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20644 nodes with 1800561.7M users and 328989.9M posts

This is an index of nodes that have been active in the last 24 hours. You can sort by daily or weekly posts and number of active users and search node addresses. (More information)

You can also filter by language (e.g. "lang:de") or nodes that are blocked (e.g. "blocks:threads.net").

Showing first 50 out of 1864 of nodes with more than 5 users.


The original server operated by the Mastodon gGmbH non-profit

Total: 2.2M 109.9M 77.3k Today: 9.4k 55.1k


Total: N/A N/A N/A Today: 320 8.5k


A newer server operated by the Mastodon gGmbH non-profit

Total: 190.2k 10.3M 51.7k Today: 702 7.0k


Total: N/A N/A N/A Today: 524 2.1k


A mirror of Twitter press accounts.

Total: 95 24.9k 19.2k Today: 0 0


A general-purpose Mastodon server with a 500 character limit. All languages are welcome.

Total: 243.6k 18.5M 66.8k Today: 568 2.8k


Generic Mastodon server for anyone to use.

Total: 186.0k 6.7M 39.5k Today: 307 2.2k


A Mastodon instance for info/cyber security-minded people.

Total: 71.4k 3.6M 48.9k Today: 434 1.2k


Be one with the #fediverse. Join millions of humans building, creating, and collaborating on Mastodon Social Network.

Total: 81.7k 3.7M 34.0k Today: 281 1.3k


Hachyderm is a safe space, LGBTQIA+ and BLM, primarily comprised of tech industry professionals world wide. Note that many non-user account types have restrictions - please see our About page.

Total: 54.6k 3.6M 41.8k Today: 470 1.3k


Hello! mas.to is a fast, up-to-date and fun Mastodon server.

Total: 178.3k 9.5M 51.4k Today: 386 1.1k


Total: 7 283.2k 10.4k Today: 4 1.2k


A general Mastodon server for all languages.

Total: 73.4k 2.7M 67.5k Today: 91 808


UK Hosted and Managed Mastodon Instance. General communal space for discussion, everyone welcome!

Total: 80.5k 3.7M 39.1k Today: 233 806


Ukraine-supporting, LGBTQ-friendly, Mastodon server.

Total: 7 43.3k 16.1k Today: 3 687


A Mastodon instance for bots and bot allies.

Total: 9.1k 32.4M 45.7k Today: 300 715


Fosstodon is an invite only Mastodon instance that is open to those who are interested in technology; particularly free & open source software. If you wish to join, contact us for an invite.

Total: 62.2k 3.8M 55.2k Today: 267 516


We welcome all marginalized identities. This Mastodon instance is generally for folks who are LGBTQIA+ and Allies with an interest in tech work, academics, or technology in general.

Total: 14.5k 3.6M 44.9k Today: 172 638


Kolektiva is an anti-colonial anarchist collective that offers federated social media to anarchist collectives and individuals in the fediverse. For the social movements and liberation!

Total: 38.6k 3.0M 56.7k Today: 130 523


A home to friendly weirdos. The Grey Gardens of the Fediverse (but beige). Occasionally graphically cacographic. Definitely probably not a cult (though you'll never be 100% sure). Beige-bless 🙏

Total: 557 1.4M 34.7k Today: 116 604


Under construction. First plan is to run unofficial bots for all arXiv categories by https://github.com/so-okada/toXiv

Total: 158 1.4M 9.2k Today: 0 0


Bridging the new social internet

Total: N/A N/A N/A Today: 262 807


A Mastodon instance for the San Francisco Bay Area. Come on in and join us!

Total: 38.9k 2.7M 38.7k Today: 140 499


Total: 7 196.7k 8.6k Today: 4 809


A community for Canadians, First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Peoples of the great white north.

Total: 34.8k 2.8M 39.7k Today: 144 445


This is the personal Mastodon server of Ben, AI6YR. Friends and friends of friends welcome (I personally approve everyone who joins here, so it might take some time!).

Total: 582 1.1M 24.2k Today: 42 292


Welcome to thundertoot! A Mastodon Instance for the People.

