This is an index of nodes that have been active in the last 24 hours. You can sort by daily or weekly posts and number of active users and search node addresses. (More information)
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Showing first 50 out of 262 of nodes with more than 5 users.
Hachyderm is a safe space, LGBTQIA+ and BLM, primarily comprised of tech industry professionals world wide. Note that many non-user account types have restrictions - please see our About page.
Total: 54.1k 3.5M 40.5k Today: 530 2.0k
Hello! is a fast, up-to-date and fun Mastodon server.
Total: 177.1k 9.3M 50.0k Today: 399 1.3k
Kolektiva is an anti-colonial anarchist collective that offers federated social media to anarchist collectives and individuals in the fediverse. For the social movements and liberation!
Total: 38.4k 3.0M 55.4k Today: 132 616
Mastodon.ART — Your friendly home on the fediverse for all things creative, all on a platform that is community-owned and ad-free. NO AI OR NFTs ALLOWED.
Total: 37.7k 3.7M 51.1k Today: 244 529
Hallo im! Dies ist die derzeit größte deutschsprachige Mastodon Instanz zum tröten, neue Leute kennenlernen, sich auszutauschen und Spaß zu haben.
Total: 44.4k 4.9M 40.2k Today: 192 511 est un serveur mastodon public francophone accessible à toutes et à tous.
Total: 31.0k 2.6M 32.1k Today: 151 332 est un serveur Mastodon francophone, géré par La Quadrature du Net.
Total: 38.3k 6.8M 47.9k Today: 95 330
A server intended for (but not limited to) users in Scotland or who identify as Scottish.
Total: 28.9k 2.2M 41.8k Today: 109 297
A friendly server from Germany – which tends to attract techy people, but welcomes everybody. This is one of the oldest Mastodon instances.
Total: 22.3k 3.1M 50.8k Today: 98 258
Русскоязычный сервер социальной сети Mastodon. Зона общения, свободная от рекламы и шпионажа, теперь и на русском языке.
Total: 3.1k 967.2k 45.6k Today: 67 224
This instance is focused around the furry fandom and is open to all fluffies and scalies!
Total: 13.1k 2.1M 22.9k Today: 102 199
A Mastodon server for RPG folks to hang out and talk. Not owned by a billionaire.
Total: 9.0k 1.1M 37.9k Today: 95 188
Irish Mastodon - run from Ireland, we welcome all who respect the community rules and members.
Total: 21.0k 1.4M 41.6k Today: 87 170
Wir sind eine freundliche Mastodon Instanz aus Nordrhein-Westfalen. Ob NRW'ler oder NRW-Sympathifanten, jeder ist hier willkommen.
Total: 18.1k 1.4M 32.2k Today: 80 159
Petite instance Mastodon hébergée à Trois-Pistoles dans les Basques au Québec. Je n'offre aucune garantie et ne tolère aucun manque de respect ou comportement illicite.
Total: 6 41.5k 8.4k Today: 4 158
La comunidad Mastodon más grande en Español para gamers, otakus y geeks. Libre de toxicidad. Contenido de anime, manga, videojuegos, tecnología, cómics, literatura, cine... ¡Únete a la familia!
Total: 35.9k 565.9k 16.7k Today: 45 134
Speak your mind with respect. Boston, MA area, but open to all. Posting size is 12K characters because you have interesting things to say. Cloudflare aggressive AI Bot blocking. Threads federating.
Total: 651 55.3k 19.4k Today: 14 109
Hallo auf Dies ist eine deutschsprachige Mastodon Instanz für München zum tröten, neue Leute kennenlernen, sich auszutauschen und Spass zu haben.
Total: 10.9k 570.6k 31.9k Today: 25 98
Un service Mastodon fourni par l'association d’éducation populaire Framasoft.
Total: 10.8k 2.6M 40.8k Today: 50 96
This is a space for soft friends and friends of soft friends to gather together to share compassion and care for one another! Please review our Code of Conduct prior signing up!
Total: 647 1.1M 38.1k Today: 19 95
Veganism Social is a welcoming space on the internet for vegans to connect and engage with the broader decentralized social media community.
Total: 3.1k 144.5k 27.8k Today: 19 91
A place for your photos and banter. Photog first is our motto Please refer to the site rules before posting.
Total: 3.3k 566.0k 41.5k Today: 42 91
Une instance se voulant accueillante pour les personnes queers, féministes et anarchistes ainsi que pour leurs sympathisant·e·s. Nous sommes principalement francophone.
