Brain Scans Reveal that Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Is Not a Placebo
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Brain scans reveal that mindfulness meditation engages different neural pathways compared to placebo, demonstrating that pain relief from mindfulness meditation is not the result of the placebo effect.
on Sep 5
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When Bitcoin launched in 2009, the virtual currency was heralded as virtually untraceable – an alarming prospect for crimefighters – until a team of computer scientists at the University of California San Diego devised a clever tracing technique that could in fact follow the money.
on Mon, 10PM
Scientists Combine Immersive Technology and Collaboration to Address Climate Challenges
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A team of scientists and science communicators affiliated with the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), part of the School of Computing, Information and Data Sciences at UC San Diego, and the Center for Coastal Climate Resilience at UC Santa Cruz have developed an initiative called EcoViz...
on Sat, 8PM
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A re-engineered wearable ultrasound patch for continuous and noninvasive blood pressure monitoring has undergone comprehensive clinical validation on over 100 patients, marking a major milestone in wearable technology research. The soft, stretchy patch provides precise, real-time readings of...
on Nov 26
Sleep is No Light Matter for Bees
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Disrupted sleep cycles are a well known problem for human health and function, and now researchers have found similar impacts on insects. A new study has found that artificial light disrupts the circadian rhythms of honey bees and poses a threat to their essential role as pollinators.
on Nov 18
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Political cartoons drawn for the New York newspaper PM by author and illustrator Theodor Seuss Geisel.
on Nov 16
Have You Found Meaning in Life? Answer Determines Health and Well-being
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A recent study by researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine found that the presence of and search for meaning in life are important for health and well-being, though the relationships differ in adults younger and older than age 60.
on Nov 6
A New Kind of Authoritarianism: Democracy in Decline at Home and Abroad
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UC San Diego based faculty are leading the Future of Democracy initiative, which brings together multiple disciplines and perspectives from across the University of California to better understand why illiberal regimes—governing systems that hide their nondemocratic practices behind formally...
on Oct 28
UC San Diego Launches the Wildfire Science & Technology Commons
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Researchers from the San Diego Supercomputer Center, part of the School of Computing, Information and Data Sciences (SCIDS) at UC San Diego, have launched a new initiative to advance science and technology that addresses wildland fire challenges in an era of more frequent and devastating megafires.
on Oct 26
UC San Diego’s Newest School Merges Data Science and AI Innovation
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The campus’ new School of Computing, Information and Data Sciences (SCIDS) joins together the San Diego Supercomputer Center and the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute.
on Oct 23
UC San Diego Health and San Diego County Partner on Behavioral Health Care Hub
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UC San Diego Health and San Diego County partner on behavioral health care hub at East Campus Medical Center.
on Sep 25
UC San Diego Receives $10 Million for Center on Neurobiology in Changing Environments
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The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group has selected UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography to receive a four-year, $10 million grant to establish the Allen Discovery Center for Neurobiology in Changing Environments. The center’s goal will be to understand how climate change may impact the...
on Sep 10
Dangerous Airborne Fungus Boosted by California Droughts
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Researchers from UC San Diego and UC Berkeley have identified the seasonal and climate-based cycles of Valley fever, an emerging but dangerous fungal disease spread through dust in the air.
on Sep 3
Computer Scientists Discover Vulnerabilities in a Popular Security Protocol
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A research team led by University of California San Diego computer scientists investigated the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) protocol and found a vulnerability they call Blast-RADIUS that has been present for decades.
on Aug 29
Presence of Liquid Water Most Probable Explanation for Data Collected by Mars Lander
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Analysis led by Vashan Wright, a geophysicist at UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography, provides the best evidence to date that the planet still has liquid water in addition to that frozen at its poles.
on Aug 23
Cybersecurity Flaws Could Derail High-profile Cycling Races
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High-end bicycles used for high-profile road races such as the Tour de France are vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks targeting the bike’s wireless gear shifting system.
on Aug 15
AI Software “EdgeRIC” Could Make Your Internet Experience Smoother, Faster
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A new AI-based software platform from the lab of UC San Diego's Dinesh Bharadia aims to reduce lag and offer the public a more efficient, smooth experience online over the cellular network.
on Aug 7
Computer Science Researchers Are Getting it Wrong When it Comes to Autism Inclusivity
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Computer science Ph.D. student Naba Rizvi investigates the stereotypes about neurodiversity perpetuated by computer science research in a new study.
on Aug 7
Charting the Course of Digital Art History: UC San Diego Library from Artstor to JSTOR
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Originally published on the JSTOR blog on 8/1/24 By Lia Friedman and Laura Schwartz In this blog post, we celebrate a significant milestone for the UC San Diego Library: two decades of providing unparalleled access to digital images through Artstor. From its inception, the Library’s...
on Aug 6
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The Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) specializes in wave measurement, swell modeling and forecasting, and the analysis of coastal environment data.
on Aug 3
Learning Dance Moves Could Help Humanoid Robots Work Better With Humans
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Engineers have trained a humanoid robot to perform a variety of expressive movements, from simple dance routines to gestures like waving, high-fiving and hugging, all while maintaining a steady gait on diverse terrains. This work marks a step towards building robots that perform more complex and...
on Jul 26
UC Regents Approve New School of Computing, Information and Data Sciences at UC San Diego
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The University of California Board of Regents has approved the creation of the new School of Computing, Information and Data Sciences at UC San Diego, a critical advance in UC San Diego’s long history of leading innovation and education in artificial intelligence, computing and data science.
