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Correlated tags: #massextinction #ecology


From radio-canada.ca

Kanesatake : des résidents d’Oka prêts à installer des barrages pour soutenir les Mohawks

2 2

D’après plusieurs témoins, des camions continuent de déverser des déchets dans des dépotoirs illégaux.

#premieresnations #oka #climat #quebec #ecologie #pollution #kanesatake #environnement #extinctiondemasse

22h ago


From noovo.info

Le Québec et la Colombie-Britannique en avance sur les autres provinces sur le climat

2 2

Le Québec fait bonne figure par rapport aux autres provinces dans une étude sur les actions climatiques des gouvernements, et l'Alberta et la Saskatchewan sont particulièrement à la traîne.

#climat #quebec #ecologie #pollution #environnement #extinctiondemasse #colombiebritannique

9h ago


From cncd.be

Pour préserver notre santé, agissons pour le climat !

1 1

Les citoyen·nes se préoccupent toujours autant du climat qu’avant, mais c’est par le biais de la santé qu’ils l’ont fait savoir. Les deux sont intimement liés. Être...

#sante #climat #belgique #ecologie #pollution #environnement #extinctiondemasse

5h ago


From ft.com

Climate change is pushing up food prices — and worrying central banks

7 9

Shifting weather patterns are reducing crop yields and squeezing supplies, creating what could become a permanent source of inflation

#Food #banks #ecology #pollution #foodprices #Environment #climatecrisis #intelliretail #mediterranean #massextinction

on Wed, 4AM


From phys.org

Climate change is driving tree species towards colder and wetter regions, study shows

2 2

Climate change is likely to drive tree species towards colder and wetter regions of their geographical distribution, a new study has shown.

#climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #massextinction #climatecollapse #BiodiversityCrisis

14h ago


From phys.org

Lawsuit claims Irmo plant polluted Saluda River with toxic chemicals

3 3

A hulking manufacturing plant in Irmo is being accused of contaminating the lower Saluda River and drinking water supplies after dumping toxic forever chemicals into the scenic waterway and its floodplain for years.

#vsn #News #irmo #river #saluda #science #pollution #Environment #leftistnews

16h ago


From phys.org

Study reveals fireworks' impact on air quality

5 6

As Independence Day approaches, Utahns are preparing to celebrate the nation's birth with dazzling displays of light and color. However, a new BYU study published in Applied Geochemistry warns that these festivities come with an often-overlooked hazard: increased air pollution.

#ecology #scicomm #pollution #airquality #Environment #environmentalimpacts #brighamyounguniversity #science #fireworks

on Wed, 12AM


From radio-canada.ca

Des milliers d’évacués en raison d’un incendie en Californie

1 1

Un incendie d'ampleur fait rage en Californie, poussant des milliers d'habitants à évacuer la zone alors qu'une vague de chaleur frappe la région.

#climat #ecologie #etatsunis #pollution #californie #environnement #extinctiondemasse

4h ago


From phys.org

Study highlights tension between Canada's climate and housing goals

3 3

Canada cannot simultaneously meet its targets for emission reductions and new housing unless there's a drastic change in construction practices, according to research from the University of Toronto's Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.

#vsn #News #Canada #climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #leftistnews #massextinction

9h ago


From cnn.com

What’s at stake for the climate if Trump wins? ‘A catastrophic outcome’ | CNN

1 1

While Biden’s legacy will be cemented as the most pro-climate president, Trump would work to unravel the progress, focusing instead on America’s fossil fuel “energy dominance.”

#us #USA #climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #massextinction

19h ago


From corporateeurope.org

Polluters put before people in EU's 'industrial deal' | Corporate Europe Observatory

1 1

In February 2024, big polluting corporations, led by the chemicals lobby group CEFIC, launched the 'EU Industrial Deal', or 'Antwerp Declaration', which pushes for business-friendly EU decision-making, deregulation of toxic products, and more public subsidies for business as usual.

#eu #eupol #pollution #Environment

5h ago

Showing first 20 out of 72