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From vogue.sg

Hong Hae-in's outfits in 'Queen of Tears' is a masterclass in power dressing

1 1

Kim Ji-won plays Hong Hae-in in Netflix's latest 'Queen of Tears' and her designer wardrobe demonstrates effortless flair for power dressing.

#day24 #kdrama #eydc2024

on Tue, 9PM

From vogue.sg

For 'Muse', Jimin lets the light in

0 0

With seven-track effort 'Muse', Jimin presents a delightfully brighter package that audibly contrasts his first solo album.

on Jul 19

From vogue.sg

Next In Vogue: All the highlights from Vogue Singapore's three-day landmark event

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Between insightful panels, beauty masterclasses and a glamorous gala evening, here's a rundown of everything that happened at Next In Vogue.

on Jan 26