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From the-bee-writes.com


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May you have a wonderful day of rest whenever yours is Möget Ihr einen wundervollen Tag der Ruhe haben wann immer Ihr ihn habt

5h ago

From the-bee-writes.com

Re-blog: Thought of the day ~ 8Feb16

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2024 Looks like I might have been right 😪 2016 I have read a few articles lately who compared Mr T to Adolf Hitler but most of them concluded you cannot compare them because Hitler killed millions …

11h ago

From the-bee-writes.com

Thank You, My Lovely Readers

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Thanks to you I am breaking records 😇😎😂 Danke sehr, Ihr lieben LeserInnen. Dank Euch breche ich Rekorde 🤣😇😎

13h ago

From the-bee-writes.com

A Video I Made Last Year

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Sometimes Sherky is a film star 🤣 Have a great Saturday! Manchmal ist Sherky ein Filmstar. Habt einen tollen Samstag!

18h ago

From the-bee-writes.com

You Can’t Escape A Dogs Loyalty

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This is such a lovely animation. Enjoy! Video credit: The CGIBros via YouTube Man der Loyalität eines Hundes nicht entkommen. Dies ist so eine schöne Animation. Viel Spass!

22h ago

From the-bee-writes.com

It’s Nearly Two Years That We Left The UK

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Last year, I made a video with the help of AI about our first year in Ireland. I am not sure if I shared it here. It’s not perfect but it’s also not terrible so please enjoy a sneak pee…

on Fri, 6PM

From the-bee-writes.com

Sherky’s Story

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Last year, I made a short video about how we got Sherky and what her challenges were. Enjoy Letztes Jahr machte ich ein Video darüber, wie wir Sherky bekamen und welche Herausforderungen sie meiste…

on Fri, 12PM

From the-bee-writes.com

The Easy Part Is Over

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Good morning good people of the interweb. The UK election 2024 is over and Labour is in. That was the easy part in my opinion. Now they got to show that they can and more importantly want to make a…

on Fri, 8AM

From the-bee-writes.com

The River Can Be Dangerous

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One YouTube channel we always like to watch is East Anglian Bushcraft. Craig is an ex-services sniper who shares his struggles & solutions of living with PTSD. One of them is being outside in n…

on Fri, 5AM

From the-bee-writes.com

I am not sure, I phrased that right 😱

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All languages have some funny expressions and if you are learning another language you are not always aware of the pitfalls of certain expressions. Also, I find I connect a word with the first mean…

on Fri, 1AM

From the-bee-writes.com

What We Are Watching Tonight: 4th of July UK election from a different point of view

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The collapse of the Conservative party, rise of right-wing Reform (they seem to be a business rather than a party), record wins for Labour and a better place for the Greens. Tomorrow the UK will lo…

on Thu, 11PM

From the-bee-writes.com

Sherky Isn’t Feeling It…

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…we are not sure why. Maybe its simply the rain. Sherky fühlt sich nicht gut aber wir sind uns nicht sicher warum. Vielleicht ist es nur der Regen.

on Thu, 6PM

From the-bee-writes.com

Re-blog from “It Is What It Is”: Something to Think About …. “💣 ‘No Ceasefire and Forever War’ 💣 … “!!

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Please, click through, read & take action! ~~July 3, 2024~~ DISTRACTIONS BACK HOME This at home have surely turned ‘squirrely’. We can’t forget what still daily in Gaza because of Israel’s cont…

on Thu, 4PM

From the-bee-writes.com

Our Neighbours Getting On Well With Their Project

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Our neighbours have bought the 200-year-old farm cottage and are on a mission to renovate it. The beginning of this little video shows our cottage and the surrounding area and theirs behind the tre…

on Thu, 11AM

From the-bee-writes.com

Sometimes We forget…

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…that no matter the challenge its still a wonderful life. Happy Thursday despite everything. Manchmal vergessen wir, dass es trotz aller Herausforderungen immer noch ein wunderbares Leben ist…

on Thu, 6AM

From the-bee-writes.com

Little Did We Know

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I posted this link to an opinion piece by Owen Jones in 2017. Little did we know how much more was to come: 2017 I just sit and wonder what happened to this country. And what’s going to happe…

