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From woodpeckersnest.space


0 0

SearXNG — a privacy-respecting, open metasearch engine

on Dec 12

From woodpeckersnest.space

Downtimes | An average guy's IT (mis)adventures

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server, things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Nov 17

From woodpeckersnest.space

Night tinkering.. | An average guy's IT (mis)adventures

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server, things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Nov 7

From woodpeckersnest.space

Welcome Aboard. Be Nice.

0 0

Gemini to HTTP proxy, powered by loxy, serving gemini://woodpeckersnest.space

on Sep 9

From woodpeckersnest.space

@wpn gemini server gets an HTTP proxy | An average guy's IT (mis)adventures

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server, things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Sep 9

From woodpeckersnest.space

gemini protocol - no, it's not stuff by google | An average guy's IT (mis)adventures

0 1

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server, things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Aug 15

From woodpeckersnest.space

A new new home | An average guy's IT (mis)adventures

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server, things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Aug 4

From woodpeckersnest.space

Onboarding | An average guy's IT (mis)adventures

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server, things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Jul 5

From woodpeckersnest.space

etckeeper log and diff specific files | An average guy's IT (mis)adventures

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server, things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Jun 25

From woodpeckersnest.space

Slixfeed News Bot Home | An average guy's IT (mis)adventures

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server, things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Jun 6

From woodpeckersnest.space


0 0

This is "pandora", a Debian Stable VPS, located in Germany and hosted by Contabo. Admin: roughnecks. See below for contacts info. ✅Notifications are publi

on Feb 11

From woodpeckersnest.space

Wireguard IPv6 | A sysadmin's (mis)adventures

0 1

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server, things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Feb 1

From woodpeckersnest.space

A sysadmin's (mis)adventures | Slixfeed RSS XMPP BoT

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server, things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Jan 15

From woodpeckersnest.space

A sysadmin's (mis)adventures | Dendrite (Matrix) is live

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server(s), things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Dec 23, 2023

From woodpeckersnest.space

A sysadmin's (mis)adventures | Radicale Cal/Card DAV

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server(s), things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Nov 18, 2023

From woodpeckersnest.space

sysadmins' (mis)adventures | XMPP RSS Bots (Call to Arms)

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server(s), things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Nov 7, 2023

From woodpeckersnest.space

A sysadmin's (mis)adventures | Benotes

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server(s), things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Oct 15, 2023

From woodpeckersnest.space

A sysadmin's (mis)adventures

0 0

Here is where I talk about the stuff I'm doing on my server(s), things I break, bugs I find and so on.

on Oct 8, 2023