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From todon.eu

Fish/Meercat 😷 :vegan: (@rybson@todon.eu)

1 1

My music release "one person disco" is out! It is a somewhat danceable collection of slightly noisy microtonal "songs". I made this for myself to be able to have a one person party in my living room. Feel free to join me by listening. More details in the album and song descriptions. Free on...

#horror #BandcampFriday

3h ago

From todon.eu

Autonomie und Solidarität (@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu)

0 1

Attached: 1 image While in Germany and Europe, fascists are on the rise and racist policies against people on the move are being expanded every day, EU’s murderous border agency, Frontex, celebrates its violent 20 year existence this year. Frontex is the European Union’s border police force....

on Thu, 3PM

From todon.eu

jack(y) or treat! (@jalcine@todon.eu)

0 1

I have to start a video from someone who's put more fire to a man who's torn up a city I love and I'm excited to start it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srE9zqBoH74

on Thu, 7AM

From todon.eu

Caro S. (@Heidentweet@todon.eu)

0 1

1.45K Posts, 487 Following, 516 Followers · Left is as left does - she/her - latlegger & maatnemer - pleb - CisWithTheT - sexworkers are workers - ableism is eugenics, eugenics is White supremacy, White supremacy is fascism - see pinned toots - toots self-destruct - Niet Gezellig ID header:...

on Wed, 12AM

From todon.eu

b9AcE (@b9AcE@todon.eu)

0 1

The Ministry of Information of Iran reportedly announced that the country has entered a state of war. It was further stated that due to now being at war it is now considered an act of treason (crime) to publish content benefiting the enemy (presumably meaning Israel and anyone siding with it)...

on Tue, 10PM

From todon.eu

unimplemented!("the next thing") (@jalcine@todon.eu)

0 1

RIP @Tinu@mastodon.social // @Tinu@disabled.social A GoFundMe for final expenses (funeral et al): https://www.gofundme.com/f/honoring-tinus-legacy-with-compassionate-support

on Mon, 3PM

From todon.eu

b9AcE (@b9AcE@todon.eu)

0 1

"[...] not only did Ms Azizi not take part in any armed activities, but she had been in Iraq and Syria for seven years and had been forced to live in war refugee camps in the Rojava region of Syria since 2015 as a result of the crimes of the [Islamic State] IS, where she had been helping...

on Sun, 5PM

From todon.eu

b9AcE (@b9AcE@todon.eu)

0 1

Attached: 3 images Iran Human Rights 'Calls for Urgent International Action to Free Sharifeh Mohammadi [...] a 45-year-old workers’ rights activist from Mianeh in Eastern Azerbaijan who resided in Rasht. [...] Her relatives have said: “Sharifeh never took armed action and was sentenced to death...

on Sun, 5PM

From todon.eu

b9AcE (@b9AcE@todon.eu)

0 1

───── Israeli rabbi, extremists plan conquest and settlement of Lebanon as war continues [...] In a letter published on Wednesday, American-Israeli Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh [...] claimed that Lebanon was part of the “Land of Israel” and was “given to the Jewish people by God”. [...] He added...

on Sat, 6PM

From todon.eu

lj·rk (@ljrk@todon.eu)

0 1

@fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io I don't really like to agree with suckless idiots, especially because I know that they're defending this for all the wrong reasons. But indeed, not all paedophiles are child rapists or abusers and neither are all child rapists paedophiles. Paedophilia is a...

on Fri, 7PM

From todon.eu

b9AcE (@b9AcE@todon.eu)

0 0

"Israel says it has secured $8.7 billion U.S. aid package" https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-says-it-has-secured-87-billion-us-aid-package-2024-09-26/ Biden-Harris admin keeps aiding genocide. By now it would appear to be its most firmly held principle to aid crimes against...

on Sep 27

From todon.eu

Confronting Injustice: Academic Freedom In The Shadow Of Political Repression

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This online event delves into the complex intersections of academic freedom, political repression, and the right to protest, with a focus on the Palestinian struggle and the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine and Gaza. The panel will consist of Prof Sarah Bracke (UvA), Dr Walaa Alqaisiya...

