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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From sciencealert.com

Dogs Can Smell Our Stress, And It Affects Them Deeply

4 4

Dogs can smell human stress, and a new study reveals the scent may trigger a similar emotional effect in dogs, prompting them to make 'pessimistic' decisions.

#News #best #amazing #psychology #ScienceAlert #Breakthroughs #dogsofmastodon #science

15h ago


From arxiv.org

All roads lead to (New) Rome: Byzantine astronomy and geography in a rapidly changing world

2 2

During the first few centuries CE, the centre of the known world gradually shifted from Alexandria to Constantinople. Combined with a societal shift from pagan beliefs to Christian doctrines, Antiquity gave way to the Byzantine era. While Western Europe entered an extended period of intellectual...

#history #histsci #science #histodon #geography #histodons #byzantinum

1h ago


From nature.com

Exclusive: the Trump administration demoted this climate scientist — now she wants reform

3 8

Virginia Burkett has filed a whistleblower complaint, asking for an investigation and better policies to protect scientists against political interference.

#climate #reality #science #Politics #climatechange #tradeforprofit

on Thu, 3AM


From sciencedaily.com

A recipe for zero-emissions fuel: Soda cans, seawater, and caffeine

3 5

Engineers discovered that when the aluminum in soda cans is purified and mixed with seawater, the solution produces hydrogen -- which can power an engine or fuel cell without generating carbon emissions. The reaction can be sped up by adding caffeine.

#Technology #caveat_emptor #sustainability #science

20h ago


From bbc.co.uk

The Battle to Beat Malaria

2 2

In medical science, there’s been no longer harder fight than against malaria. This is the inside story of a historic new vaccine - from the Oxford lab behind the Covid jab. Part of the Horizon strand.

#WHO #bbc #malaria #science #documentary

2h ago


From wired.com

No, You Can’t Have a Solar-Powered Passenger Plane

4 4

Guilt-free air travel is a beautiful dream, but there’s simply no way to get enough solar energy to keep a cabin full of people in the air.

#press #dotphysics #science

10h ago


From sciencealert.com

Weird Rock on Mars May Actually Show Signs of Ancient Life

4 5

A rock on Mars is speckled with signs that it may have hosted life-supporting chemistry billions of years ago.

#News #best #amazing #ScienceAlert #Breakthroughs #science

15h ago


From sciencealert.com

Moderate Drinking Is Not Good For You After All, Study Finds

2 5

Studies that suggest alcohol can be good for you in moderation – and even extend your life – may be based on flawed research methods, according to a team of scientists bent on setting this ubiquitous misconception straight.

#News #best #amazing #ScienceAlert #Breakthroughs #science

19h ago


From sciencealert.com

Mesmerizing NASA Video Reveals Carbon Dioxide Churning in The Sky

3 4

Our CO2 emissions are warming the planet and making life uncomfortable and even unbearable in some regions.

#News #best #amazing #ScienceAlert #Breakthroughs #science

17h ago

Showing first 20 out of 311