer...

on Jul 11

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Und dies ist die Nachricht, die ich an die Freund*innen geschickt habe. Jetzt heisst es warten… 😰😰 ~~~snip~~~ Liebe Alle, heute wende ich mich in einer sehr persönlichen Sache an Euch alle. Das fällt mir nicht leicht, da es mir grundsätzlich schwer fällt, von anderen Menschen was für mich...

on Jul 11

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

I guess my mh is better today, even though I still struggle with being “he/him’ed” in German by people who knew me Before Egg Crack (BEC). I have no idea, yet, how to gently explain to them that they are hurting me by continuing doing that. I guess, I’m just gonna make it harder for their brain...

on Jul 10

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

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Attached: 1 image · Content warning: Selfie, ec

on Jul 8

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Attached: 1 image #LoveOfMyLife: "Can you put on some music while we cook?" Me: "What would you like?" Her: "Zeki Müren would be nice." This is #ZekiMüren - one of the greatest Turkish musicians. He never talked about his gender or sexuality, but for me, he was gender envy all along. And I...

on Jul 7

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Attached: 1 image @FreyaRant@norden.social 😩🫂 - dann zeige ich Dir kein Photo wie das bei uns pünktlich zum Feierabend aussieht, oder? 😈 Schönen Feierabend dann trotzdem noch

on Jul 5

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

TBH, I can actually see myself in the first two photos there, but then I got lost. I look into the eyes of those two people, 3 and 15 years old and I can see myself there - in the 3-year-old's eyes very clearly, in the 15-year-old's a little hazily, but I still can. With 17, I was gone - I...

on Jul 4

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Attached: 4 images · Content warning: BIG WARNING ‼️ pre-transition photos ⚠️ ec

on Jul 4

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Attached: 4 images PSA: After some discussions and brainstorming (and calculations), and double-checking with the artist ( @thatfrisiangirlish@blahaj.zone ), I have decided to make the following offer to the community here on Fedi: I will get these designs printed as flags, size 150x90cm...

on Jul 2

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Attached: 3 images · Content warning: Blahaj ec

on Jun 30

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Yea, Ada-Lynn Jules, Mx de Pompadour, really loves train rides. I am assuming all their "Are we there yet?" is just to keep me on my toes. I so much love them 😍 @Elodie_lyra@lgbtqia.space 👉 Alt Text 🫂 #BlahajOnTrain #Blhaj #Blåhaj

on Jun 30

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Attached: 1 image · Content warning: Selfie, ec

on Jun 30

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Content warning: mh --, bad memories, pre-egg-crack

on Jun 29

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

🎶 I am a trans femme enby - and I love it 🎶 #NoContext

on Jun 28

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

I am still pondering what @faithisleaping@anarres.family said about two months ago. We were sitting on our terrace on the bed and charting about being trans, trans binary, non-binary , genderfuild, etc - just the usual stuff two trans people talk about. When I started talking a little more in...

on Jun 28

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Look, I could try to explain the beauty that was this day, I could writ never-ending novels, I could even write epic stories like "The Odyssey ", or "Gilgamesh"... but none of them would do justice to what happened today, and more importantly, *who* happened today to me... Just to give you a...

on Jun 25

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Back home at 02:40. I believe J had a wonderful evening. We met at 1900hrs, went for a nice dinner, and then to ProseccoBar. We tried Goldener Reiter but it was too empty even at 0100hrs, so went back to ProseccoBar and enjoyed a long dance session with a quite attractive (dare I say "sexy") gay...

on Jun 23

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Just started watching the six-episode documentary titled "PRIDE" on Disney+. And I am already crying, laughing, loving... 😍💖 Edit: this is the documentary here https://m.imdb.com/title/tt8682114/

on Jun 3

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Traitor. Queer. Crazy. It used to tear me apart. It used-- I used to cry bitter, bitter tears, right? Until I cut loose from those thing. And there ain't no family except the one you make, right? ~~ Audre Lorde

on Jun 3

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Truth and reality have sometimes nothing to do with how we feel inside. Thus, I learned, it pays off to listen to truth and reality. I know this is no help, coming especially from someone who was so deprived of (parental) #love that they learned to (sometimes) hyper-compensate by *giving*...

on Jun 1

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Attached: 4 images While I was working in the field of “AI” (2016-2018), I used to do a lot of presentation to explain people what you can do with Machine Learning (ML) and what the dangers are. One of the major dangers that I tried to explain people was the “Enforcing Unconscious...

on May 29

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

@sfb@nerdculture.de @ErikUden@mastodon.de Whether someone deserves to be free requires a state and citizenship? Didn't know that... whoa, you live and you learn /s

on May 28

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

I like sex! Yes, I do! Now that I have your attention... Let's imagine evolution as some intelligent being, an omnipotent, omniscient, intelligent being. After having experimented with various methods, combinations and such that being has settled on the idea that you need two of each being for...

on May 27

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

(and to make it clear: I'm not saying sex is only for two people together. Whether with yourself, with one other person, or the whole adult nation: do what feels good for you and all that participate in it - consensually)

on May 27

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

Attached: 1 image · Content warning: Selfie, ec

on May 24

From tau-ceti.space

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: [witchzard] (@ics@tau-ceti.space)

0 0

@Elizafox@treehouse.systems Checks out - but 2-3 actual dudes, one of them here on Fedi.

on May 24