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From thehistoryoftheweb.com

It's Lists All the Way Down - The History of the Web

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When you get down to it, a lot of the web is just lists. And that's kind of what it was meant for.

on Sep 25

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

The Gift of Code - The History of the Web

0 5

In the open source community, there is perhaps no greater gift than code. This is about that time 135,000 lines of gifted code created a new era of JavaScript

on Sep 4

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

The First Thing That Ever Sold Online Was Pizza - The History of the Web

0 1

If you happened to live in Santa Cruz in 1994 you could sit down at your computer, open up your favorite browser, and then go ahead and order a pizza online. You could do all of this on PizzaNet, owned and operated by Pizza Hut. PizzaNet was an experiment that launched in the early 90’s, […]

on Aug 29

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

What, then, was the moment the web clicked for you? - Dialogues

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I have always been drawn to the web in a way that felt naturally occurring. Like gravity. It just is. I can barely remember what life was like before it.

on Aug 23

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

What was the moment the web clicked for you? - Dialogues

0 3

I think I can single out an exact moment when the web clicked. And maybe unsurprisingly, it began with a click.

on Aug 13

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Project Tamarin - The History of the Web

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November 7, 2006. Adobe gifts 135,000 lines of code to Mozilla in the form of Project Tamarin, a Javascript Virtual Machine compliant with the still-not-fully-implemented ECMAScript 4. Mozilla would try a few times to incorporate Tamarin into Firefox, but would eventually abandon that idea for...

on Jul 31

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Cool URLs Mean Something - The History of the Web

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Earlier this month, MTV News abruptly pulled their site off the web without warning, eliminating a virtual archive of pop culture news stories that date back to 1997. This move coincided with a series of similar decisions from MTV’s parent company Paramount, including a similar move on CMT, and...

on Jul 23

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Artists and Technologists - The History of the Web

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In Zen and the Art of Motorcyle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig muses—among other things—about the intersection of art and technology, and what is lost when the two diverge and we seek out only the cold refuge of science. We have artists with no scientific knowledge and scientists with no artistic...

on Jul 23

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Where does SEO come from? - The History of the Web

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In 2007, one person tried to lay claim to the term SEO. But SEO had been invented by a community. It couldn't be owned.

on Jun 26

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Beware the cloud of hype - The History of the Web

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We don't know how this AI thing will turn out, but there is much to be learned from the cycles of hype that have already occurred on the web.

on Jun 5

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

The Analog Web - The History of the Web

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On reclaiming the web's lost humanity, and the people still very much trying to do it.

on Apr 20

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

The Netscape Mosaic Coup - The History of the Web

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In mid-April of 1994, Netscape co-founders Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark boarded a plane from Silicon Valley to Illinois, held a meeting, then flew back a few days later with a full engineering team in tow. And that’s pretty much how Netscape got started. A year before that, Andreessen had been...

on Apr 4

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

AJAX without the X: The History of JSON - The History of the Web

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The history of JSON is the history of the people that created it, and what they set out to do with the software they wrote.

on Mar 4

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Whatever Happened to LiveJournal? - The History of the Web

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If you’re on the web, chances are you’ve heard of LiveJournal. But you may not have heard of it lately. It was originally created by Brad Fitzpatrick in 1999 as a personal diary platform. It separated itself from other blogging services by offering users a completely open and customizable...

on Mar 2

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Filling gaps with a polyfill - The History of the Web

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In the early 2000s, Web 2.0 prompted new web standards, HTML5 and CSS3. Developers used 'shims' and 'polyfills' for browser compatibility, fostering innovation.

on Mar 1

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

We've been waiting 20 years for this - The History of the Web

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The indie web may be back. But if is, it is likely in a way we least expect.

on Feb 7

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

The History of the Web

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The web's best stories, delivered each week.

on Jan 22

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Early work on Modernizr - The History of the Web

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Today I’m looking at the work of Faruk Ates, who created the first version of Modernizr back in 2009. With […]

on Jan 20

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

How to Block IE6 - The History of the Web

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If it's the early 2000s you might make a dire decision: it's time to block IE6.

on Jan 20

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Rosy Retrospection - The History of the Web

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The internet's openness, championed by pioneers like Tim Berners-Lee, as well as concerns over its limitations, are explored in a retrospective on the history and future of the open web. The duality of its freedom – a gift and a constraint – points to the need for a more inclusive and diverse...

on Jan 4

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Powering the web - The History of the Web

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I’ve been interested in Coldfusion for a while, as this language that was (and in some ways still is) very popular, but never quite made the headlines. I like what its creator, JJ Allaire, had to say about his goal when he created it though: We built a language that had as its at its […]

on Jan 3

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Reversing the boring web - The History of the Web

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I am a bit distressed about the web. Sometimes, I panic about it. And it’s why I look back so often to try and capture the long view. But when I peak up to loo around a lot of what I see—or rather, what is surfaced to me by broken down algorithms that hides beneath the […]

on Dec 30

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

A History of Coldfusion - The History of the Web

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When the Allaire brothers were looking for a way to build websites, nothing stuck out. So they built their own and called it Coldfusion.

on Dec 12

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Sorry Computer, You're Not a Teapot - The History of the Web

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You are reading this somewhere. On your laptop or on your phone or in your email or RSS reader. If […]

on Nov 7

From thehistoryoftheweb.com

Wait, what's a bookmarklet? - The History of the Web

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How this one small browser quirk turned into a tool used by countless people for decades.

on Oct 29