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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From mpg.de

MPI for Gravitational Physics (@mpi_grav@social.mpdl.mpg.de)

1 1

1.29K Posts, 40 Following, 723 Followers · The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is the world's largest research institute specialized in general relativity and beyond. / Das Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik ist die weltweit größte Forschungseinrichtung zur Allgemeinen...

12h ago

From mpg.de

MPI for Gravitational Physics (@mpi_grav@social.mpdl.mpg.de)

1 1

Attached: 1 image In 50 Tagen ist es so weit: Am 31. August könnt ihr den deutsch-britischen Gravitationswellen-Detektor GEO600 südlich von Hannover besuchen: Wir veranstalten von 12 Uhr bis 16 Uhr einen Tag der Offenen Tür. ℹ️ https://www.geo600.org/tdot2024 📅 31.8.2024, 12:00-16:00 Uhr ➡️...

#geo600 #hannover #outreach #gravitationswellen

13h ago

From mpg.de

Neural networks made of light

1 1

Scientists propose a new way of implementing a neural network with an optical system which could make machine learning more sustainable in the future. The researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light have published their new method in Nature Physics, demonstrating a method...

6h ago

(Showing 5 out of 5.)