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From uncannyjapan.com

The Tragic (or not?) Tale of Anchin and Kiyohime (Ep. 153) - Uncanny Japan Podcast

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The Tale of Anchin and Kiyohime is an epic story of love, betrayal, and transformation into a serpent dragon, but there are several versions of this classic.

on Aug 1

From uncannyjapan.com

The Dangerous Truth about the Jorō Spider (Ep. 150) - Uncanny Japan Podcast

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The joro spider, a colorful arachnid from Japan, is harmless but tied to folklore about shape-shifting brides who fatally ensnare lovers at waterfalls.

on Jun 25

From uncannyjapan.com

Uncanny Japan Podcast

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Exploring all that is weird from Japan—strange superstitions, folktales, cultural oddities, and interesting language quirks.

on Dec 11