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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #spreadlight #goodnewsthread #happynews #communitylove #spreadjoy #positivescience #goodnewnetworkorg


From transistor.fm

The Good News Podcast | Paint Potential

2 2

A new paint has the potential to help buildings react to and change with the seasons. Read more about the paint here

#happy #science #goodnews #happynews #spreadjoy #depression #psychology #spreadlight #communitylove #positivevibes

16h ago


From goodnewsnetwork.org

Good News in History, March 13 - Good News Network

2 2

This daily column at GNN.org features all the good news, anniversaries and notable birthdays from this day in history—March 13.

#happy #science #goodnews #happynews #spreadjoy #depression #psychology #spreadlight #communitylove #positivevibes

14h ago


From goodnewsnetwork.org

A Total Lunar Eclipse Will Pass Over North America Tonight, Here's What to Know About This 'Blood Moon'

3 3

Sometimes called a Blood Moon in the media for the coloration, it should probably be called a coral or a jasper moon.

#fun #space #leisure #stargazing #happy #happynews #spreadjoy #depression #psychology #spreadlight

7h ago


From goodnewsnetwork.org

Swiss Man Reunited with Beloved Dogs After Polish Police Foil Kidnapping Plot

2 2

59-year-old Rolf Wegmüller instead had his two Bolonka dogs stolen before facing a ransom demand of 1 million Swiss francs. 

#happy #science #goodnews #happynews #spreadjoy #depression #psychology #spreadlight #communitylove #positivevibes

2h ago


From goodnewsnetwork.org

Breathtaking Lake Salda Is the Only Place on Earth That’s Like a Mars Crater, Scientists Say

3 3

Surrounded by green hills and beige rock, Lake Salda sits in what is sometimes called the Turkish Lake District, a great place for hiking

#mars #earth #lakesalda #scientists #happy #science #goodnews #happynews #spreadjoy #depression

17h ago


From goodnewsnetwork.org

Boy Who Offers Tombstone Cleaning Services Wins National Attention And Donates Profit to Funeral Charity

4 4

A boy in England who came up with a simple business washing tombstones has been flooded with offers and donations from all over the country. After the national publicity, the young entrepreneur decided to donate 10% of profits to Stevie Stones, a charity that pays for memorials on behalf of...

#uk #kids #charity #heartwarming #happy #science #happynews #spreadjoy #depression #psychology

5h ago


From fastcompany.com

This new paint changes color with the weather—and cuts down on energy bills

1 3

White paint reflects heat. Black paint absorbs it. This paint can do both, resulting in 20 to 30% in energy savings a year.

#happy #science #goodnews #happynews #spreadjoy #depression #psychology #spreadlight #communitylove #positivevibes

16h ago


From sundusliban.com

10 Clear Signs You're Experiencing Personal Growth

1 1

Personal growth is an ongoing journey, and it’s not always easy to recognize when you're making progress. Sometimes, the changes are subtle, and you may not

#mindset #success #selfcare #wellness #happiness #confidence #motivation #goalsetting #inspiration #lifelessons

4h ago

Showing first 9 out of 9