on Thu, 12AM

From the-bee-writes.com

The Challenges Of Slowing Down

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We haven’t watched Our Portuguese Homestead for a while but this video showed a topic that bothers me, too. How can I slow down without feeling guilty. Video credit: Our Portuguese Homestead …

on Wed, 7PM

From the-bee-writes.com

Don’t Let Your Dream Die

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Good afternoon, my dear readers. They say when your time comes you won’t regret the things you’ve done but those you haven’t. So please, don’t let your dream die. No matter …

on Wed, 12PM

From the-bee-writes.com

Breaking Down Challenges (bilingual English/German) #WQW #VMD

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Top Good morning good people of the WordPressverse. How are you doing today? We hope you had a great week being good to yourself. I enjoyed some time outside, we saw noctilucent clouds and we had a…

on Wed, 5AM

From the-bee-writes.com

It Ain’t Easy…

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to be a greyhound 😁 Es ist nicht einfach ein Windhund zu sein 😜

on Wed, 1AM

From the-bee-writes.com

I can’t Repeat This Often Enough

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You are wonderful! Have a great day! Ihr seid wunderbar! Habt einen tollen Tag!

on Tue, 8PM

From the-bee-writes.com

Re-post: The Bee Talks With… A. H. Amin

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Today I am honored to introduce you to Ahmed Hameed author of “Kima” a fascinating story about two children, an old woman and whales. Does that make you interested? Well, let’s he…

on Tue, 12PM

From the-bee-writes.com

Sherky Wishes You A Good Morning

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Happy Tuesday you lovely people despite everything from Sherky & us. Schönen Dienstag ihr lieben Leute trotz allem von Sherky & uns.

on Tue, 6AM

From the-bee-writes.com

We Don’t Know How He Gets It Away With It

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We are watching Jonathan Pie for quite some time and are always surprise how the YouTube algorithm let’s him get away with all the swear words. Video credit: Jonathan Pie via YouTube Wir scha…

on Tue, 1AM

From the-bee-writes.com

Sherky Isn’t Bothered

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What???? Black greyhounds face lying on white carpet/Gesicht eines schwarzen Windhundes auf weißem Teppich Was????

on Mon, 5PM

From the-bee-writes.com

Start The Week With A Good Laugh

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This one made me giggle a lot Startet die Woche mit einem Lacher. Dieses hat mich zum kichern gebracht

on Mon, 11AM

From the-bee-writes.com

Good Morning With Luis Armstrong

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Good morning my dear readers. A new week 1000 new chances. Take them if you can. You rock! Guten Morgen mit Luis Armstrong Guten Morgen meine lieben Leser. Eine neue Woche 1000 neue Chancen. Nehmt …

on Mon, 5AM

From the-bee-writes.com

I know, I know Nothing

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Has proven right again. I tried to write a blogpost about Zionism but my research confused me utterly. So I leave you with my Zionism playlist and maybe one day I manage to write a coherent post ab…

on Mon, 12AM

From the-bee-writes.com

Sherky Searches

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Where is that cat? Black greyhound looking up a street/Schwarzer Windhund, der eine Strasse entlang schaut Wo ist diese Katze! 🏡 Follow us on our Irish journey. Find public posts here and subscribe…

on Sun, 5PM

From the-bee-writes.com

Remember Hind!!!!

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I have no words for you. If this case does not break your heart and makes you question the current Israeli government’s action nothing will. Video credit: Democracy Now via YouTube Ich habe k…

on Sun, 11AM

From the-bee-writes.com

Hasta La Vista, Humankind

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We often watch the videos of “The Honest Governments” series. They are funny but also tragic when you think about the topics they cover. If you need some entertainment today check out t…

on Sun, 7AM

From the-bee-writes.com

An Oopsie Good Morning

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Have a wonderful Sunday despite everything. And maybe I can make you smile with this oopsie. Sherky was more interested in the cat up the street than doing her job as my poster model 🤣. It didn&#82…

on Sun, 5AM

From the-bee-writes.com

I stand with Tunisia

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Before we go into the troubled bit let’s have a look at one of the most fascinating countries in North Africa. Let the guys from Geography. Now explain it. Video credit: geography now via you…

