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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From disabledginger.com

Disabled People are the Canaries in the Coal Mine

1 4

When it comes to natural disasters, pandemics, or disruptions to "normal" life, disabled people are proverbial canaries. We get hit harder and faster than others. Why aren't we factored into plans?

#ableism #wildfires #disability #losangeles #climatechange

on Thu, 4AM


From donotpanic.news

The Arctic Plague Ship That Disabled A Best Selling Author

1 1

In August more than one hundred writers, musicians and artists converged on Longyearbyen, the world’s northernmost town, before setting sail around Svalbard, a group of islands in the Arctic circle.

#mecfs #ableism #spoonie #sarscov2 #LongCovid #disability #CovidIsNotOver #chronicillness #COVIDisAirborne

on Dec 18


From disabledginger.com

How Did We Get Here and What Comes Next?

1 1

Disabled people have been warning others for nearly 5 years that eugenicist Covid policies would lead to a rise of fascist, racist, bigoted, misogynistic hatred. It's here now. So what’s next?

#Trump #USpol #ableism #Pandemic #eugenics #LongCovid #disability #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne

on Nov 8

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