on Sep 26

From todon.eu

panic!("insert liberal apology here") (@jalcine@todon.eu)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Never put your ID in your phone. This is a fucking security risk. Police will shoot people for any reason and the act of grabbing a phone, which Google's are closer to the size of a pistol, is a bad...

on Sep 26

From todon.eu

15 Minutes, Global Strike for Palestinian Workers

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CALL FROM THE PALESTINE GENERAL FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS AND THE ARAB TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION To all trade union organizations around the world 15 minutes for decent work and life for Palestinian workers and people On October 7, workers around the world commemorate World Day for...

on Sep 26

From todon.eu

b9AcE (@b9AcE@todon.eu)

0 0

"Residents describe first hours of Israel’s escalation on Lebanon: ‘I didn’t know it was a terrorist explosion’" https://www.madamasr.com/en/2024/09/24/news/politics/residents-describe-first-hours-of-israels-escalation-on-lebanon-i-didnt-know-it-was-a-terrorist-explosion/ Another long article...

on Sep 25

From todon.eu

Radical Graffiti (@RadicalGraffiti@todon.eu)

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Attached: 1 image "Your misery starts with capitalism" Roller graffiti seen in Copenhagen

on Sep 25

From todon.eu

unimplemented!("free the imagination") (@jalcine@todon.eu)

0 0

Believe it or not, technology, from the invention of the telegraph to the damned iPhone, is inherently political and the choices made, especially in silos, are forced on everyone else.

on Sep 25

From todon.eu

Palestinian Digital Rights Study Group: Big Tech and Genocide

0 1

Join us for the latest edition of the Palestinian Digital Rights Study Group in partnership with the Institute for Middle East Understanding to discuss 7amleh’s latest report, which provides an analysis of Big Tech’s complicity in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.  Throughout the continuing war on...

on Sep 25

From todon.eu

unimplemented!("free the imagination") (@jalcine@todon.eu)

0 0

WordPress beef is wild!

on Sep 24

From todon.eu

Redcurrant (@mycorrhiza@todon.eu)

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@scott@carfree.city @seachanger@alaskan.social @AdrianRiskin@kolektiva.social yeah that blog post is just kinda bizarre and I agree that it mostly comes across as a roundabout attempt to silence/tone-police people speaking up for Palestinian liberation. if Zionists object to being compared to...

on Sep 23

From todon.eu

Anarchistische Gruppe Dortmund (@AGDo@todon.eu)

0 0

Attached: 1 image In diesem Vortrag greifen wir die Herkunftsfamilie als Herrschaftsstruktur an und diskutieren darüber, ob wir Wahlfamilien brauchen oder das Konstrukt Familie lieber komplett abschaffen sollten. Kommt getestet und tragt (wenn ihr könnt) eine Ffp2 Maske. Wir freuen uns auf euch!

on Sep 23

From todon.eu

Pippi Punkstrumpf🍉 (@PippiPunkstrumpf@todon.eu)

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Attached: 1 image

on Sep 23

From todon.eu

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 (@NeuKelte@todon.eu)

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Attached: 1 image #Fairies and ghosts were attracted to the hearth, especially at pivotal days such as #Samhain. On that night, ghosts of the deceased would sometimes be seen warming themselves by the hearth-fire or sitting in their accustomed place, calmly smoking or knitting. Source: P....

on Sep 22

From todon.eu

b9AcE (@b9AcE@todon.eu)

0 0

Finland withdraws from UN Women Ukraine headed "Alliance for Gender-Responsive and Inclusive Recovery" which "aims to ensure that gender equality and women's empowerment are central to Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction efforts", because "its work includes the promotion of the causes of...

on Sep 20

From todon.eu

Autonomie und Solidarität (@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu)

0 0

„Sicherheitsbehördlicher Daten-Supergau“ #Sicherheitspaket "Die Vorschriften übertreffen alles, was wir bislang an Vorschriften im Bereich digitaler Überwachung gesehen haben, indem hier Vorfelderhebung, Massendatenauswertung, Datenbankzusammenführung und künstliche Intelligenz miteinander...

on Sep 20

From todon.eu

unimplemented!("free the imagination") (@jalcine@todon.eu)

