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FRANKLIN FIRE UPDATE: 12/18. Fire 89% contained. Red Flag & power shutoffs continue. City Hall open for regular services as of today. Franklin Fire Town Hall meeting tonight 6PM at City & streaming. Franklin Fire Recovery Center at City Hall.
13h ago
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A new dataset for the Santiam River in Oregon, published by the U.S. Geological Survey, provides a highly detailed underwater 3D elevation map that will help support fish habitat restoration and flood modeling work.
#fim #gis #3dep #dams #fish #risk #3dtnm #flood #lidar #model
19h ago
The feds closed Mt. Baldy to hiking until December 2025. Rebellion is brewing
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The U.S. Forest Service has closed all trails to Mt. Baldy's peak until December 2025 to help the ecosystem recover from a fire. Hikers are defying the closures.
#hiking #mtbaldy #wildfires #bridgefire
22h ago
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Firefighters work long hours to protect communities, often in dangerous conditions and for low starting pay. Surveys show the impact that can have on their physical and mental health.
#Politics #wildland #wildfires #firefighters
18h ago