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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From thecooldown.com

Here's how you can get your share of $8.8B in Inflation Reduction Act home energy rebates

5 5

Rebates created by the Inflation Reduction Act for energy-efficient home upgrades could make their way to many homeowners within months.

#Biden #USpol #solar #energy #climate #rebates #JoeBiden #heatpumps #renewables #solarpanels

17h ago


From ft.com

Climate change is pushing up food prices — and worrying central banks

7 9

Shifting weather patterns are reducing crop yields and squeezing supplies, creating what could become a permanent source of inflation

#Food #banks #ecology #pollution #foodprices #Environment #climatecrisis #intelliretail #mediterranean #massextinction

on Wed, 4AM


From theguardian.com

Rishi Sunak fearful of losing his seat, sources say

21 21

PM would become first sitting British leader to be voted out of his constituency if his fears are realised

#Vote #press #ukpol #Politics #toriesout #countbinface #richmondandnorthallerton #ge24 #gtto #COVID

15h ago


From motherjones.com

States could help disabled people survive climate change—by working with them

6 6

Independent living centers save lives in dire weather. Why don't they get a say in disaster plans?

#us #USA #press #ecology #pollution #disability #Environment #disabledpeople #massextinction #climate

19h ago


From slrpnk.net

New Zealand turns to the right | The populist National-led government is undoing many of Jacinda Ardern’s progressive initiatives, including environmental protections. - SLRPNK

1 1

Article is free with registration (use a throwaway email account) > It is reversing a ban on oil and gas drilling, and is proposing a “fast-track” for big projects, including mines, that bypasses environmental checks. It has cut climate programs and jobs, scrapped electric vehicle subsidies,...


23h ago

Showing first 20 out of 130