0 1


on Sep 20

From todon.eu

CrimethInc. Ex-Workers (@CrimethInc@todon.eu)

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Attached: 1 image Rebellious souls in Russia have sent us a photograph of this banner hanging over the train tracks in the Leningrad region. It reads "ПРИЗНАЙСЯ, ЧТО ХОЧЕШЬ ВОССТАНИЯ!"—"Say You Want an Insurrection," the title of our classic text discussing insurrectionary anarchism. While the...

on Sep 20

From todon.eu

Global Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice

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DIVEST FROM WAR – INVEST IN CLIMATE JUSTICE The first annual Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice will address the links between war, militarism and climate injustice, promoting grassroots action and policy making for peace and climate justice. This year’s theme is divest from war –...

on Sep 18

From todon.eu

Autonomie und Solidarität (@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Cameras Everywhere, Safety Nowhere Why Police Body Cameras Won’t Make Us Safer "We know that police violence is a real problem in the #US, and it makes sense that people are strategizing ways to protect themselves and their loved ones from being assaulted or murdered by the...

on Sep 18

From todon.eu

Stop Genocide

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Met een zwaar, maar vastberaden hart, kondigen we een demonstratie aan tegen etnische zuivering. Etnische zuivering is een onrecht dat de kern van onze menselijkheid aantast en wij kunnen niet langer stil blijven. Deze demonstratie is niet alleen een protest, maar ook een stem voor hen die dat...

on Sep 18

From todon.eu

Palestina demo: Free the people, free the land

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As students all around the world are excited for the start of the new academic year, the students of Gaza no longer have access to education as they are still living through the horror of this genocide. Their universities and schools have been bombed. Their professors, teachers, and classmates...

on Sep 18

From todon.eu

b9AcE (@b9AcE@todon.eu)

0 0

Also... Israel acceded to the 1980 "Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons", all protocols, among which is the "Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices", by which e.g. "It is prohibited to use booby-traps or other devices in the form of...

on Sep 18

From todon.eu

Radical Graffiti (@RadicalGraffiti@todon.eu)

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Attached: 4 images Stickers seen around NYC in the days after cops opened fire in the NYC subway, shooting a fellow officer, two bystanders, and an alleged "fair evader" they were attempting to apprehend.

on Sep 18

From todon.eu

b9AcE (@b9AcE@todon.eu)

0 0

"at least eight people were killed and 2,750 wounded — 200 of them critically" by the probably Israeli beepers-terrorism in Lebanon today, so...

on Sep 17

From todon.eu

Austerity is theft 😷 (@FascistCentre@todon.eu)

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Attached: 1 image

on Sep 17

From todon.eu

Apple, neem je verantwoordelijkheid! Wereldwijde actiedag voor Palestina 🇵🇸 en Congo 🇨🇩

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Apple heeft zojuist hun nieuwste iPhone gelanceerd. Maar Apple steunt “Israëlische” apartheid en profiteert economisch van de genocide in Palestina. Ook gebruiken de batterijen in Apple’s producten bloedkobalt uit de mijnen van Congo, waarvoor arbeiders soms tot op de dood worden...

on Sep 16

From todon.eu

Apple, neem je verantwoordelijkheid! Wereldwijde actiedag voor Palestina 🇵🇸 en Congo 🇨🇩

0 0

Apple heeft zojuist hun nieuwste iPhone gelanceerd. Maar Apple steunt “Israëlische” apartheid en profiteert economisch van de genocide in Palestina. Ook gebruiken de batterijen in Apple’s producten bloedkobalt uit de mijnen van Congo, waarvoor arbeiders soms tot op de dood worden...

on Sep 16

From todon.eu

Demo Ticker Berlin (@Demo_Ticker_Berlin@todon.eu)

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Attached: 4 images 2/3 #b1609 #FreePalestine

on Sep 15

From todon.eu

b9AcE (@b9AcE@todon.eu)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Nobel Peace Prize winner political prisoner Narges Mohammadi was hospitalized on Wednesday as "after being repeatedly punched in the chest by male military and security guards, Narges suffered a respiratory attack and intense chest pain. This caused her to collapse and faint...

on Sep 15

From todon.eu

Demonstratie 22 sept: Geef haat geen macht!

