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From uvahealth.com

Cause, Potential Treatment ID'd for Persistent COVID-19 Lung Problems

0 1

Existing arthritis drugs could halt lingering lung problems that can last months or years after COVID-19 infections, new research suggests.

on Sep 5

From uvahealth.com

Severity of Calls to Poison Centers Increases Sharply

0 0

Poison cases are dramatically more likely to lead to severe harm or death in both adults and children, a new study reveals

on Jun 6

From uvahealth.com

COVID-19 Antibody Discovery Could Explain Long COVID

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Surprising findings from UVA Health could lead to new treatments for COVID-19, long COVID and possibly other viruses.

on Mar 27

From uvahealth.com

Scientists Uncover How Fermented-Food Bacteria Can Guard Against Depression, Anxiety

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UVA School of Medicine researchers have discovered how a bacterium found in fermented foods and yogurt may help prevent depression and anxiety.

on Dec 4, 2023