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From treehouse.systems

cas (@cas@treehouse.systems)

3 3

Attached: 1 image I'm proud to announce 6502.sh, because the world needs another 6502 emulator! 6502.sh is about 3k lines of busybox ash compatible shell script, it provides an emulated ACIA serial port and is capable of running BASIC It has an integrated interactive debugger, with...

#cli #emu #gik #8bit #linux #reversing

7h ago

From treehouse.systems

dee, love and enby (@dee@treehouse.systems)

3 3

Attached: 1 image Every Tesla we saw on our walk to dinner last night had a similar message. This is North London.

on Feb 16

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

1 1

In a story that's not really making many waves in the US media because transphobia, transmisogyny, and hating incarcerated people are all bipartisan establishment positions, the Trump administration is also transferring incarcerated trans women to men's prisons; despite the fact that it's both...

5h ago

From treehouse.systems

nerd teacher 🦇 (@whatanerd@treehouse.systems)

1 1

The above having been said, if people have leads on any education-related visa-sponsoring opportunities for third-country nationals... feel free to let me know. Especially if it's a non-traditional education structure, though the likelihood of any of those taking on visa-sponsoring is limited....

14h ago

From treehouse.systems

xsk (@xsk@treehouse.systems)

1 1

Attached: 1 image @matt_trentini@fosstodon.org at this time I already made an #snes rom/sram reader in order to export the saves from cartridges I bought, and also ( 100% ) legally take backups and enjoy roms without paying so much money for the specialised hardware to do so… But, doing that...

#snes #famicom #gradius3 #micropython

17h ago

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

1 1

When I last wrote about the fallout from France's election this summer, and President Emanuel Macron's refusal to nominate a Prime Minster from the coalition of left and left leaning parties that gained the most seats in Parliament, many people predicted (and I agreed) that Macron seemed likely...

on Sep 5

From treehouse.systems

PolyWolf (@PolyWolf@treehouse.systems)

0 1

Attached: 1 image maybe this is a sign i should stop looking at dashboard software

on Sat, 12PM

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

0 1

Over the past month and a half, I've encountered a lot of Very Serious PeopleTM in my life, and on my TV, who seem to think that the best way to counteract Trump's fascist regime as it tears everything apart and starts trying to disappear political prisoners, is to "not take the bait" and wait...

on Sat, 5AM

From treehouse.systems

Fiadh (she/fae/it) (@fiadh@treehouse.systems)

0 0

🦅 The Texas "gender identity fraud" bill says that I'm using "gender identity" as an excuse to factually misrepresent my sex (not gender), e.g., by having an ID that says I'm female, or by claiming to be a woman without disclaiming that I'm actually just a biological male who *identifies as* a...

on Sat, 12AM

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

0 1

Attached: 1 image Look, it's not lost on me that a lot of people don't want to hear what I'm saying in this infographic. Some of you will read the words "liberal establishment" and think I mean you, instead of the politicians you vote for, the for-profit media that (selectively) informs your...

on Fri, 3AM

From treehouse.systems

PallasRiot (@PallasRiot@treehouse.systems)

0 1

Part of the issue with morons like Gavin Newsom is that they fundamentally don't understand that they get steered by the right. Triangulation as a strategy has at best won Democrats some battles while losing them wars, and it's not even very good at winning battles. It lets the right set the...

on Wed, 11PM

From treehouse.systems

Nicolás Alvarez (@nicolas17@treehouse.systems)

0 1

@mei@donotsta.re the dashboard on archivebot.com uses a lot of CPU and RAM, but it becomes 3x worse (and the RAM use seems to *keep growing* without limit) if the Bitwarden extension is enabled 💀

on Wed, 9PM

From treehouse.systems

dee, love and enby (@dee@treehouse.systems)

0 1

Attached: 1 image the future of the internet in the UK... geoblocks inbound. https://lobste.rs/s/ukosa1 as of this Sunday, I will no longer run web communities, a few of the sites will have new owners who are willing to engage and try to navigate the risks, but most will just shut down, some...

on Wed, 8AM

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

0 1

While much of the American establishment and media complex works to sanitize and explain away the danger the fascist Trump regime represents, I think it's important to note that people outside of the US who don't have a vested interest in collaborating with an oligarch-controlled American...

on Tue, 10AM

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

0 1

Look, I'm not psychic. I can't tell you whether or not Donald Trump is going to *successfully* annex or invade Canada; although I will say that given the *vast* disparity between Canadian and US military capabilities, it's highly unlikely Canadian leaders would risk letting it get far enough to...

on Tue, 10AM

From treehouse.systems

Patrycja (Rc6) (@ptrc@treehouse.systems)