Total: 12.8k 2.9M 44.3k Today: 44 90
We're a server for people who like bikes, transit, and walkable cities. Let's get to know each other!
Total: 6.3k 500.3k 33.6k Today: 36 89
A instance dedicated - but not limited - to people with an interest in the GNU+Linux ecosystem and/or general tech. Sysadmins to enthusiasts, creators to movielovers - Welcome!
Total: 11.7k 724.8k 46.3k Today: 28 80
Open, user-supported, corporation-free social media for the UK.
Total: 2.6k 430.8k 39.2k Today: 35 77
On the internet, everyone knows you're a cat — and that's totally okay.
Total: 2.7k 728.7k 52.4k Today: 35 77
This is the Mended Drum, Discworlds best known disreputable tavern.
Total: 262 146.0k 25.4k Today: 24 73
A silly instance of Mastodon for queer folk and non-queer folk alike. Let's be friends!
Total: 6.1k 1.1M 43.5k Today: 22 66
Be excellent to each other, live humanism, no nazis, no hate speech. Not only for nerds, but the domain is somewhat cool. ;) No bots in general. Languages: DE, EN, FR, NL, ES, IT
Total: 7.2k 645.8k 24.8k Today: 32 63
Diese Instanz wird betrieben von Digitalcourage e.V. für die Allgemeinheit. Damit wir das nachhaltig tun können, erheben wir einen Kostenbeitrag von 1€/Monat per SEPA-Lastschrifteinzug.
Total: 2.9k 697.7k 23.1k Today: 28 62 ist eine Mastodon Instanz für alle aus Dresden und Umgebung, dennoch offen für alle. Das Team besteht aus und
Total: 3.8k 384.5k 30.8k Today: 33 60
A fun, happy little Mastodon/Glitch instance.
Total: 430 518.1k 36.1k Today: 32 59
O é uma instância voltada para falantes de português brasileiro. Com a intenção de ser um espaço acolhedor e menos tóxico, tentamos ser uma instância que abriga pessoas de todas nacionalidades, etnias, formatos de corpos, gêneros, neurodivergentes, de identidades e orientações...
Total: 2.0k 201.4k 25.7k Today: 10 56 è un ambiente di confronto per pacifisti, anarcolibertari, ecologisti, antimilitaristi, antirazzisti, antifascisti e ogni altro genere di persone che sogna un mondo pulito e solidale
Total: 4.2k 471.9k 33.8k Today: 19 54 is a community for indie creators who draw, paint, sculpt, write, design, program, play, sing or build, and anyone else who thinks that sounds like a nice place to be.
Total: 2.2k 265.8k 30.6k Today: 27 53 is a community for the Portland, Oregon, USA region. 🌲 Established April 6th, 2017 🌲
Total: 519 162.5k 36.8k Today: 13 53
Bildung unter den Bedingungen der digitalen Transformation.
Total: 3.0k 376.2k 36.6k Today: 22 53
A strange object in space and a space for strange objects
Total: 340 260.6k 30.1k Today: 11 53
Livello Segreto è il social etico che ha rispetto di te e del tuo tempo.
Total: 7.3k 413.7k 31.4k Today: 34 48 euskara eta euskal kulturaren komunitatearentzat sortutako Mastodon instantzia bat da. 2018an hauek sortua: Azkue Fund, Dinahosting, iametza,, PuntuEUS eta Talaios Koop
Total: 4.6k 376.3k 26.7k Today: 22 47
A cozy online home for arthropod enthusiasts, fungi fans, herpers, and other lovers of weird little creatures.
Total: 101 52.7k 26.2k Today: 6 47 is a generalistic mastodon instance, with the goal of being the fastest mastodon instance in Europe and with a focus on user privacy, like being usable via the tor network.
Total: 14.5k 363.6k 43.6k Today: 21 43
Mastodon für die DACH Region (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz) - and everyone is welcome!
Total: 701 140.7k 24.4k Today: 15 42
Furry focused instance for critters that like to bark! LGBTQ+ run and friendly, active moderation
Total: 5.7k 258.0k 25.8k Today: 11 41
We're a Mastodon instance for LGBTQ+ leather people. Come say hi!
Total: 2.6k 350.0k 29.3k Today: 18 39
Moé for Solarpunk is a small, friendly server run by a group of optimistically-utopian LGBT+ individuals. Registration is by invite only!
Total: 123 160.1k 28.7k Today: 3 33
The Union Place: a federated server for union members, organizations, friends, and allies. If you support labor and labor rights, you have a place here!
Total: 5.8k 323.4k 26.0k Today: 15 33