Total: 25.4k 2.7M 40.2k Today: 156 381


Total: 16 418.7k 9.2k Today: 3 663


A stable and professionally administered Mastodon server that hosts a large number of journalists and news outlets. Content focuses heavily on news and current events. #newstodon

Total: 20.8k 1.3M 131.5k Today: 57 271


Mastodon voor de Nederlandse community - door de Nederlandse community - in stand gehouden door Stichting Activityclub

Total: 41.7k 2.5M 41.2k Today: 115 905


Mastodon.ART — Your friendly home on the fediverse for all things creative, all on a platform that is community-owned and ad-free. NO AI OR NFTs ALLOWED.

Total: 37.9k 3.8M 52.2k Today: 222 487


Total: 12 116.3k 3.6k Today: 8 359


A server intended for (but not limited to) users in Scotland or who identify as Scottish.

Total: 28.9k 2.2M 43.1k Today: 122 326


Mastodon server focused on game development and related topics.

Total: 32.7k 1.5M 47.0k Today: 178 320


Wandering.Shop aims to have the vibe of a quality coffee shop at a busy SF&F Convention. Think tables of writers, fans and interested passers-by sharing drinks and conversation on a variety of topics.

Total: 3.8k 2.2M 45.5k Today: 114 319


This server is hosted by OSINTukraine.com, its purpose is to host a set of bots auto-sharing DeepL translated post from the Russian and Ukrainian Telegram ecosystems.

Total: 16 904.0k 10.9k Today: 2 139


A place for the latest news from and about sports clubs

Total: 112 301.9k 12.9k Today: 31 337


Everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct! Thank you. Mastodon.cloud is maintained by Sujitech, LLC.

Total: 273.7k 5.4M 47.4k Today: 47 262


C.IM is a general, mainly English-speaking Mastodon instance.

Total: 67.2k 2.9M 40.1k Today: 98 301


The server for working journalists and news outlets on Mastodon. Home to active & retired journalists, media scholars, and a variety of news and journalism adjacent professionals. #Newstodon

Total: 3.0k 365.6k 34.7k Today: 32 190


chaos.social – a Fediverse instance for & by the Chaos community

Total: 12.4k 7.3M 69.6k Today: 269 574


A worldwide Mastodon instance from The Netherlands. Run by digital enthusiasts, inviting everyone, everywhere to join us in the #fediverse.

Total: 31.5k 1.7M 36.1k Today: 111 414


Mindly.Social is an English speaking, friendly Mastodon instance created for people who want to use their brains and their hearts to make social networking more social. 🧠💖

Total: 35.8k 1.5M 37.5k Today: 99 230


This instance has a focus on IT security, general computing, retro video games and game collector discussion. Please, no #NSFW and other 18+ discussion on this instance. See rules for more details

Total: 142 548.7k 25.9k Today: 4 140


MKULTRA MONSTER - A U.S. based LGBTQIA+ friendly Fediverse instance for fans of the underground, scifi and cyberpunk themes, and fighting back against the hivemind that controls the waves of the net.

Total: 8 10.2k 13.9k Today: 3 255


A Mastodon server for RPG folks to hang out and talk. Not owned by a billionaire.

Total: 9.1k 1.1M 38.9k Today: 91 200


A cozy, fast and secure Mastodon server where everyone is welcome. Run by the folks at ohai.is.

Total: 39.6k 1.6M 39.4k Today: 118 330


Irish Mastodon - run from Ireland, we welcome all who respect the community rules and members.

Total: 21.1k 1.5M 42.8k Today: 95 210


A server for fun and profit, mainly my bots

Total: 42 56.3k 15.0k Today: 22 323


«Вот скажи мне, американец, в чём сила? Разве в деньгах? Вот и брат говорит, что в деньгах. У тебя много денег, и чего? Я вот думаю, что сила в правде: у кого Правда, тот и сильнее» (с) Данила Багров.

Total: 228.9k 1.5M 7.4k Today: 1 1