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From whoisnick.com

Weeknotes 2025-03-22 - Who is Nick?

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Correction: Monthnotes 2025-03-22. All that energy last month to mix it up, took me down. I was doing ok but then snap - damn you ADHD! I, of course haven't done nothing, just different things: Convert a newer/older laptop to Ubuntu Remembered Drupal; saw they were trying to make a shift to simplify ( no

on Sat, 4PM

From whoisnick.com

Ong’s Oral Culture Recap - Who is Nick?

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Where was I? I've forgotten where I was in reflecting on Ong's Psychodynamics of Orality with our current culture. So this recap is partly for me as it is you. Sounded Word as Power and Action You Know What you can Recall: Mnemonics and Formulas Further Characteristics of Orally Based Thought...

on Mar 3

From whoisnick.com

Weeknotes 2025-02-22 - Who is Nick?

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Now with Shit Goggles! I'm usually a happy-go-lucky look-on-the-bright-side-of-life kinda guy, but seems like not been so much. My wife had to have a hard talk with me. And now, boy oh boy do I hear it. The back handed comments, the "sure this is good, but...." amendments to every sentence. So, what do I

on Feb 22

From whoisnick.com

Weeknotes 2025-02-07 - Who is Nick?

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Way things are going, it's been more bi-weekly updates. But the thing with weeknotes, remind myself, that's ok. Keep Calm and Post on. Laravel & Statamic I've really been reading more and digging into Laravel, specifically Statamic. I've been looking for a foundation to do my own ActivityPub...

on Feb 8

From whoisnick.com

Weeknotes 2025-01-24 - Who is Nick?

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Noticed I missed last week did you? It's been that kinda few weeks where one gets sucked into the suck of the web. I'm Canadian, I have a lot of hope, but man... that hope is being tested for sure. I think we need to come up with some other name for doom scrolling... it's

on Jan 25

From whoisnick.com

Weeknotes 2024-12-27 +1 - Who is Nick?

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This week has been health and family first. The rest can wait. I've had several conversations over the course of the week that have me thinking about repackaging a couple idea's into an upcoming post: The Literaty - the idea that there will always be a deep underground group of active readers....

on Dec 28

From whoisnick.com

Weeknotes 2024-12-20 - Who is Nick?

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Make a mess clean a mess I tell my kids this all the time. This week I made the mess. Long story short, with Power Pages and Power Platform I was given the choice of “blue door” and “blue door” and I investigated, thought I experimented and when it came to click and squint…. I

on Dec 21

From whoisnick.com

Weeknotes 2024-12-13 - Who is Nick?

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Rocky week. I've been suffering from Vertigo all week, for some strange reason. Sooo dizzy from it all! 🤢

on Dec 14

From whoisnick.com

Weeknotes 2024-11-29 - Who is Nick?

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Movember is coming to an end. Thank you to everyone whose donated. Let's see.... this week 🤔... this week 🤔... I used my todo list Get new phone. I'm feel like the only person who won't go big, sticking with the iPhone SE ( now 3rd gen ) New cell provider. It's time. The old

on Nov 30

From whoisnick.com

Yo mamma is so… - Who is Nick?

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... agonistically toned! "No, you're agonistically toned!" In, Ong's, Orality & Literacy, I have to admin for me, "Agonistically toned" was one of the lesser argued characteristics. Perhaps it's because his use of laser specific language; it's name has more punch? It sure wasn't is generic...

on Nov 24

From whoisnick.com

Weeknotes 2024-11-22 - Who is Nick?

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I'll admit - I'm struggling a bit. Which is expected with the B-Day coming up. I spin into a well every year questioning everything, wondering where I've been and where I'm going. Was I the navigator I hoped for? Nope Will I be next week?Probably not Am I ok with that?Meh 🤷 Can I do

on Nov 23

From whoisnick.com

Don’t get it. Won’t get it. - Who is Nick?

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With what's happened this week in the US, I'm going to focus in on the next characteristic of an oral culture that I think fits the bill. While moments like these have many more moving parts and are much more complex, perhaps there's something in this one that might be relevant. I've talked about this

on Nov 10

From whoisnick.com

Weeknotes 2024-11-01 - Who is Nick?

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It's Movember! As a change junkie, it's a great time for me to mix things up. It's also getting close to my b-day, so I tend to review everything I do, why I do it, what I want to do, what I like to do, what I... you get it. Push for communicating at work

on Nov 2

From whoisnick.com

Movember 2024 - Who is Nick?

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It’s that time of year! I do Movember every year for their support of mental health. Let’s be honest Men don’t speak up, and we should. This year, is a bit different than normal if you want to watch the dailies: follow along on the fediverse by following @nick@whoisnick.com peruse my website...

on Nov 1