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From thomasrigby.com

I don't have time for your cutesy error messages

0 1

Failure states are not the time for levity

on Tue, 10PM

From thomasrigby.com


0 1

Just another developer's blog

on Sun, 9AM

From thomasrigby.com

Licensing my content

0 1

Updating my copyright licence

on Sat, 9PM

From thomasrigby.com

Artificial intelligence and the language of conscious intent

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LLM GenAI can't lie, it can only be wrong

on Jun 26

From thomasrigby.com

Constraints make for a better end product

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Many of the designers I've worked with on web projects in the past would complain about being "stifled" by web standards.

on Jun 26

From thomasrigby.com

Quoting Jan-Lukas Else on minimalist design

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I like clean and simple things, especially in the digital world. — Jan-Lukas Else

on Jun 26

From thomasrigby.com


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Thoughts on experiencing burnout

on Jun 25

From thomasrigby.com

Weeknotes: 2024-W24

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Crows, new singles, and crime-solving sheep

on Jun 25

From thomasrigby.com

Email is good actually

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I, like many people, hated email. Because, like many people, I hadn't tamed it.

on Jun 25

From thomasrigby.com

Quoting Leon Paternoster on alt text

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Alt text should convey its fullest meaning to people who can’t see it. Handing that responsibility to a machine that can only recognise the the basic elements of the image shows a lack of respect for some of our readers. — Leon Paternoster

on Jun 25

From thomasrigby.com

This one weird punctuation thing really grinds my gears

0 0

It is grammatically correct to place ending punctuation within any quotation marks but should it be?

on Jun 24

From thomasrigby.com

It's a Small World

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I was skimming through my RSS feed the other day and there was an article about someone I know by someone else I know.

on Jun 23

From thomasrigby.com

Weeknotes: 2024-W23

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Islands of love, dreams of Delphi, and cutting of hair

on Jun 23

From thomasrigby.com

A blog's heartbeat

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Measuring the cadence of posts

on Jun 9

From thomasrigby.com

Top of the Tops

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Writing a ranking is a popular blog post topic; top 25 games, top ten movies, top 100 embarrassing times my brain won't let me forget.

on Jun 1

From thomasrigby.com

Quoting Cory Dransfeldt on supporting journalism

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We should value and support journalistic institutions and throwing money at them to treat their content as more grist for the AI mill doesn't qualify. — Cory Dransfeldt

on May 30

From thomasrigby.com

Book Review — Prophet

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One of my sporadic book reviews

on May 29

From thomasrigby.com


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I mostly don't like to relive the past. Mostly.

on May 27

From thomasrigby.com

Quoting Chat-GPT on me

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Hryggrbyr is an online handle used by Thomas Rigby, a developer who frequently writes about web development, JavaScript, and other tech topics. — Chat-GPT

on May 26

From thomasrigby.com

Weeknotes: 2024-W21

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The Three R's — rain, reading, and wrens

on May 26

From thomasrigby.com

Review — Married at First Sight (New Zealand), Season 1

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While it wasn't as polished or dramatic as its Australian counterpart, it was an enjoyable watch.

on May 25

From thomasrigby.com

My blogging workflow

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Describing my current workflow for producing content for my blog

on May 22

From thomasrigby.com

Weeknotes: 2024-W20

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Camera trouble, French funk, and making full use of the garden.

on May 19

From thomasrigby.com

Post Brain

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Reflecting on evaluating my surroundings for content to post about

on May 18

From thomasrigby.com

I am a documentarian

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In some ways, all photography is documentary.

on May 18

From thomasrigby.com

Ten authors, five books

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A top ten of authors I have read a lot of

on May 17

From thomasrigby.com

On bubbles and battles

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Pick your battles and choose your companions wisely

on May 15

From thomasrigby.com

"You get what you pay for"

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A lesson learned in childhood to be unlearned

on May 13

From thomasrigby.com

#TIL: Bicarbonate of soda to reduce smells

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I was today years old when I learned how to fix a stinky cabinet

on May 10

From thomasrigby.com

Quoting Julian Oliver on deadbots

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Rather than such software being the fruit of recommendations from therapists and psychologists, to meet real needs, tech is instead forced upon the vulnerable by a predatory market. — Julian Oliver

on May 9

From thomasrigby.com

YouTube ads aren't "interactable"

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The adverts I see on YouTube are kind of useless.

on May 7

From thomasrigby.com

When was the last time tech blew your mind

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Highlights in a personal history of technology

on May 6

From thomasrigby.com

Weeknotes: 2024-W18

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New flowers and old television

on May 5

From thomasrigby.com

Your database is wrong, not language

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Punctuation in databases

on May 5

From thomasrigby.com

The Perfect Album

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Jumping on another Hemispheric Views bandwagon

on May 4

From thomasrigby.com

Hong Kong Nostalgia

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Found this painting and found hints of an interesting backstory.

on Apr 29

From thomasrigby.com

Weeknotes: 2024-W17

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Cover versions, onboarding, and light aircraft

on Apr 28

From thomasrigby.com

Nonymous Blogging

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Responding to Kev Quirk

on Apr 22

From thomasrigby.com

Weeknotes: 2024-W16

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Native wild flowers, mice, and lush pop music

on Apr 21

From thomasrigby.com

Improving page load times with pagination in Eleventy

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This is probably a very obvious one for everyone; the less content on the page, the quicker it will load.

on Apr 19

From thomasrigby.com

Burn folder for RSS feeds

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Creating a folder I can ditch with impunity

on Apr 18

From thomasrigby.com

Skewed value proposition

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Seeing money and effort being invested in an ass-backwards fashion

on Apr 18

From thomasrigby.com

Solving FizzBuzz in CSS

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Can we solve a classic programming challenge without using a "real" programming language?

on Apr 17

From thomasrigby.com

Book Review — Lost Boy

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One of my sporadic book reviews

on Apr 15

From thomasrigby.com

Weeknotes: 2024-W15

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A busy week at work and some cool new music

on Apr 14

From thomasrigby.com

Robotics and the Gender Pay Gap

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Robotisation fuels inequality. Who knew?!

on Apr 11

From thomasrigby.com

Fixing a typo shaved 4 minutes off my Netlify build time

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Caching images across Netlify builds

on Apr 10

From thomasrigby.com

Owning media was always renting

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Nothing ever lives forever

on Apr 8

From thomasrigby.com

Quoting Brad Frost on communication

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The best thing any designer can do is to communicate and closely collaborate with the people who are building things in the actual medium. — Brad Frost

on Apr 5

From thomasrigby.com

Friday Random Ten for 5th April 2024

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Ten random songs from my collection

on Apr 5