on Sun, 12AM

From the-bee-writes.com

Sleep well, Sherky

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🤗 Follow us on our Irish journey. Find public posts here and subscribe (free) or become a member (2,4,7€/$/£ it adjusts amounts) here. Folgt uns auf unserer irischen Reise. Findet öffentliche Beitr…

on Jun 29

From the-bee-writes.com

He Is Absolutely Right

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And we are giggling the whole day 🤗 Video credit: ElMobMattock via YouTube Er hat voll Recht und,wir kichern den ganzen Tag lang 🇮🇪

on Jun 29

From the-bee-writes.com

Good Morning, You Darlings

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We wish you a wonderful day & weekend 🤗 Guten Morgen, Ihr Darlings. Wir wünschen Euch einen guten Tag und ein gutes Wochenende 👋

on Jun 29

From the-bee-writes.com

Re-post: Words

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Sometimes words are much to much. You only need a gesture! Manchmal Sind Worte Viel zu Viel. Man braucht Nur eine Geste.

on Jun 29

From the-bee-writes.com

You Are In Bed…

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…the sofa is mine 🤣 Ihr seid im Bett…das Sofa gehört mir 😅 Follow us on our Irish journey. Find public posts here and subscribe (free) or become a member (2,4,7€/$/£ it adjusts amounts)…

on Jun 28

From the-bee-writes.com

He Is Not Only Delicious But Also A Good Person

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I think the Irish Juridicial system let itself down here. Even a lawyer is upset about this ruling. It is very upsetting. Video credit: Garron via YouTube

on Jun 28

From the-bee-writes.com

For Humor Purposes Only

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Feli From Germany introduced us to this Channel and we can’t stop laughing. Please check both of them out 🤣 Video credit: Liam Carps via YouTube Feli From Germany hat uns diesen YouTubekanal …

on Jun 28

From the-bee-writes.com

Good Morning, My Wonderful Readers

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I can’t repeat it often enough: You rock. Thanks so much for reading and interacting with me. It’s great to be back! May you have a brilliant day! Ich kann es nicht oft genug wiederhole…

on Jun 28

From the-bee-writes.com

I Stand With Tanzania

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I wasn’t aware that Tanzania had so many different violent problems. When I started looking into it videos turned up from gender-based violence, to violence against Albino Tanzanians and refu…

on Jun 28

From the-bee-writes.com

Greyhound Myths

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Greyhounds don’t shed, they said, but look! Windhunde verlieren ihr Fell nicht, sagten sie, aber schaut mal!

on Jun 28

From the-bee-writes.com

Hind, Assange & How Britain Might Vote

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This is Novara Media’s Tuesday program. Very interesting points. Video credit: Novara Media via YouTube Dies ist das Dienstagsprogramm von Novara Media. Sehr interessante Punkte.

on Jun 28

From the-bee-writes.com

May Your Coffee Be Strong

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Today I am sharing a cuppa with you. Coffee, Tea or whatever else you need to face your day. Good morning! Heute teile ich eine Tasse mit Euch. Kaffee, Tee oder was auch immer Ihr braucht, um Euren…

on Jun 28

From the-bee-writes.com

I stand With Syria

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I started the  “I stand With” series back in 2022 when the western world stood up in an outcry of “I stand with Ukraine” while they never seem to give a damn about all …

on Jun 27

From the-bee-writes.com

The Army Of Slugs…

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is going for our potatoes! 😱 Die Armee der Nacktschnecken kommt für unsere Kartoffeln! 😰

on Jun 26

From the-bee-writes.com

Re-blog for my US Star War Fan readers: Win a Free Trip to Japan (only for the USA residents)- Free Entry

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Deadline is 30th September 2024. The Force is with Japan, and Japan is with the Force. Now is the Time to Feel the Force in Japan. It’s time to make your travel dreams come true in your bucket list…

on Jun 26

From the-bee-writes.com

The Most Moral Army In The World

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I have no comment to make. Video credit: Owen Jones via YouTube I kommentiere dies nicht.

on Jun 26

From the-bee-writes.com


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For days now YouTube was teasing me with a song via a Virgin Media ad. Its,a great earworm and I loved it back in the day also because of its quirky video. Thanks to Shazam I found out what it is: …

on Jun 26