Squid-bone sponge found to soak up 99.8 per cent of microplastics
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A sponge made from a fusion of cotton fibre and squid bone could help to clear some of the world's microplastic pollution after a team of Chinese researchers found it can soak up as much as 99.8 per cent of the particles from water samples.
#all #News #Design #chitin #cotton #plastic #materials #pollution #Technology #biomaterials
1h ago
Pollution exposure linked to mental health hospital admissions, says study
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Researchers from St Andrews found rise in nitrogen dioxide exposure associated with higher admissions
#UKnews #climate #society #weather #scotland #Environment #theguardian #COVIDisAirborne #Health #pollution
8h ago
Air pollution could be threatening the success of IVF, new study finds
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Air pollution impacts both the egg and sperm — and the resulting embryo quality in IVF.
#egg #ivf #sperm #Embryo #pollution #airpollution
18h ago
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Tomorrow, December 16, is the fiftieth anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act, signed into law on December 16, 1974, by President Gerald R.
on Tue, 4AM
The Destructive Legacy of Failed Aquaculture
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Canada intends to shut down open-net-pen salmon farming by 2029. But removing infrastructure is challenging and costly.
#labor #Canada #salmon #undark #farming #fishing #science #pollution #Environment #sustainability
18h ago
L’hiver disparaît, l’angoisse pour nos vergers
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La France a perdu 10 jours de gel en une décennie. De quoi fortement affecter les végétaux, la profusion de nuisibles et le cycle de l’eau, alerte une étude.
#climat #france #ecologie #pollution #environnement #extinctiondemasse #suicideclimatique #combustionmondiale #destructionduclimat #changementclimatique
on Tue, 6AM
Climate Adaptation Spurs Jobs, Economy in Serbia
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BELGRADE, December 17, 2024 -- Serbia can maintain its economic growth and create new jobs if it invests in climate change resilience and
#serbia #climate #pollution #Environment #climatechange #globalburning #globalwarming #climatesuicide #massextinction #climatedestruction
22h ago
Le Québec a émis plus de GES en 2022 qu’en 2021, mais moins qu’avant la pandémie
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Le transport génère 43 % des émissions, selon le rapport sur la cible de réduction du gouvernement du Québec.
#Canada #climat #pollution #climatechange #changementsclimatiques #quebec
13h ago
Trump Will Reportedly Block the US Government and Military From Buying EVs
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Donald Trump’s attack on clean vehicles is shaping up to be bigger than previously thought.
#ev #us #EVs #ice #vehicle #Politics #pollution #Environment #Trump
17h ago
Renewables won’t save us from climate catastrophe, experts warn; what will?
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In 2022, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres declared that the “lifeline of renewable energy can steer [the] world out of climate crisis.” In saying so, he echoed a popular and tantalizing idea: that, if we hurry, we can erase the climate emergency with widespread adoption of renewables in...
#climate #pollution #Environment #climatechange #globalwarming
10h ago
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Les banques canadiennes investissent des milliards de dollars US dans l'expansion mondiale des terminaux de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL), une (…)
#Canada #climat #ecologie #pollution #environnement #extinctiondemasse #suicideclimatique #combustionmondiale #destructionduclimat #changementclimatique
18h ago
Mystery balls wash up on beaches 300km from Sydney, threatening tourism
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Balls of chemicals and waste were first found at Coogee in October, then at Kiama in November. Now the debris is turning up even further south, causing beach closures during the far south coast's peak tourism period.
#islaevans #pollution #Environment #jamestugwell #waterpollution
3h ago
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Le problème de la pollution atmosphérique est de plus en plus pressant dans la capitale vietnamienne, où la qualité de vie s’en trouve compromise. C’est à tel point vrai que les autorités municipales envisagent désormais de mettre en place des “zones à faibles émissions”, où ne seraient...
#hanoi #vitnam #pollution #infosvitnam
15h ago
Vietnam requires over-5-year-old motorcycles to undergo emissions testing - Le Viêt Nam, aujourd'hui
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Motorcycles older than five years from the manufacturing date must undergo periodical emissions testing, as per a new circular of the Ministry of Transport.
#moto #Vietnam #pollution #vietnamnews
13h ago