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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From zoom.us

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Toratah Studies Beit Midrash. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

1 1

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Toratah Studies Beit Midrash. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

#jfedi #torah #jewish #judism #Mazeldon #parashat #Jewniverse

22h ago

From zoom.us

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: False Façade and CopyCop: two names for a new Russian influence operation. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.

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Beatriz Marin, from the EEAS, and Clément Briens, from Recorded Future, will present their main findings on a new FIMI operation involving the creation and dissemination of pro-Russian content. The EEAS, in collaboration with Spanish authorities, uncovered the operation and dubbed it False...

#Europe #infops #copycop #disinfo #kremlin #russian #falsefacade

10h ago

From google.com

Exodus Prompts for Beit Toratah Khevrutah Study

1 1

Study materials for Exodus If you can’t see the Table of Contents in a column on the left side of this document, please select “View → Show Outline” from the menu bar at the top of the document. To go to a specific topic, click on its title in the list. Study materials provided by the Shlik...

#jfedi #torah #jewish #judism #Mazeldon #parashat #Jewniverse

22h ago

(Showing 3 out of 3.)