on Jul 22
Diatom Surprise Could Rewrite the Global Carbon Cycle
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When it comes to diatoms that live in the ocean, new research suggests that photosynthesis is not the only strategy for accumulating carbon. Instead, these single-celled plankton are also building biomass by feeding directly on organic carbon in wide swaths of the ocean. These new findings from...
on Jul 18
GNPS - Analyze, Connect, and Network with your Mass Spectrometry Data
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The Global Natural Product Social Molecular Networking (GNPS) site creates a community for natural product researchers working with mass spectrometry data.
on Jul 13
A simple firmware update completely hides a device’s Bluetooth fingerprint
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A smartphone’s unique Bluetooth fingerprint could be used to track the device’s user–until now. A team of researchers have developed a simple firmware update that can completely hide the Bluetooth fingerprint, eliminating the vulnerability.
on Jul 10
Soft, Stretchy Electrode Simulates Touch Sensations Using Electrical Signals
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A team of researchers led by the University of California San Diego has developed a soft, stretchy electronic device capable of simulating the feeling of pressure or vibration when worn on the skin. This device represents a step towards creating haptic technologies that can reproduce a more...
on Jul 1
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Apply for Disability Counselor - 130757 position at UC San Diego in Remote, National on
on Jun 29
Under Pressure: How Comb Jellies Have Adapted to Life at the Bottom of the Ocean
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UC San Diego Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Itay Budin teamed up with researchers from around the country to study the cell membranes of ctenophores (“comb jellies”) and found they had unique lipid structures that allow them to live under intense pressure.
on Jun 28
Study Identifies First Drug Therapy for Sleep Apnea
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UC San Diego School of Medicine international study shows new drug improves sleep, health in patients diagnosed with obesity and sleep apnea.
on Jun 26
During Year of Extremes, Carbon Dioxide Levels Surge Faster than Ever
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Carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere faster than ever — accelerating on a steep rise to levels far above any experienced during human existence, scientists from NOAA and Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego announced today.
on Jun 26
High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network
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The NSF-funded HPWREN is a non-commercial, prototype, high-performance, wide-area, wireless network in San Diego that includes backbone nodes at UCSD and several remote areas.
on Jun 24
Lone Star State: Tracking a Low-Mass Star as it Speeds Across the Milky Way
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A team of astronomers, led by Adam Burgasser, and citizen scientists have discovered a rare hypervelocity L subdwarf star racing through the Milky Way. More remarkably, this star may be on a trajectory that causes it to leave the Milky Way altogether.
on Jun 24
Wearable Ultrasound Patch Enables Continuous, Non-Invasive Monitoring of Cerebral Blood Flow
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Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a wearable ultrasound patch that can offer continuous, non-invasive monitoring of blood flow in the brain. The soft and stretchy patch can be comfortably worn on the temple to provide three-dimensional data on cerebral blood...
on May 26
The Math Problem That Took Nearly a Century to Solve
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Little progress had been made in solving Ramsey problems since the 1930s. Now, UC San Diego researchers Jacques Verstraete and Sam Mattheus have found the answer to r(4,t), a longstanding Ramsey problem that has perplexed the math world for decades.
on May 25
New Grant Supports Multi-UC Campus Effort to Build Network of Open Source Program Offices
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The University of California (UC) has been awarded a grant by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to support the development of a UC-wide network of Open Source Program Offices (OSPO). This award leverages the work of the Open Source Program Office at UC Santa Cruz (UCSC) and funds a collaboration of...
on May 4
Human Brain, Internet, and Cosmology: Similar Laws at Work?
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<p>The structure of the universe and the laws that govern its growth may be more similar than previously thought to the structure and growth of the human brain and other complex networks, such as the Internet or a social network of trust relationships between people, according to a new paper...
on May 2
Biodegradable ‘Living Plastic’ Houses Bacterial Spores That Help It Break Down
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A new type of bioplastic could help reduce the plastic industry’s environmental footprint. Researchers have developed a biodegradable form of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) filled with bacterial spores that, when exposed to nutrients present in compost, germinate and break down the material at...
on May 1
Breakthrough Study on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
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A groundbreaking study has advanced the understanding of the neurobiology of post-traumatic stress syndrome, led by researchers from UC San Diego School of Medicine.
on Apr 20
Say Hello to Biodegradable Microplastics
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Finding viable alternatives to traditional petroleum-based plastics and microplastics has never been more important. New research from scientists at UC San Diego and Algenesis shows that their plant-based polymers biodegrade — even at the microplastic level — in under seven months.
on Mar 21
How Fear Unfolds inside Our Brains
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The stress-induced mechanisms that cause our brain to produce feelings of fear in the absence of threats — such as in PTSD — mostly have been a mystery. Now, neurobiologists have identified the changes in brain biochemistry and mapped the neural circuitry that cause generalized fear experiences.
on Mar 15
UC San Diego Health Notifies Patients of Phishing Event
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UC San Diego Health identified a phishing attack against its employees. Email accounts were immediately secured and security controls enhanced to minimize the risk of future incidents.
on Mar 11
What Will It Take for China to Reach Carbon Neutrality by 2060?
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To become carbon neutral by 2060, as mandated by President Xi Jinping, China will have to build eight to 10 times more wind and solar power installations than existed in 2022.
on Mar 9
New Deep-Sea Worm Discovered at Methane Seep off Costa Rica
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Researchers have discovered a new species of deep-sea worm living near a methane seep some 50 kilometers (30 miles) off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica.
on Mar 7
Having Self-Control Leads to Power
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New research from the UC San Diego Rady School of Management and Texas A&M University finds that having self-control is often what leads to power.
on Mar 7