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Users: 844 total, 8 today.

Posts: 89.1k total, 14 today.

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A Mapstodon instance for the OpenStreetMap Community (English language)! This site is under construction, and may change. Our francophone friends have a Mastodon instance: fr.osm.social

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Hourly Posts

A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

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Last Week's Top Hashtags

#openstreetmap(13.8%) #osm(4.6%) #scca(1.7%) #sotmeu(1.7%) #wildfires(1.7%) #roadracing(1.7%) #sotmeu2024(1.7%) #motorracing(1.7%) #stateofthemapeurope(1.7%) #gis(1.1%) #rva(1.1%) #india(1.1%) #energy(1.1%) #mapping(1.1%) #uefa2024(1.1%) #geomoblon(1.1%) #pollution(1.1%) #disneyland(1.1%) #climatechange(1.1%) #streetcomplete(1.1%)

Domains Blocked

en.osm.town blocks or silences 39 domains:

  • asbestos.cafe
  • baraag.net
  • besties.com
  • beta.birdsite.live
  • birdsite.slashdev.space
  • cmm.fyi
  • cum.salon
  • cunnyborea.top
  • don.neet.co.jp
  • freecumextremist.com
  • kernkraft.social
  • kokuusa.club
  • social.cutefunny.net
  • tcpcat.net
  • detroitriotcity.com
  • develop.gab.com
  • dickkickextremist.xyz
  • freespeechextremist.com
  • gab.com
  • gab.polaris-1.work
  • gabfed.com
  • glea*******.com
  • goyim.social
  • jpop.club
  • kiwifarms.cc
  • m.mxin.moe
  • nicecrew.digital
  • norwoodzero.net
  • not-develop.gab.com
  • peister.org
  • pl.smuglo.li
  • poa.st
  • pod.vladtepesblog.com
  • search.fedi.app
  • shitposter.club
  • social.quodverum.com
  • spin****.xyz
  • subs4social.xyz
  • threads.net

Data from 2024-07-05 00:01:56.505008