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From theapprofessor.org

Stay Connected to the Podcast | TAPP Radio

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Get all the new audio episodes focused on teaching human anatomy & physiology. Hosted by A&P professor, author, & blogger Dr. Kevin Patton. TAPP Radio is an A&P professor's favorite virtual mentor!

on Tue, 7PM

From theapprofessor.org

Weight Stigma! The Difficult Cadaver | Journal Club Episode | TAPP 93

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Does the adiposity of a difficult-to-dissect cadaver contribute to weight stigma among health professionals? | A Journal Club episode with Dr. Krista Rompolski

on Nov 1

From theapprofessor.org

The A&P Professor | Podcast | Hosted by Kevin Patton

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Audio episodes focused on teaching human anatomy & physiology (A&P) featuring award-winning A&P professor and author, Dr. Kevin Patton.

on Oct 17

From theapprofessor.org

Textbooks to Slides: IP Attorney Brenda Ulrich on Legal Image Use in Anatomy & Physiology | TAPP 150

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A legal expert gets real about how we can—and cannot—use published images in teaching anatomy & physiology

on Oct 17

From theapprofessor.org

Actual Learning vs. Feeling of Learning | Journal Club Episode | TAPP 83

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Do learner feelings accurately reflect their learning? | A Journal Club episode with Dr. Krista Rompolski

on Jun 9

From theapprofessor.org

Six More Textbook Tricks | Using Textbooks Effectively | TAPP 97

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In this episode, I'll give you six amazing tricks you can perform with your A&P textbook to use them more effectively!

on May 26

From theapprofessor.org

Our Teaching Persona in Anatomy & Physiology Class | TAPP 137

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Teaching A&P Unmasked: Embracing Authenticity, Playfulness, and Mistakes in the Classroom

on May 22

From theapprofessor.org

Kevin's Unofficial Guide to the HAPS Annual Conference | 2019 | TAPP 42

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Kevin shares tips & insights as he gets ready to attend his 30th consecutive HAPS Annual Conference. Plus other voices & music!

on May 20

From theapprofessor.org

Blueprints for Learning: Justin Shaffer on Structured A&P Course Design | TAPP 148

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Anatomy and physiology learning guru Justin Shaffer chats about his successes with high structure course design

on May 16

From theapprofessor.org

Pulse of Progress: Looking Back, Moving Forward | TAPP 147

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Our Annual Debriefing of the Last Year in the world The A&P Professor. A Review of Last Year's Predictions. Some Predictions for the Coming Year.

on Apr 12

From theapprofessor.org

Anatomy of Trust: Promoting Integrity in A&P Education | Winter Shorts | TAPP 146

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Fostering Academic Integrity by Building a Culture of Trust and Honesty in the Anatomy & Physiology Course

on Jan 19

From theapprofessor.org

A Tongue Twister's Guide to Mastering Anatomy Pronunciation | Winter Shorts | TAPP 145

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Unlocking the Secret to Perfect Anatomy & Physiology Pronunciation. A short, classic remix, remastering, and repeat of popular content from past episodes.

on Jan 2

From theapprofessor.org

Dissecting the Kenhub Atlas: Insights from Editor Mike Pascoe | TAPP 144

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Mike Pascoe shares his vision for the new anatomy atlas from Kenhub, explaining its unique features and inclusion-oriented vision. A brief remembrance of A&P professor David Allard.

on Dec 14

From theapprofessor.org

The One Teaching Strategy That Will Fix Your Anatomy & Physiology Course | TAPP 143

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What's Is That Thing That'll Save Your Course? Following Up On Pre-A&P and A&P Supplement. Quantum Microtubules?

on Nov 2, 2023