0 0

Laat je niet in slaap sussen dat het wel mee zal vallen! Kom naar het Spui in Amsterdam, protesteer tegen moslimhaat, antisemitisme, lhbtqi+-haat, kom op voor de minderheden! Eis aandacht voor het klimaat! Geparaphraseerd;...

on Sep 14

From todon.eu

Álvaro G. Molinero 👉 @KimeraGupta (@KimeraGupta@todon.eu)

0 0

⚠️ PODÉIS SEGUIR ESTE PROYECTO EN LAS SIGUIENTES RRSS ⚠️ ▫️Nuestro Blog 📋 "LA QUIMERA DE GUPTA" 🔗 https://laquimeradegupta.tumblr.com ▫️Nuestro canal de Telegram 📢 "Biología Popular" 🔗 https://t.me/laquimeradegupta ▫️Nuestro canal de vídeos :peertube: PeerTube 🔗...

on Sep 12

From todon.eu

rato 🍉 jin, jiyan, azadî (@rad@todon.eu)

0 0

Hey, I know it's a bit of a weird request, but I want you to know something. I'm in a need of #MutualAid, because I've been under the weather lately and haven't been able to work the hours I wanted and also faced some health difficulties with treatment that cost me a bit too much. Not to even...

on Sep 12

From todon.eu

Radical Graffiti (@RadicalGraffiti@todon.eu)

0 0

Attached: 4 images Posters seen around Naarm / Melbourne promoting disruptive protests against Land Forces, Australia's largest Weapons Expo, which is taking place from Sept 8 - 14 at the Melbourne Convention Centre. For more info check out: https://disruptlandforces.org

on Sep 11

From todon.eu

Demonstratie 22 sept: Geef haat geen macht!

0 0

Laat je niet in slaap sussen dat het wel mee zal vallen! Kom naar het Spui in Amsterdam, protesteer tegen moslimhaat, antisemitisme, lhbtqi+-haat, kom op voor de minderheden! Eis aandacht voor het klimaat! Geparaphraseerd;...

on Sep 11

From todon.eu

Radical Graffiti (@RadicalGraffiti@todon.eu)

0 0

Attached: 1 image "Arm the Homeless" Seen in San Francisco’s mission district

on Sep 10

From todon.eu

b9AcE (@b9AcE@todon.eu)

0 0

"Israel's Gantz says military focus needs to shift to Lebanon" https://www.newarab.com/news/israels-gantz-says-military-focus-needs-shift-lebanon "'South Beirut will look like Gaza': Israeli MK [=Member of Knesset, Israel's Parliament] warns of Lebanon war 'in matter of...

on Sep 9

From todon.eu

Nationale demonstratie tegen genocide

0 0

> 🇵🇸 De Palestijnse gemeenschap in Nederland nodigt u uit om deel te nemen aan > de nationale demonstratie Rotterdam. > > Kom op voor de mensheid. > > Het veroordelen van de barbaarse agressie van de zionistische bezetting tegen > het Palestijnse volk in de Gazastrook. En ter afwijzing van de...

on Sep 9

From todon.eu

Autonomie und Solidarität (@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu)

0 0

Migrationsbeauftragter deutet Taliban-Gespräche an 🤮 In der Debatte um konsequentere Abschiebungen zeigt sich der Migrationsbeauftragte der Regierung, Stamp, offen für Gespräche mit den Taliban in Afghanistan. Deutschland habe ein "ernsthaftes...

on Sep 8

From todon.eu

Autonomie und Solidarität (@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu)

0 0

800€ Bußgeld….. Ohne Worte …. #Polizeiproblem „Telefonnummern, Adressen und andere persönliche Angaben aus polizeilichen Meldesystemen soll der Polizist vor rund fünf Jahren an Rechtsextreme weitergegeben haben. Ein Vorwurf: Der Beamte soll die Betroffenen in Sozialen Medien mit diesen...

on Sep 8

From todon.eu

b9AcE (@b9AcE@todon.eu)

0 0

Soo... apparently I previously linked you to a video that was "harmful or dangerous"... to Google's profits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apdZ7xmytiQ Oh noes! ;-D

on Sep 7