0 1

Attached: 1 image not gonna lie, besides the initial confusion, i really like this! the profiles are separate per install - so you can't accidentally launch a Nightly profile from an ESR install, etc., they still use the same separation mechanism, and using an SQLite database instead of a text...

on Tue, 9AM

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

0 2

Speaking of the fun house mirror that is internal American political discourse; while our media class is busy trying to figure out how serious the fascist president is when he announces his plans to do fascist things, Israel's Finance Minister is busy bragging that Trump's plan to ethnically...

on Tue, 1AM

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

0 1

@xs4me2@mastodon.social Well, you can't say you weren't warned. Here's your block and yes I'm reporting you for harassment.

on Mon, 9PM

From treehouse.systems

Ángela Stella Matutina (@angelastella@treehouse.systems)

0 1

Regarding that last boost: I move small pieces of data between machines, say 1kB maximum like URLs, passwords or a few paragraphs of text, via QR codes. No Firefox Sync, email, WhatsApp- or Telegram-with-myself or even Pastebin clones for me: dependence from external networks and services makes...

on Mon, 4PM

From treehouse.systems

Patrycja (Rc6) (@ptrc@treehouse.systems)

0 0

apparently firefox now has multiple implementations of profiles both of them are named "Profiles" thank you mozilla

on Mar 10

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

0 1

So uh, what stage of "you can't call it fascism!"TM is it when Downmarket Mussolini sends the immigration Gestapo that pretty much answers to only him, to unlawfully arrest student protest leaders who are legally in the country, and disappear them into the labyrinth of the American migrant...

on Mar 10

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

0 1

Attached: 1 image I might have to post about this again if and when Trump actually signs the order, but I wanted to highlight this Guardian post because White House staff secretary Will Scharf really goes out of his way to give away the whole fascist game of Calvinball going on here. This is...

on Mar 10

From treehouse.systems

Bodil (@bodil@treehouse.systems)

0 0

I'm watching the latest Captain America fillum for science, and, well, it's not so much the new non-Chris Evans bloke that's giving me trouble digesting it, but the fact that in the year 2025 it's just asking a little too much of my ability to suspend my disbelief that a bloke called "Captain...

on Mar 9

From treehouse.systems

mgorny-nyan (he) :autism:🙀🚂🐧 (@mgorny@treehouse.systems)

0 0

Attached: 1 image #Bogusławki, near Sulęcinek. Unfortunately, you can tell I don't have a good software to process HDR photos — the source photos definitely provide more range than that. https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=52.12756&mlon=17.33136#map=14/52.12756/17.33136 #forest #hiking

on Mar 9

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

0 0

“Nazism seemed to many just an extreme version of what [most Germans] had always believed in or taken for granted. It was nationalistic, respectful of the armed forces, socially conservative, disdainful of laziness, hostile to eccentric or incomprehensive ideas that came from cities,...

on Mar 8

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

0 0

Love to watch our fascist government weaponize already-existing American xenophobia and a 17+ month long, wholly mainstream and bipartisan campaign to conflate opposing a genocide with antisemitism and support for "terrorists," to construct an automated digital panopticon that absolutely *will*...

on Mar 8

From treehouse.systems

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)

0 0

Imagine for a moment that you were the Dem governor of the most populous state in a country that just elected an openly fascist government that is actively using a moral panic to criminalizing the existence of a highly vulnerable minority group while conducting a much broader pogrom against that...

on Mar 7

From treehouse.systems

PallasRiot (@PallasRiot@treehouse.systems)

0 0

The "crisis of lonely men" is good actually. Fundamentally it's a sign that women and other folks of marginalized genders are no longer being forcibly made so reliant on men that repugnant, vicious, vapid, and frankly antisocial men find themselves without the means to force their presence on...

on Mar 6

From treehouse.systems

dee, love and enby (@dee@treehouse.systems)

0 0

OMG, just found the best Firefox extension for YouTube. https://einaregilsson.com/redirector/ Create a redirect like this: Description: `YouTube` Example URL: `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_cnK8Cd6Ag` Include pattern:...

on Mar 5

From treehouse.systems

PallasRiot (@PallasRiot@treehouse.systems)

0 0

Please let yankee Republicans know that now that the woke DEI park rangers have been fired for their nonbinary crimes no one can stop you from petting the buffalo, as is your Christian birthright

on Mar 3

From treehouse.systems

Claire (@hokaze@treehouse.systems)

0 0

Attached: 4 images Trans girl Sonic the Hedgehog... iconic

on Mar 3

From treehouse.systems

gaytabase (@dysfun@treehouse.systems)

