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From thomasphinney.com

About .notdef: the symbol (not emoji!) that is often an “X” inside a tall rectangle

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The rectangle-with-an-x is called a “.notdef”—it is not an emoji, but you can get it instead of an emoji or other unusual character. A notdef (undefined glyph) is what gets displayed when a charact…

#font #glyph #typography

on Tue, 8PM

From thomasphinney.com

More of my fonts/​typography answers coming here!

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Back around 2013–2021, I really liked Quora. I could go through questions people asked, find interesting questions that I was especially qualified to answer (mostly about fonts and typography), and…

on Nov 18

From thomasphinney.com

“Do companies get sued for using fonts illegally?”

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Originally posted on Quora, in response to a user question. Due to Quora’s increasingly desperate and user-hostile changes, I revised and reposted it here. Last update 29 May 2024. Yes, companies o…

on Jul 31