The Feast of the King’s Shadow
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-913892-80-7 Hardcover: 978-1-913892-81-4 EPUB: 978-1-913892-78-4 MOBI: 978-1-913892-79-1
on Mon, 6PM
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Wizard’s Tower is delighted to announce the creation of the Wiz Duo novella series. Each book will contain two novella-length stories from different writers. The series will be edited by Roz Clarke…
on Nov 29
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-908039-69-9 Hardcover: 978-1-908039-70-5 EPUB: 978-1-908039-67-5 MOBI: 978-1-908039-68-2
on Nov 29
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I have stories in both volumes of Fight Like A Girl, this story being a sequel of the first (although it can be read by itself too.) They are set in an alternative version of the city of Brighton a…
on Nov 20
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I’ve had the idea for this story in my head for several years. Or, rather, I’ve had the idea for a probably not all that funny joke image in my head for several years and the invitation to contribu…
on Nov 19
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-913892-90-6 Hardcover: 978-1-913892-91-3 EPUB: 978-1-913892-88-3 MOBI: 978-1-913892-89-0
on Oct 22
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-913892-84-5 EPUB: 978-1-913892-82-1 MOBI: 978-1-913892-83-8
on Oct 22
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-913892-68-5 Hardcover: 978-1-913892-69-2 EPUB: 978-1-908039-66-1 MOBI: 978-1-908039-67-8
on Sep 17
Wizard’s Tower to Publish Fight Like A Girl 2
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The original Fight Like A Girl anthology was published by the Kristell Ink imprint of Grimbold Books in 2015. It had an excellent lineup, and a truly memorable launch event at a pub in Bristol. Boo…
on Jul 8
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-913892-87-6 EPUB: 978-1-913892-85-2 MOBI: 978-1-913892-86-9
on Jul 4
Wizard’s Tower Signs Helen L Brady
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Cheryl Morgan, publisher of Wizard’s Tower Press, has acquired World English ebook and paperback rights to three novels in the Rag and Boyd series from Helen L Brady. The Rag and Boyd books feature…
on Jun 17
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-913892-76-0 Hardcover: 978-1-913892-77-7 EPUB: 978-1-913892-74-6 MOBI: 978-1-913892-75-3
on May 20
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-913892-72-2 Hardcover: 978-1-913892-73-9 EPUB: 978-1-908039-70-8 MOBI: 978-1-908039-71-5
on Mar 31
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-913892-28-9 Hardcover: 978-1-913892-29-6 EPUB: 978-1-913892-26-5 MOBI: 978-1-913892-27-2
on Mar 27
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-913892-60-9 Hardcover: 978-1-913892-61-6 EPUB: 978-1-908039-37-8 MOBI: 978-1-908039-38-5
on Mar 13
Coming soon: Welcome to
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The new lesbian space opera book from Lyda Morehouse, Welcome to, is nearing completion. Once we have the cover we’ll be able to announce a release date. In the meantime, eARCs are av…
on Mar 11
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-913892-58-6 Hardcover: 978-1-913892-59-3 EPUB: 978-1-908039-25-5 MOBI: 978-1-908039-26-2
on Mar 6
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The USA faces a key presidential election. Matters of religion are in the forefront of debate. The internet is being used to manipulate voters. A rogue AI is suspected of involvement. The Middle Ea…
on Mar 4
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Paper editions available from Feb 28th, 2024 ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-913892-56-2 Hardcover: 978-1-913892-57-9 EPUB: 978-1-908039-19-4 MOBI: 978-1-908039-20-0 Description Mouse, the Egyptian hacker, …
on Mar 2
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-908039-78-1 Hardcover: 978-1-908039-77-4 EPUB: 978-1-908039-23-1 MOBI: 978-1-908039-24-8 Description Livak has decided it’s time she turned her new-found connections wi…
on Mar 1
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-908039-76-7 Hardcover: 978-1-908039-75-0 EPUB: 978-1-908039-17-0 MOBI: 978-1-908039-18-7 Description As a Tormalin sworn man, Ryshad is honour-bound to obey his prince’…
on Feb 15
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-908039-72-9 Hardvover: 978-1-908039-71-2 EPUB: 978-1-908039-11-8 MOBI: 978-1-908039-12-5 Description Livak is a part-time thief and full-time gambler, long accustomed to livi…
on Feb 8
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-913892-32-6 Hardcover: 978-1-913892-33-3 EPUB: 978-1-913892-30-2 MOBI: 978-1-913892-31-9 Description Outremer—a harsh and barren kingdom born of blood and at war with the wor…
on Jan 19
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a science fiction and fantasy publisher
on Nov 4, 2023
Challoner, Murray & Balfour: Monster Hunters at Law
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ISBNs EPUB: 978-1-908039-41-5 MOBI: 978-1-908039-42-2 Description In Victorian times a gentleman was expected to be able to turn his hand to whatever noble task was presented to him. Should it be r…
on Nov 1, 2023
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ISBNs Paperback: 978-1-908039-95-8 Hardcover: 978-1-908039-96-5 EPUB: 978-1-908039-93-4 MOBI: 978-1-908039-94-1 Description Alex Connor thought that being the South Dakota Hughes County Coroner was…
on Oct 18, 2023