0 0

Content warning: uspol

on Mar 2

From treehouse.systems

Rep. Eric Gallager (no "h"!) (@egallager@treehouse.systems)

0 0

18F has a new website: https://18f.org/

on Mar 2

From treehouse.systems

Rep. Eric Gallager (no "h"!) (@egallager@treehouse.systems)

0 0

@n0toose@chaos.social anyways, I think I may have found something: https://github.com/josegonzalez/python-github-backup

on Mar 1

From treehouse.systems

Rep. Eric Gallager (no "h"!) (@egallager@treehouse.systems)

0 0

...relatedly, does anyone know of a simple bot, userscript, or browser add-on, that one can point at a GitHub user or organization, and then have it fork every repo belonging to that user or organization? Potentially creating a new account for it while it's at it?

on Mar 1

From treehouse.systems

Rep. Eric Gallager (no "h"!) (@egallager@treehouse.systems)

0 0

@n0toose@chaos.social sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. I've had forks of repositories that got DMCA-ed survive the takedown of the original repository, for at least a little while longer. I think the takedown requester has to explicitly ask for forks to be included for them to be taken...

on Mar 1

From treehouse.systems

Sebastian (@NostalgicKitsune@treehouse.systems)

0 2

PSA: For those using #Flatpak apps, do not update to kernel 6.13, especially on Fedora. Cause: Bad page...

on Feb 28

From treehouse.systems

gaytabase (@dysfun@treehouse.systems)

0 0

@mcc@mastodon.social you forgot amaya :blobcatangel:

on Feb 28

From treehouse.systems

Antonio Gurgel (@goorzhel@treehouse.systems)

0 0

@BenditaCopaLibertadores@mastodon.social Ah, sim, as três cores da Ponte Preta: preto, branco, e [ ] infravermelha [ ] arco-íris [ ] ondas de rádio HF

on Feb 28

From treehouse.systems

Adele (@adelepaige@treehouse.systems)

0 0

I'm going through a tough mental time at the moment. My biggest issue is I've been burnt by so many in relationships, work, etc. Any tips on how to trust anyone again?

on Feb 26

From treehouse.systems

gaytabase (@dysfun@treehouse.systems)

0 0

@mcc@mastodon.social goldfish is great. we can only get the other brand here that comes in blocks

on Feb 25

From treehouse.systems

PallasRiot (@PallasRiot@treehouse.systems)

0 0

I don't know why some lefties find it hard to hold two thoughts at once. Trump is, at minimum, extremely susceptible to corrupt influence and has provably been influenced by the Russian government to some degree. "Russiagate" is like a real thing, I'm so confused as to why some people treat this...

on Feb 25

From treehouse.systems

El Satánico Dr. Katow (@katow@treehouse.systems)

0 0

¿Se puede con tres locutorxs interpretar cualquier radioteatro posible? Las condiciones son: -Cantidad ilimitada de personajes -Cantidad ilimitada de parlamentos -Cada personaje puede intervenir cuantas veces se quiera -Cada locutorx puede interpretar cuantos personajes haga falta -Los...

on Feb 24

From treehouse.systems

mgorny-nyan (he) :autism:🙀🚂🐧 (@mgorny@treehouse.systems)

0 0

A #PyPI riddle: one of the following projects is using trusted publishing (i.e. #SigStore signatures) and the other isn't. Can you tell which one does, and how can you tell? And yes, it's visible immediately on the top project page, you don't have to click...

on Feb 23

From treehouse.systems

Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian: (@ariadne@treehouse.systems)

0 0

every time i go to a show at nectar lounge it is mid as hell

on Feb 23

From treehouse.systems

PolyWolf (@PolyWolf@treehouse.systems)

0 0

can't tell if the queer (evidence: eyeliner) guy (evidence: name) who asked for my number to co-ordinate top-roping immediately after meeting is into me or just very friendly either way i appreciate it, can always have more climbing friends!

on Feb 22

From treehouse.systems

dee, love and enby (@dee@treehouse.systems)

0 0

Attached: 3 images This is toot 2/2

on Feb 22

From treehouse.systems

Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian: (@ariadne@treehouse.systems)

0 0

the "mr. big balls" dude is apparently involved in whatever is left of CISA at this point, and I only have one question: what is mr. big balls' opinion on SBOMs?

on Feb 22

From treehouse.systems

just adrienne (@adrienne@treehouse.systems)

0 0

It's that time of the month again where i have to ask for help with the rent and bills. We need like $800 USD (and the exchange rate is making me hideously nervous. but for now, at least, it's stable-ish.) https://paypal.me/utilitarienne

on Feb 22