Agenda - Instituto de História Contemporânea
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O IHC dedica-se ao estudo, formação e divulgação no âmbito da História Contemporânea. Acompanhe a nossa agenda para estar sempre a par dos nosso eventos
#envhist #fireuses #25deabril #histodons #incendios #wildfires #estadonovo #50anos25abril #fogosemportugal #culturahistorica
on Mar 13
What’s Next for Coupled Earth System Modeling of Wildfire I Poster
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The United States is entering a new era of increasing wildfire frequency, size, and intensity. Fire behavior is becoming more extreme, with fires becoming large and hot enough to create their own weather. There is a growing need for high-resolution weather, fire behavior, fuel, and smoke data to...
#data #agu24 #ecology #weather #wildfires #earthscience #climatechange
12h ago
Fears of new wildfires grow amid record-setting dry conditions across US
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Firefighters battle fires from California to New York, while lack of rain could threaten drinking water supplies
#Biden #NewYork #climate #wildfires #California #firefighters #climatechange #climatecrisis
on Wed, 9PM