The Genius Who Invented Algebra and the Algorithm
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Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (ابوعبدالله محمد بن موسی خوارزمی) was born at the end of the eighth century AD in the city of Khwarazm in Central Asia, which is known today as Khiva, and belongs to Uzbekistan. Hence the name by which he is remembered throughout history,...
on Dec 3
Look on the Bright Side of Earth - Weizmann Wonder Wander - News, Features and Discoveries
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Why do Earth’s hemispheres look equally bright when viewed from space? Weizmann Institute scientists offer a solution to this 50-year-old mystery
on Nov 12
Creating life without egg or sperm cells—or a womb
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Having previously demonstrated in November 2021 that a mouse embryo can be grown in a synthetic environment outside the womb, Prof. Jacob Hanna and his team in the Weizmann Institute’s Department of Molecular Genetics made headlines again in the summer of 2022 by creating a viable mouse embryo...
on May 3
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How does our brain modulate the brain states to facilitate learning and stress resilience? To answer this central question in neurobiology, we investigate how monoamine systems, such as the serotonin (5-HT), orchestrate whole-brain neural dynamics during adaptive and maladaptive behaviors....
on Feb 18
שלושה שימועים על קיומם של נחשים במחזור הדם האנושי
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1. בנוגע לסידור עדשות המאורגנות כך שיאפשרו את הגדלתן של אנימלקולות הקטנות מדי לצפייה בעין בלתי מזוינת:הוד קדושתו, הפטריארך העליון ספטוס העשרים וארבעה, היה מומחה לשלשלאות. על פי כללי הקודש נדרשה השמת שלשלאות על כל נאשם המובא בפני בית הדין הנקי מכל רבב. אבל לאלופי הסוהר ניתנה גמישות רבה בעת שהיה...
on Jan 23
WORG | Weizmann Olfaction Research Group
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Our lab studies olfaction in human subjects and in machines (electronic noses)
on Dec 21
The Solar Forest - Weizmann Wonder Wander - News, Features and Discoveries
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A new Weizmann Institute study shows that building solar farms in arid regions is a far more effective way to tackle the climate crisis than planting forests
on Nov 25, 2023
An Appeal to Academic Leadership Worldwide - Weizmann Wonder Wander - News, Features and Discoveries
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Heads of Israeli universities call for siding with humanity and progress
on Nov 6, 2023