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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #climatedestruction #globalburning #massextinction #irreversibleoverheating #pollution #ecology #globalwarming


From nature.com

Climate change and terrigenous inputs decrease the efficiency of the future Arctic Ocean’s biological carbon pump - Nature Climate Change

2 2

Changes in the Arctic could impact the oceanic carbon sequestration of the region. Here the authors consider regional biogeochemistry, including coastal erosion and river inputs, to show a 40% reduction in the biological carbon pump to 2100 under climate change.

#arctic #ecology #pollution #Environment #climatechange #globalburning #globalwarming #climatesuicide #massextinction #climatedestruction

12h ago


From nature.com

Rapid climate action is needed: comparing heat vs. COVID-19-related mortality - Scientific Reports

2 2

The impacts of climate change on human health are often underestimated or perceived to be in a distant future. Here, we present the projected impacts of climate change in the context of COVID-19, a recent human health catastrophe. We compared projected heat mortality with COVID-19 deaths in 38...

#climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #climatechange #climatecrisis #globalburning #globalwarming #climatesuicide #massextinction

6h ago


From mronline.org

The scientific pain of climate change: Shifting narratives of acceptance and avoidance in climatology | MR Online

1 1

Any time we use to debunk the irrational ideological arguments of privileged people in privileged societies is time lost for serious exploration for how to respond to reality.

#climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #climatechange #globalburning #globalwarming #climatesuicide #massextinction #climatedestruction

11h ago


From barrons.com

Japan Says 2024 Hottest On Record

1 1

Japan's weather agency said Monday that last year was the hottest since records began, mirroring other nations as ever-rising greenhouse gas emissions fuel climate change.

#Japan #climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #climatechange #globalburning #globalwarming #climatesuicide #massextinction

10h ago


From statista.com

Infographic: Where Are Tougher Climate Policies Expected in 2025

1 1

This chart shows the share of respondents who think it is likely that their government will introduce stricter carbon emissions targets (in %).

#climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #climatechange #globalburning #globalwarming #climatesuicide #massextinction #climatedestruction

8h ago


From nationalobserver.com

Entertainment can accelerate the energy transition

2 2

As one of the world's most influential sectors, entertainment is uniquely positioned to shape global narratives and model the practical, low-carbon transition that pushes boundaries and shifts how we talk about sustainability and decarbonization.

#climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #climatechange #globalburning #globalwarming #climatesuicide #massextinction #climatedestruction

13h ago


From utoronto.ca

Forests may be more resilient to climate change than previously thought: Study

1 1

Forests may be more resilient to climate change than previously thought. A team of international researchers have found that increased inputs from plant roots can keep carbon levels in soil stable even as temperatures and nitrogen deposits in the atmosphere rise.

#climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #climatechange #globalburning #globalwarming #climatesuicide #massextinction #climatedestruction

3h ago


From aberdeenbusinessnews.co.uk

Eat local fish: Nutrients 'lost' to exports could help health and climate - Aberdeen Business News

1 1

Scientists who have calculated the UK’s “lost” nutrients from fish exports for the first time are calling for a big push to get more people eating local

#uk #climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #climatechange #globalburning #globalwarming #climatesuicide #massextinction

11h ago


From scientificamerican.com

Biden Awards Three Climate Experts Nation’s Highest Science Honor

3 3

Richard Alley, Lawrence Edwards and David Tilman were among the two dozen honorees who received the National Medal of Science or the National Medal of Technology and Innovation last week

#us #USA #climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #climatechange #globalburning #globalwarming #climatesuicide

5h ago


From theguardian.com

Climate crisis ‘wreaking havoc’ on Earth’s water cycle, report finds

11 11

Global heating is supercharging storms, floods and droughts, affecting entire ecosystems and billions of people

#floods #ecology #weather #droughts #pollution #watercycle #climatecrisis #globalburning #globalwarming #climatesuicide

15h ago

Showing first 20 out of 21