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149 868 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From openstreetmap.org


20 143

OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.

#M25 #nyc #sea #city #heron #locks #ocean #pylon #water #bcw1d1

4h ago


From youtube.com

- YouTube

5 24

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#Esa #csa #iss #JAXA #NASA #earth #space

on Nov 25


From legacysurvey.org


4 22

DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys The DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys are producing an inference model catalog of the sky from a set of optical and infrared imaging data, comprising 14,000 deg² of extragalactic

#space #galaxy #astronomy

3h ago


From science.social


2 2

Science.Social is an inclusive, decentralized social media platform designed specifically for individuals with a passion for science, fostering a collaborative environment for researchers, educators, students, and science enthusiasts alike. Built on secure, privacy-focused technology,...

#physics #NASA #space #science #astronomy

on Nov 6


From science.social


2 2

Science.Social is an inclusive, decentralized social media platform designed specifically for individuals with a passion for science, fostering a collaborative environment for researchers, educators, students, and science enthusiasts alike. Built on secure, privacy-focused technology,...

#physics #NASA #space #science #astronomy

on Nov 6


From science.social


3 3

Science.Social is an inclusive, decentralized social media platform designed specifically for individuals with a passion for science, fostering a collaborative environment for researchers, educators, students, and science enthusiasts alike. Built on secure, privacy-focused technology,...

#Health #biology #physics #NASA #space #astronomy #science

on Nov 6


From science.social


2 2

Science.Social is an inclusive, decentralized social media platform designed specifically for individuals with a passion for science, fostering a collaborative environment for researchers, educators, students, and science enthusiasts alike. Built on secure, privacy-focused technology,...

#physics #NASA #space #science #astronomy

on Nov 6


From marxist.network

Yogthos (@yogthos@social.marxist.network)

2 6

1.01K Posts, 1.33K Following, 4.87K Followers · A sentience trapped in a prison of meat. Made in USSR. Capitalismus delendum est! ☭

#ussr #space #cosmos #soviet #history #russian

on Oct 29


From universomagico.net

Árbol de Matusalén por Babak Tafreshi

2 2

Martes 14 de Enero de 2025 Esta impresionante imagen del astrónomo Babak ...

#space #UMPlus #astronomy #astrophysics #astrophotography

9h ago


From ctvnews.ca

Jeff Bezos' space company calls off debut launch of massive new rocket in final minutes of countdown

3 3

Blue Origin called off the debut launch of its massive new rocket early Monday because of technical trouble.

#space #business #Technology

15h ago


From blueorigin.com

Home | Blue Origin

12 13

Blue Origin was founded by Jeff Bezos with the vision of enabling a future where millions of people are living and working in space for the benefit of Earth.

#Bot #News #space #raumfahrt #ycombinator #公司網站 #hackernewsbot #hackernews

on Dec 19, 2023


From bytesde.com

Einbruch der Dunkelheit bei Proís de Candelaria – Planetenkonjunktion und Tierkreislicht / La Palma, Januar 2023

1 1

Einbruch der Dunkelheit bei Proís de Candelaria – Planetenkonjunktion und Tierkreislicht / La Palma, Januar 2023https://i.redd.it/bxplmrm84nce1.jpeg

#space #weltraum #cosmology #astrobiology #astrophysics #spacetechnology #weltraumtechnik #planetaryscience #spaceexploration #weltraumtechnologie

23h ago


From bytesde.com

Mehr von meiner Seestar S50-Testversion

1 1

Der Himmel war letzte Nacht recht kalt und klar, also beschloss ich, den Mond mit 1x, 2x und 4x zu fotografieren.Gefällt mir bisher. Ich freue mich darauf, es in ein paar Monaten nach Cherry Springs zu bringen!https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1hzt1eg

#space #weltraum #cosmology #astrobiology #astrophysics #spacetechnology #weltraumtechnik #planetaryscience #spaceexploration #weltraumtechnologie

22h ago


From bytesde.com

Das neue Glenn Launch-Fenster öffnet sich am Montag, den 13. Januar, um 1 Uhr EST (0600 UTC).

1 1

Neue Updates zur Glenn NG-1-Mission | Blauer Ursprunghttps://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/1i028gs/new_glenn_launch_window_opens_at_1am_est_0600_utc/

#space #weltraum #cosmology #astrobiology #astrophysics #spacetechnology #weltraumtechnik #planetaryscience #spaceexploration #weltraumtechnologie

21h ago


From bytesde.com

Eine vereiste Entlüftungsleitung könnte dazu geführt haben, dass Blue Origin den Debütstart von New Glenn abgesagt hat

1 1

Eine vereiste Entlüftungsleitung könnte dazu geführt haben, dass Blue Origin den Debütstart von New Glenn abgesagt hathttps://arstechnica.com/space/2025/01/an-icy-vent-line-may-have-caused-blue-origin-to-scrub-debut-launch-of-new-glenn/

#space #weltraum #cosmology #astrobiology #astrophysics #spacetechnology #weltraumtechnik #planetaryscience #spaceexploration #weltraumtechnologie

15h ago

Showing first 20 out of 110